Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 8, 2011
Views: 20230
John Thannickal comments on IPC Election process.
sF. ]n. kn. Xnc-s-Spv kw_-n \nt-i- hfsc \m-bn-cn-p-p. Rm s]mXpcwKv kPo-h-ambn {]hn ka-bv ]d-n-p A`n-{]m-b--fm-Wv. Fs hr lrZbw ktm-jn-p. ASp sXc-s-Sp-p- ap-X CXv {]mtbm-Kn-I-am--Ww. Nne XSw \ne-pw. AXn Xfc-cp-Xv. Rm oWn-X-\mbn ]e-tmgpw `h-\-n Ign-bp-I-bm-Wv. Fgp-Xm Ign-bp-n-. tPW-ens \ne-]m-Sp-ambn aptm-p-t]m-Ip-I. ssZhw A\p-{K-ln--s.
for the first time i talked very briefly
with pastor john thannikal at the kerala
pentecostal conference in new jersey (1987). he touched on a subject one afternoon meeting which
was not totally pleasing to the audience,
but i did compliment him that day for
his advanced and revolutionary thinking.
he exhorted the audience to be broadminded and look beyond our denominational walls.
i have seen his picture in some u.s.
magazine while i was india in which he was the
speaker at some world pentecostal
conference. if my memory is correct, you are from ranny. pastor thannikal, our prayers are with you, and be of good
cheer. god is always with you and may
god bless you abundantly.