Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 19, 2012
Views: 19909
Kumabandu Sangamam doing charitable works.
Ip-\mSv: Ip-\mSv kwK-a-ns Npa-X-e-bn Poh-Im-cpWy klm-bhpw kph-\o {]Im-i-\hpw \S-p. Ip-\mSv ssh. Fw. kn. Fbn \S NS-n dh. tPmbn G{_lmw Ay--X-h-ln-p. dh. t__n hokv (sF. ]n. kn. P\-d sshkv {]kn-Uv) kt-f\w DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. kph-\o {]Im-i\w tImbn-pdw ]m-bv {]kn-Uv \ne amXyqkv ]m cmPq ]qh-m-ebvv \In \n-ln-p. tPm ssdkv, tPm. sI. amXyp, kn apf-aq-n, dh. n. sI. tPm, kmw tXma-kv, ]m sI. tPmv amXyp, men tPmv, sdPn ^nen-v, AUz. jmw Ipcphnf, km_p Nm{]-v, ]m hokv tPm XpS-n-b-h {]kw-Kn-p. Poh-Im-cpWy klmbhnX-cWw dh. tPm imap-th \S-n. 19 t]mWv Ip-\mSv kwK-a-ns hI-bmbn klmbw \In-b-Xv. Ip-\mSv kwKaw {]kn-Uv {_Z. Nmtm o^, kph-\o No^v FUn- cmP Bcy--n, Ip-\mSv kwKaw {]h-I-cmb {io. kn sImSp--d, kmw tXmakv XpS-n-b-h t\XrXzw \In.
Every congregation has several departments and many directors-Presidents-secretaries etc. Let every local congregation form a department for "evangelization and humanitarian service". The senior citizens of various Churches in each city can get together and make some trips to the interior parts of India or any other country if possible, and find out the struggling Ministers and Churches and help them directly. God will bless those Churches greatly. Also, we must pray very earnestly to raise up our children to be used in the Ministry, as full time Ministers or along with their secular jobs. God is not a respector of persons. There are hundreds of professional ministers landing here to attend power conference-fire conference-leader's leadership conference etc, then roaming around without any ministry. They must be discouraged through our luckwarm support.