Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 8, 2012
Views: 24660
IPC Kerala state election to be held on December 4th.
Ip\mSv: HSphn hnhmZġp hnS. Ce \Sphm [mcWbmbn. sI. ]n. Ipcy {]iv\n Xn XSp \nncp Ce Unkw_ 4 \v \Sphm\mWv tIcfm tv Iukn [mc-W. ]mtgvkv sI. ]n. Ipcy, G{_lmw jmPn Fnhsc DsmnpsImmbncnpw Ce \SpXv. CXpam{Xta t]mwhgn Dp Fv amyafpw km[mcW ip{iqjIcpw ]dXv bmYmyambncnpp. bmYmyanXmbncns ssltmSXn tIkv \Snn\mbn cp etmfw cq] \jvSsSpnbXns DchmZnXzw B hlnpw F tNmZyw tijnpp.
C\n t\pt\ t]mcmns \mfpI. aps]pw Dmbnnm \nebn hodpw hminbpap ]m\ t]mcmamWv Cpdn \SpXv. tv {]kn-Uv m\-tv ]m sI. kn. tXmakv FXn-cn-msX sXc-s-Sp--sSpsav GI-tZiw Dd-mbn--gn-p. ]m ^nenv ]n. tXmakv, ]m Fw. ]n. tPmp-Ipn Fn-hcpsS t\Xr-Xz-n-ep ]m\-ep-I-fm-Wv a-c-cw-K-p--Xv. sshkv {]kn-Uv m\-tv G{_lmw tPmv, cmPp ]qh-me Fo ]m\ m\mn-Isf IqSmsX s{]m^. n. kn. tIminbpw a-c-cw-K-p-v. tv sk{I--dn- m-\-tv ]m ^nenv ]n. tXmakpw Fw. ]n. tPmp-Ip-nbpw {Sj-dm m\-tv kn apf-aq-nepw tPmbn Xm\-th-enepw a-cn-p-p. tPmbnv sk{I-dn m\mn-I-fmbn ]m jn_p s\Sp-th-enepw hKokv am-bnbpw Gp-ap-p-tm Cu tXmakpw F. sI. tdmbnbpw ]m\ m\mn-I-fmbn a-cn-pp. Hw kzX-{-m-\mn-bmbn sI. n. tPmjzmbpw cwK-p-v.
C\n-bp \mfp-I i-amb AWn-bd \o--fpw Imep-am-hpw Hs-smv sF. ]n. kn. tIcfm tv kPohw BIp-I-bm-Wv. t\p-t\ t]mcm--n BmWv tassI Fv ]d-bm-dm-bn-n-. hmKvZm-\--fpw klm-b-fpw \In m\mn-I kPo-h-ambn Ign-p. C\n Hgp-Ip-Xv e-. Imn-cnmw.
why do we need this kind of elections?what ws the earlier system to choose the real representatives of jesus?we all know that what is the which the devotees used in sabarimala melsanthi selection?they are still following some traditional methods?we the followers of jesus do not give time to god for selection?we all know that what method they used in the selection of matthias?I think it is better to conduct a parayer meeting for one day or many days,and invite all pastors to that meeting,after the parayer write down the names of the candidates who want to be selected,put it before the will of almighty ,and selected the tokens for related positions like what the method we seen in the selections of people, by obeying the will of yaah in new and old testaments.