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`cW XpSv {]nbXamb sF.]n.kn tIcfm tv XncsSpv.

IPC Kerala State Election Report
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 18, 2019
Views: 6969

IPC Kerala State Election Report.
\mSv: sabv 18mw XnbXn i\nbmgvN cmhnse 7 aWn apX cm{Xn 12:30 hsc \mv \S sF.]n.kn. tIcfm tv `cWkanXnbnte ]Xnsmv PnIfnse thms ]qnbmbn hnPbnIsf HutZymKnIambn {]Jym]np.
]m cmPp ]qhme ({]knUv), ]m kn. kn. G{_lmw (sshkv {]knUv), ]m jn_p t\Spthen (sk{Idn), ]m Um\ntb sIm\nXn (tPm. sk{Idn, ]mtgvkv), {_Z Pn. 檨 hmfIw (tPm. sk{Idn, hnizmknI), {_Z ]n. Fw. ^nenv ({Sjdm) Fnhsc sXscsSpp.
]m cmPp ]qhme 2512 (248 `qcn]w), ]m kn.kn. G{_lmw 3088 (1204 `qcn]w), ]m jn_p t\Spthen 2539 (212 `qcn]w), ]m Um\ntb sIm\n Xn 2456 (145 `qcn]w), Pn. 檨 hmfIw 2402 (60 `qcn]w), ]n.Fw. ^nenv 2464 (134 `qcn]w).


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