Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 11, 2011
Views: 17947
Mathai Chacko (92) promoted to glory.
sS\nkn (Nm\qK): shqnd, henbImembn ambn Nmtm (90) Htm_ 10mw XnbXn Xnfmgv sshInv 11:10 \" \ncymX\mbn. Htm_ 14mw XnbXn shnbmgv sshInv 6 apX 8:30 hsc Nm\qKmbnep lcntPv ^pWd tlman s]mXpZi\n shpXpw, 15mw XnbXn i\nbmgv cmhnse 10:00 apX 12 aWn hsc ohnenep shvtam Nv Hm^v tKmUv Nn shv kwkvImc ip{iqjIfpw \SXmW'.
BZyIme s]tmkvXv {]hIcnsemcmfmbn ammbn Nmtm, shqpd Nv Hm^v tKmUv k`m AwKambn. a: Genbm D (bp.Fkv.F), tacn amX| (bp.Fkv.F), eoem hdpKokv (U ln), enkn tXmakv, Beokv amX|, cmP Nmtm, tXmakv Nmtm, hnkn G{_lmw, sPen tXmakv (Fmhw bp.Fkv.F). aa: ]m, Fw.n. amX|, _m_p hKokv, ]m ]nenv tXmakv (__p sNdpIc), ]m tXmakv amX|, kPn\n, kme, tPmk G{_lmw, jm_p tXmakv. IqSpX hnhcġv: ]m D 4232273754, cmP Nmtm 4233144999, tXmakv Nmtm 4233142843.
While attending his funeral, many new
information came across, about his self-less Christian life in loving God's children of all denominationas. He never tried to solve a problem through
the application of politics or confrontation; but through total humility-love-and smile. In those days
while the Pentecostal believers were
ridiculed by the mainlines Churches,
like a great soldier of JESUS CHRIST,
he did sing the song " JEHOVAH DAIVAMAM" in courage and faith. More than 30 Churhces are in his hometown
because of his simple faith and dedication. It was a great joy and honour to know him personally for a very long time.
Pastor C.C. Thomas conducted the service,
keepting the time and the format very unique. It was not a time for anybody to shine, but to participate
sincerely at the funeral of a great
servant and child of God.
Achayan's life will be remembered and will be an inspiration to many in t