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sF. ]n. kn. Ce- 2012 _neo-thgvkv tPW kt ^ew

IPC Election 2012 - Believer\
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 9, 2012
Views: 24192

IPC Election 2012 - Believer\'s Journal Survey Results.
kt hnP-bn-I

P\-d {]kn-Uv ---: dh. hճ G{_lmw
sshkv {]kn-Uv : dh. sI. Fw. tPmk^v
P\-d sk{I-dn : dh. sI. kn. tPm
tPm. sk{I-dn : dh. kmw tPmv
{Sj-dm : ]n. Fw. ^nenv


{]kn-Uv : dh. sI. kn. tXmakv
sshkv {]kn-Uv : dh. ^nen-v. ]n. tXmakv
sk{I-dn : dh. Fw. ]n. tPmp-Ipn
tPm. sk{I-dn : dh. jn_p s\Sp-th-en
tPm. sk{I-dn : kn apf-aq-n
{Sj-dm : Ipcy tPmk^v

Cu hjw \S-p-hm t]mIp sF. ]n. kn. P\-d, tIcfm tv Iukn Ce--\p-ambn _-sv \S-nb A`n-{]mb ktbvv h {]Xn-I-c-W-amWv e`n--Xv. CUy-bnse Ghpw henb s]-tmkvXv k` F-Xn-\-pdw C{X-b-[nIw P\m-[n-]Xy kwhn-[m\w D k`bpw an-. A`n-{]mb kzmX{yw D-Xn-\m Xs t\Xm--msc `b-s-SmsX Xs ip{iq-j-Icpw hnizm-kn-Ifpw X-fpsS \ne-]m-Sp-I hy-am-p-p-sh {]tXy-I-Xbpw ChnsSbpv.

tPW \S-nb kt Hcp ]m\-ensbpw NphSp ]nSn--m-bn-cp-p. BZy-L kt-bn P\w \nt-in--h-cn BZy aqp-m-\--fn-se-n-b-hsc Ana sXc-s-Sp-n-\mbn Ah-X-cn-n-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p. cmjv{So-bm-Xn-{]-k-chpw amdn hcp kml-N-cy-fpw \ne-]m-Sp-I-fp-samw ChnsS ]m\-ep-I-fn amw hcp-n-sm-n-cn-pw. tPW kt Bcw-`n tijw ChnsS sXc-s-Spv N-I Gsd aptm-p-t]m-bn. tPW Ah-X-cn-n ]ecpw sXc-s-Sp-n a-cn-p--Xn hnap-JX Imp-p. Nne C-hW a-c-n \nsm-gn-hm-bn. Cm-c-W--fm Xs A-s\-bp--hsc thmnw-Kn ]s-Sph Hgn-hm-n-sb-Xpw {it-bw. Fm Ah akccwK-s-n-bm ChnsS cp ]m\-en-embn a-cn-p--h ]ecpw ]cm-P-b-sSpw F-Xn kwi-b-an-. tPW kt-bn Ghpw IqSp-X thmp t\Sn-bXv {_Z Ipcy tPmk^mWv. {_Z ]n. Fw. ^nenv, dh kmw tPmv Fn-hcpw IqSp-X thmp t\Sn-b-hcn s]Sp-p. tIcfm tv sshkv {]kn-Uv m\-tbvv ^nen-v. ]n. tXmakv apn hXpw sk{I-dn m\-tbvv dh. Fw. ]n. tPmp-Ipn apn-se-n-bXpw hgn-Xn-cn-hm-bn. ]m _m_p sNdn-bm, _n. tam\- XpS-n-b-h akcn-p-hm hnap-JX Imp-p. ]m hnk tPmk-^n- s\-tm-se-bp--h C-hW ak-ccw-K-n-sömWv tIġp--Xv.

Fkv. Fw. Fkv, Cu-sa-bn, t]m, sh_v sskv Fo kwhn-[m-\--fn-eqsS thmp tcJ-s-Sp-p-hm-\p Ah-kcw hn\n-tbm-Kn--h 4679 t]cm-Wv. Nne hy-amb eoUp t\Sn-b-tm Nne m\--fn-tev acw ISpXmIp-sa-p-d-v. tIcfm tn sk{I-dn m\-t-p akcw BIpw Ghpw ISp-Xpw {it-b-hpw. ap Nne m\--fn A{]-Xo-nX An-a-dn- km-[yX hf-sc-bmWv. P\w \S-nb A`n-{]m-bhpw hni-I-e-\-fpw bYm ]m\ m\mn-I-fpsS \ne-]m-Sp-Ifpw bmYmyhpw m\mnbpw Icppw _e-lo-\-Xbpw shfn-hm-p dntmp-Ifpw tPW-ens ASpp ew apX hmbn-mw.


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