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Ip-ISn: Hmpw tXm¡p \nd-w amw

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 24, 2012
Views: 13098

kallukadi: The color change that defeats even the chameleon.
s]s-tmkvXpImsc-tmse kml-N-cy-a-\p-k-cnv \n¡m ]Sn ]pn-I thsd-bn-. kml-N-cy-a-\p-k-cnv \ndw amdm\pw ]w ]nSn-m\pw Imep-hm-cm\pw Ahp Ignhv Hp thsd Xs. AXn\v Da DZm-l-c-W-amWv Nv Hm^v tKmUv Hmhkn-b Ce- Ign--tm ImWp-hm Ign--Xv. Ign Znhkw hsc ]m Fw. Ip-n-bpsS ] v \n¡pIbpw Iukn Ce--\n a-cnv ]cm-P-b-s-Sp-Ibpw sNbvX Hcp hyn-bpsS samss_-en \npw ] ep e`n Fkv. Fw. Fkv. ktiw C-s\. Nv Hm^v tKmUn C{Xbpw hnZym-`ymkap \njvI-f--\mb hnip--\mb thsd-bm-cp-v. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv kmdn\v Hmhkn-b Ce--\n thmp sNp-I. Fkv. Fw. Fkv. ktiw e`n Hcp ]m Cu am\ytZ-l-tmSv tNmZn--tm e`n adp-]Sn C-s\-bm-bn-cp-p. HmSp ]nbvv Hcp apgw aps Fdn-b-s. F-s\-bpv _pn. CsXmcp kmw]n am{Xw. Ihj tUn-b-n Imep-am--ns Zriy--fmbncpp Fhn-sS-bpw. Imep-am--n-sbpw If-w am--n-sbpw e-W- cq-am-bn sIm-n-cn-p-p. ]nXpW hoc-m Bth-i-n-em-Wv. sPbnw kv km Pm{KssX!

ASn-p-dnv: sXmen-n a-c-n Imm-ar-K-sbpw \nd-am a-c-n Hmn-s\bpw shp GI Pohn s]s-tm-kvXp-Im-c-\-msX thsd-bm-cm-Wv.


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joy chembakasseril. (February 4, 2012)
kaalu maattom - kaalu maattom --- vaalum koodi oondaayirunneeanghil!!! pastor: p j james avarukallkku ---- anumoodhananghal !!! kunjappy saareea paarkkalaam !!! they both are two extremes -- two different personalities !!! pastor p j james is a more educated person ! pastor kunjappy is a more practical person ! oru change eppozhum nallathaanue, allenghil erikkunna kaseearaa thurumbhikkum !
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