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sF. ]n. kn. Ce- tIfn sImp-bp ]m\ ka-hm-Iy- amdn adn-bpp

IPC Elections 2012 news - Changing Equations
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 11, 2011
Views: 13084

IPC Elections 2012 news - Changing Equations.
Ip-\mSv sF. ]n. kn. tv Ce-\v C\n Hcp hjw Ah-ti-jn-p-s-nepw AWn-b-d-bn k`m cmjv{Sob N-I sImgp-p-I-bmWv. cp tNcn-I-fn-embn ]mc-cy tNcn-sbpw ]cn-jvIrX tNcn-sbpw Xncnp \nv t]mcmSn Ign cp sXc-s-Sp-nepw GI ]ob hnPbw t\Snb ]mc-cy tNcn-bn \nv sImgn-p-t]mv cq-am-bn-cn-p-p, Xosc Zp_-e-cmbn Xd--nb ]cn-jvIrX tNcn ]Xps Ifw Xncnp ]nSn-p kqN-\-I-fm-Wv {]I-S-am-Ip--Xv. k`bvv AtZ-io-b-sapw kwm-\-sa-p-sams hn`-P-\-ap-s-nepw Gsd A[n-Im-c-ap ]Z-hn-I tn-t-Xm-Wv. P\-d Iukn FXv hnhn[ tp-I-fpsS Hcp tIm HmUn-t\-j kanXn F-Xn-\-p-dv {]tXyI A[n-Im-c--sfm-p-an-. AXp-sImp Xs P\-d-ense ]e {]ap-Jcpw tnse Itk-c-I t\m-an-p-I-gn-p. D Itk-c-I t]mIp-sav Dd-mb tnse {]ap-J D]-tZi kwc--W-sams Ifv kzw Itkc \ne \nm-\p {ia-n-em-Wv. hcpw \mfp-I-fn ]pXnb ]m\ ka-hm-Iy- Ipsd-qSn hy-am-Im-\mWv km[yX ImWp--Xv.


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sabin mathew (July 22, 2011)
eni election (Advertisement) parasyam chvar vision channelilum kanaaaam alle,general pastore vijayeppikukuuuu...vijaya thilakm aniyikkuuuuu..nammude swantham MD ye...
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