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sF]nkn ^manentIm^dkv {]b sse {]h\w Bcw`n.

IPC Family Conference Prayer Line Launches
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 4, 2023
Views: 5817

IPC Family Conference Prayer Line Launches.
t_m̬: 2024 BKv 08 apX 11 hsc t_mWn t_mIvkvt_mtdm dosPkn tlm Ishj skdn shNv \S 19maXv sF]nkn ^manentIm^dkns A{Kln\mbn hnhn[ {]m\m klImcnIsf ]sSpnpsImv sF]nkn ^manentIm^dkv {]b sse {]h\w Bcw`n. BKv 08 sNmmgvN sshInv 9 aWnv (Cut̬ kabw) kqw aonwKmbn IqSp {]tXyI tbmKn \mjW Iho\ ]m tUm. tXmakv CSpf {]b sse DZvLmS\w sNpw. ]m _m_p sNdnbm (Cy) apJymYnXnbmbn ]sSpv A{Kl {]`mjWw \Spw.
\mjW {]b tImUnt\amcb ]m ] am, ]m tPmbn hKokv, tem {]b tImUnt\ ]m tUm. tPm am Fnh XpS Znhkfn {]bsse-\v t\XrXzw \w. Fm sNmmgvNIfnepw Cut̬ kabw sshInv 9 aWn apX 10 aWnhsc {]b sse Dmbncnsav \mjW sk{Idn shn amX| Adnbnp.
sF]nkn ^manentIm^dkv 2024 tZiob `mchmlnIfmb ]m tUm. tXmakv CSpf (Iho\), {_Z shn amX| (sk{Idn), {_Z t_h tXmakv ({Sjd), tUm. an tPmPv (bqv tImUnt\), kn scja tXmakv (teUokv tImUnt\ FnhtcmsSmw \nehnep \mjW, tem InnI 2024 se tIm^dkns kpKaamb \Snn\mbn {]hnp h.
kqw sFUn: 874 3299 9289 ]mtkzUv: sF]nkn. t^m: 929 205 6099 tImUv: 87432999289

hm: cmP- Bcy--n, \mj-W- aoUnbm tImUn-t\-


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