Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 8, 2012
Views: 36964
Latha Nair after Nazeela Beevi.
\Übpw \koe _ohnbpw Ac-s§m-gn-ªn-S¯v C\n Infn-cqÀ s^bnw eXm \mbÀ. eXm \mbsc s]s´t¡mkvXv thZnbnse¯n¡m³ {iaw XIrXn. BcmWv Cu eXm \mbÀ? Ignª Hcp ]Xnämne[nIambn tIcf¡csb Cf¡nadn¨ IhnbqÀ, InfnbqÀ s]¬hmWn` tIkpIfnse {]Xnbpw tIcf¯nse hmÀ¯am[ya§Ä AXoh {]m[m\yt¯msS At\zjW dnt¸mÀ«pIÄ ]pd¯phn« At©mfw t]cpsS acW¯n\p ]n¶nse kq{X[mcbpamb eXm \mbÀ F¶ Ip¶´m\w sN§cqÀ kztZinsb aebmfn A{XthKw ad¡nÃ. injW \S]SnIfpsS `mK-ambn Pbn hmk¯nem-bn-cp¶ eXm \mbÀ am\km´cs¸«Xmbn hmÀ¯]c¶ncp¶p. Pmay-¯n Ign-bp¶ AhÀ km£yw ]dbp¶ AhØbnte¡v I¬h³j³ thZnIfn F¯s¸Sp¶p!
ChÀ km£yw ]dbm³ F¯p¶ {]_p² tIcf¯nse P\kmam\y§Ä¡p ap¼n Hcp sXämb ktµiw hnizmkkaqls¯¡pdn¨v {]Ncn¡m³ ImcWamIpw. tIcfw I Gähpw {]amZamb s]¬hmWn`tIknse {]Xnbv¡v Xmc]cnthjw NmÀ¯nsImSp¯psImv NneÀ \S¯p¶ Xcw XmW {]NmcWw \½psS hnizmknbXsb XIÀ¡pw. \koe_ohnbpsS I]S AhImihmZ§Ä¡p tijw \½Ä t\cnSm³ t]mIp¶ Gähpw henb Xncn¨SnbmIpw eXm \mbcpsS km£yw ]d¨nÂ. s]mSn¸pw sXm§epw sh¨v hymPIYIÄ ]dªp]c¯nb \koe _o_n C¶v Gsd¡psd thZnIÄ¡v ]pd¯mbn Ignªp. eXm\mbcpsS cwK{]thi¯n\v hgnsbmcp¡p¶Xv tImgnt¡mSpÅ {]nk³ an\nkv{Sn F¶ Øm]\amWv. amdm-\mYm sldmÄUv F¶ ]{X-¯nse ]c-ky-¯n ]d-ªXv sk]väw-_À 16\v tImgn-t¡mSv \S-¡m-hn eXm \mbÀ km£yw ]d-bp-sa¶mWv. F¶m `À¯m-hnsâ Akp-Js¯¯pSÀ¶v eXm \mbÀ F¯n-bn-à F¶mWv At\z-j-W-¯n Adn-ª-Xv.
{]nk³ an\nkv{Sn¡mÀ XShpImtcmSv kphntijw ]dbp¶Xpw. AhÀ am\km´cs¸Sp¶Xpw \ÃImcyw Xs¶. A§s\ eXm\mbcpw Xn·IÄ Gäp]dªv ]ÝmX]n¡psa¦n \¶v. ]t£ Ah kaql¯n\v t_m[ys¸Sp¯n sImSp¡m\pw A¨S¡apÅ Hcp {InkvXp injybmbn HXp§nIgnbm\pw {iant¡Xn\v ]Icw Ct¸mÄ \S¯p¶ km£y ]d¨n amam¦w {InkvXob hncp²hpw kmaqlyhncp²hpamWv. {Inan\epIÄ¡p AgnªmSm\pÅ thZnbà kphntij aÞew F¶dnªv Xev]c I£nIÄ ]n³hm§p¶nsæn s]s´t¡mkvXns\ Im¯ncn¡p¶Xv ISp¯ A]hmZ {]NcW§fmhpw.
to a.s.m-- i am not blaming you for the comment,but that we have right under our nose which needs a fixing,before we turn to others and also this is something that struck my spiritual feelings long time ago and that you just alerted me now! god is asking--- "aenikkum ninakkum thammil madhyasthan aarr" which means- god doesn't like us to have an intermediary,he doesn't like us keeping a distance with him. god has given us the privilege to go closer to him to have a direct communion with him! we doesn't need an intermediary for a blessing! by saying that i am no disputing the fact that god can work through a second person,but to walk around to find a market to sell spiritual-blessings is definitely wrong! beware-- these are end-times and unrighteous prophets will rise,and they are out there, use diligence !!!