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sF. ]n. kn. kuv Cuv doPn-b ]ncn-p-hnp. ]m sI. kn. tPmWns \S-]Sn hnhm-Z-am-Ip-p

IPC South East region dissolved. Actions of Pastor K.C John becoming contoversial
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 8, 2011
Views: 28166

IPC South East region dissolved. Actions of Pastor K.C John becoming contoversial.
^vtfmdnU: sF. ]n. kn. kuv Cuv doPn-b ]ncn-p-hn-p. Pqsse 23 \v \S Iukn aonwKnse _l-fs XpSmWv Iukn IqSn ]ncn-p-hn-n-cn-p--Xv. \nb-{W hnt[-b-a-msX hcptm Iukn aonw-KmWv km[m-cW ]ncn-p-hn-Sp--Xv. Iukn-ens\ sam-ambn ]ncn-p-hnv {]kn-Uv am{Xw `cn-bvp--Xn ]cs FXnv hn-bvp-I-bm-Wv. Hcp ip{iq-j-Is\Xnsc Btcm-]Wapm-bm {]kv_n--dn-bn-emWv AX v N sNbvXv \S-]-Sn-bp-m-tI--Xv. `c-W-L-S-\m-\p-krXw {]hn-m-sXbpw Iukn aonwKv t\cm-whw {]nsskUv sNm-sXbpw Ccp-nv Iukn-ens\ ]ncn-p-hn-Xv ]m. sI. kn. tPmWns ]nSnp tISv ad-p-h-bvm-\m-sW-mWv ]cmXn Db-cp--Xv. tI{X-e-n \np Nne-cpsS Ifn-Iġv ]m sI. kn. tPm (^vtfmdn-U) Gdmaq-fn-bm-hp-I-bmWv Fpw Btcm-]Ww Dbp-I-gn-p. C\n hnhm-Z--fpsS \mfp-I BIpw F-Xn\v kwi-b-an-.


Displaying 3 Comments
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john (August 13, 2011)
It is absolutely an evident of the inability of Pr. K.c. John, who can't serve as a president of any organization.I also wonder why other council members kept quite while he declare the dissolving statement.He fooled the the general body and entire region by this action.
alex florida (August 8, 2011)
Who authorized him to dissolving the council? IPC South East Region constitution has any close included, President can dissolve the council? I think he should not be entitled as president for any organization, including his Church ministry...
joby (August 8, 2011)
Pls publish these news in english also.we dont knw malayalam
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