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sF. ]n. kn. Ce- 2012: {Kqp hnp {Kqp- amw N-I kPohw

IPC Election 2012: Politics and group changing
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2011
Views: 14387

IPC Election 2012: Politics and group changing.
Ip-\mSv: s]s-tmkvXv k`-I-fn Ghpw hmin-tb-dnb sXc-s-Spv \S-p sF. ]n. kn. tIcfm tn {Kqp N-I kPo-hw. `c-W-]-cm-Pbw aqew ASp sXc-s-Sp-n Pb km[yX anb ]mc-cy tNcn-bnse {]ap-J FXn ]mf-b-n-se-n-t-cm X{--fp-ambn cwK-n-d-n--gn-p. Gcn-bbpw sk-dp-sams hmcn-tm-cn-sm-Spv FXn]--ns {]oXn ]nSnp ]m\p {iaw hnP-bn-pthm Fp Imn-cpp ImWmw. FXn ]-p hynsb Ce- Io-j-W-dmmw F hmKvZm-\hpw Cu ]mc-cy tNcn t\Xmhv \In--gn-p. ]cn-jvIrX tNcn-bn tNtdn Itkc Dd-n-p-hm\pw kz-XSn cn-p-hm-\p-ap \ow ]mc-cy tNcn-bpsS inp tIm-am-bn-p-v FmWv ]nm-pd kwkm-cw. taJ-e-Xn-cn-p sXc-s-Spv XncnSnbm-Ipw F `b-m Cu \ntihpambn aptmp h-h Xs Cu ]cn-jvm-c-n\p XS-bn-Sp-hm-\mWv km[y-X. cmjv{Sob AXn-{]-kcw Ipd-bvp-hm-\p {ia-ġv AXv Xncn--Sn-bmIpw FXv Xo. tPW kt-bn CXp-hsc {]Xn-I-cnhscmw Xs Ctm-gs sXc-s-Spp coXnp amw hc-W-sap A`n-{]mbw tcJ-s-Sp-n-bn-cn-p-p.


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samuel (September 3, 2011)
No politics reauired in spiritual realm please.
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