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Ip-ISn: Hcpklm-b-ns IY

Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Aug 8, 2011
Views: 14175

Kallu kadi: A story of humanitarian help.
tIc-f-n ]p Pohn-n-cp Hcp IYm-]m-{X-am-bn-cpp Imbw-IpfpIm-c-\mb sImp-n. ]W-m-cn \npw sIm-b-Sn-p ]Ww ]mhsh\v \evIp ]Xnhv sImp-n-bvp-m-bn-cp-p FmWv IY. B[p-\nI sImp-n-am CXn-s\-sbmw ISn shp--h-cm-Wv. Poh-Im-cp-Wy-ns t]cp-]-dv ]ncn-s-Sp-p XpI hnZ-KvZ-ambn ASn-p-am-p--h-cmWv \psS In-I. Cu IY tIġp-I.

IYm \mb-I t]cp tI kphn-ti-j-I. {]kw-Khpw Fgp-p-sams tasm-Sn-tv BI-msS Bob ]cn-thjw Dm-n-sb-Sp-n-p-ap-v. BZi-[o-c, D]-tZ-i-n-\p-thn \n¡p t]mcm-fn Fsms Hcp tXmepw Dm-n-bn-p-v. Iq-n kphn-ti-j-n\v Nne-sXms sNm IS-emkp kwL-S-\-bp-ap-v. In hntZ-i-p-t]mbn aS-n-h-p. kvIq Xpdpw Imew. Poh-Im-cp-Wy-m-cpsS NmIc sImbvns kok. Inbpw Hcp hnZym-`ymk klmb hnX-cW Dhw \S-n. \mepIp-n-Iġv Ih-dn-en Nnd klmbw t^mtm-sb-Sp-ns AI--Sn-tbmsS \S-n. klmbw hmm h Ipn-Isf Ih sRn. Iymad shfn--n Nn-d-hm-n-b-h-cn In-bpsS tPyjvTs a-fpw. sXmen-n a-c-n Imm-ar-Ks tXmev]n-p Cu B[p-\n-I-\ptm \mWw.

ASn-p-dnv: CXv t\ml-bpsS Imetam? AtXm temns Imetam?


Displaying 16 Comments
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john (September 5, 2011)
mr. as mathew, you are still not forth coming. you are rolling about your answer. i know you would not be able to answer me. now you are really bringing out a can full of worms. what denominations are you talking about, you can control. are you saying ipc and ag and others? are you living in this century? most of these organizations/people are most independat and they are not answerable to anyone. do you know that most of the leading pastors in ipc are independant enterpreneours. they have their own empires and they do come to america to get money for themselves. not a penny is given to co-workers, but atleast those people about whom you said are independants spend money own co-workers and ministry, otherwise they will have no co-ministers and work. is it not something good this.
you are arguments are becoming sick and flumsy so readers think you are not really of your mind.
i don't know what is your hidden agenda...
a.s.mathew (August 30, 2011)
Brother John: This is the final answer
to your questions. If the person belongs to a particular denomination,
then we have some legal avneues to catch them and to correct them. Most of the people who are greatly engaged in the "foreign visit ministry" are
totally independent: so, nobody can
question them. We may be surprised by the number of "ministry visitors" to the
promised land where milk and honey flow.
Now those days are getting over with, so the flow of the ministers with huge
ministry propaganda would be greatly
reduced which will give a great relief to the believers in the U.S., during the summer months. Very rarely, these
"foreign visit ministers" and other
Christian leaders from other denominations try to visit the U.S. in the winter months. It was a good vacation for all of them.
john (August 23, 2011)
If that was the case (washing dirty linen in public) why did you start it ? You are very inconsistent, no one will take serious note of you. Now you are lessening the crime of the fellow in the argument that he is not well-known. So do you think he deserves your mercy? If that was the case why did you bring this at all. You thought to score a very cheap goal at the expense of the original story of the Journal. That means you lack back-bone(real). Now if the person concerned is not well-known, let me throw a challenge , you name the person and the Indian district he works, I will get his complete profile within 12 hours before the public. Then you will really know my clout.
a. s. mathew (August 22, 2011)
Brother John: I don't want to use the Believers Journal as a forum for a dirty debate and hurting each other.
You are correct. In a Church assembly, the culprit has to be openly admonished and corrected. If that person is not ready to repent and make the necessary restituion, he or she must be expelled. But, exposing the name of a less known person who did some dirty tricks to make money in the name of Jesus, to the whole world is a very sub-standard Christian behaviour. We can tell to our friends, but not at all rational and wise enough to write their names in a publication. "Then shut up and stop the nonsense" was the offending statement you made. If the person is a well known leader of a certain denomination, the name must be exposed after giving him or her some secret warnings. If the person is an unknown person, how we can watch for them? There are hundres of people with the name Mathew-Mark-Luke-John-Paul-Thomas etc etc visiting from many parts of India and Kerala!
john (August 22, 2011)
br.mathew,i am the original john who responded to you (not reporter)and i am sorry i donot know who came later on and replayed here. let me try to answer some of your interesting observations/comments. you asked me to watch my words. do watch your words when you slander ministers (good or bad). i am totaly against anyone who misrepresent the fact even if he/she is big person. you are nothing but coward, who cannot stand by your word. otherwise you would not have afraid the law of the country. why should you fear if you know what you are saying correct.? is the nature of true apostles ? have you found any apostles(eg.paul) talk like this when they need to confront any body within the church. any body would be able to stand by what they say , you are least except , you know there is no difference between you and those people lie (your original comment). i would appreciate that man in india (defender) for the courage he has when dealing with people (though i donot accept all his methods)
a. s. mathew (August 22, 2011)
Brother Joy Chembakasseril: The saints are afraid, as you have clearly stated "curse from God is gong to decent upon them.....". None on the ministries can operate without proper financial backing, and we must not forget that reality. However, a good percentage of the "one man" ministries have turned like a tricky business to make easy money while these ministers take an easy and comfortable vacation in the U.S. When they land in the U.S. soil, they are anointed either as prophets of blessings or curse, and collect money by running the mouth for a few minutes. If the prophecy is scaring, the innocent believers will be pushed into constant worry and anxiety which will make them sick or lead them to tragic end. This sad spiritual drama is played at the stage for a very long time.
chellapan (August 17, 2011)
Moone John-johny-janardhanaaaaa -- Don't be hiding under a fake name-- aa parippu veevathilla keettoo-- moone ponnumoone- Johny, pooyi veere panni nookku !
joy chembakasseril, usa. (August 17, 2011)
@ a s mathew-- i have been observing this phenomenon of misrepresenting facts in the mission field for several years now and it seems strange to me,why 'the people who take pride in the fact that they are truthful and straight-forward' do not respond to these wrong doings of misrepresenting facts. they are all scared that some "curse from god is going to decent upon them if they respond to these so called saints of god". the only motivation to misrepresenting facts is-- money. ofcourse-- the argument might be " let god be the judge, who are we to judge "-- fine, but the fact is that- if you don't respond to a wrong-doing in an appropriate manner-- then,that means you are taking sides with the wrong-doer by being silent. now i am not against a truthful and industrious saint of god-- god bless him/her and they should be richly rewarded, but why can't many of them speak the truth and convince the church that there is an appropriate need for funding and that it deserves attention ?
a. s. mathew (August 14, 2011)
brother joy chembakasseril: what you said is highly true. for many ministers who are fully enaged in the "foreign visit ministry" have no pricking of conscience in exaggerating the numbers. if they have 100 members in the church, some of them will say "1000". when i went to visit a minister whom i have helped in north india, he told me that i should not take anybody with me but he will come and get me from delhi. my host who is also a minister doing god's work truthfully warned me " uncle, you don't know many tricks going on here", so i will take you there. the minister told me 15 co-workers will be there to meet me, but when he heard that my host is taking me, he was upsetted. when we reached there after 120 km drive, only one person showed up. he might have planned to get some neighbhours as his co-workers, and i don't hindi language, so he was trying to fool me. we must help the ministry in any way possible, but we must watch many tricks going on through the ministry.
john (August 13, 2011)
Shame on you Kochunniiii...
johny (August 12, 2011)
if defender is a media they openly mention the names of the person who do bad things to society/churches, why this article does not show the name of the PASTOR???
joy chembakasseril, usa. (August 11, 2011)
how many times have we listen to 'saints of god'? visiting other churches in different countries---while stating how wonderfully the lord carried them through---in their passion 'carrying the word of god'[to the gentiles and multitudes], that they slowly and cleverly squeeze in this sentence-- the lord has helped me plant many churches [not several, but many] and i have 200 churches/300 churches/400 churches,in my organisation---- 'who are we now' the audience ? are we supposed to think, what we hear is true ? now, i know for fact--how hard is to establish 'one church'--now think about 'five' not more. same goes with other endeavors-- home for the destitute--instead of stating the fact or truth that they have ten or fifteen children or persons-- that number runs into hundreds too-- now once i over-heard somebody saying that 'one saint of god' told the other 'saint of god' that when you go to 'america' that's how you speak-- "large numbers"- where are we going ?
a. s. mathew (August 11, 2011)
john: i don't know whether you are living in the u.s. or not. if i am
putting the name of the person who
fooled me, he can take me to the court
(in the u.s.) for "defamation and slander". according to the u.s.
judicial system, even "the criminals are
innocent until proven guilty". indian
visitors are not going to take us to the
court, but he/she can be used by somebody
who doesn't like us, and the legal
procedure will take time-money and our
peace of life. i am sorry that you
never could see the gravity of the
issue in "putting the name of the person" which can lead to a lot of
complications. we shouldn't stop
giving the ministries, but there are
many in the field who are using god's
name to make money by displaying the
suffering people in our home land. some of them are doing as a group and
share the same pictures and make a lot of money through such "fake charity
a. s. mathew (August 11, 2011)
John: I don't know from your comment, whether you are challenging me or the reporter of the news! When we put the name of these crooks, that will then turn as a "SLANDER". By giving a direct indication about some regular visitors who are using such tricks, the readers can be cautious in the future. "Shut and and stop nonsense" was a very substandard statement from your side. You must watch your words very carefully in the future; not to offend other people. If you have shooted those words towards me, let me tell you that I write comments in some of the leading news papers, both in India and the U.S. for the last few years. Indeed, started writing comments in the U.S. news papers 40 years back.
john (August 9, 2011)
Why not name the fellow? Are you coward to point finger? Tell the world the name and let people be aware of such crooks. If you cannot put the name and stand by what you say, then shut up and stop nonsense. With love
a. s. mathew (August 8, 2011)
while i was waiting to catch a taxi in front of my friend's guest house in delhi, one smiling person came there and someway impressed me and my friend that he is working with our friend dr. p. p. job. four years back my friend called me from chicago that this fellow needs my help to give a ride from the bus station to the conference hotel, 130 miles away. i told the visitor that i will pay the taxi fare when coming to my home. he came to my home, acted like he is in the u.s. for the first time, but it was the 10th visit. he told the story of orissa, he saw a family of 7 half-naked children licking the drops of mango juice in competition. he told the same story in the neighbouring city at the previous year and got lakhs of rs. my friends who gave him money knew that he was in my home, warned me to be careful about his tricks. he was interested to give a small dose of whipping. hundreds of crooks are visiting the u.s. to rip off the innocent believers with such tricks, beware of them.
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