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t\mv Atacn Nv Hm^v tKmUv knh Pq_nen tIm^dkv Umfkn.

NACOG 2022 silever Jubilee confrence
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 15, 2022
Views: 1857

NACOG 2022 silever Jubilee confrence.
Avem: t\mv Atacnbnsebpw Im\Ubnsebpw aebmfn ssZhk`m kaqlns s]mXpthZnbmb F.-F.-kn.-H.-Pn. tIm^dkns knh Pq_nen tIm^dkv 2022 Pqsse 21 apX 24 hsc Umfknse sakvIznv Ishj skdn \Sw. ]m tPmkv FnmSv ({]knUv), ]m kn Xmgmw (sshkv {]knUv), ]m G{_lmw tXmakv (sk{Idn), {_Z hnk hKokv ({Sjd) FnhsS t\XrXzn D tZiob Inn tIm^dkns hnPbn\mbn {]hn.
temI {]ikvX {]kwKIcmb ]mtgvkv _\nk ambn, ] sNdnbm, jn_p tXmakv, tPmcy, kn_n tXmakv, Bhn D, ^ntPmbv tPmk, kphn. hneyw s_an Fnhw ap ssZhZmkmw hnhn[ ktf\fn ip{iqjnw. Pqsse 23-\v cmhnse 10 aWnv \S knh Pq_nen ktf\n 50 hjne[nIw Imew Atacnbn Xmakntbm ip{iqjntbm sNbvX F.-F.-kn.-H.-Pn. NpaXebn Bbn IrZmkmsc BZcnw. ktf\ns BwKteb hn`mKn-\v ktlmZcmcmb tUhnUv amX|, Pn\nv hnf, tPmb amX| Fnh {]hn.
]m F_n am (tem Iho\), {_Z tPmjz tPmk^v (tem tImUnt\), ]m ^nt\mbn tPmk (tem sk{Idn), {_Z hKokv tXmakv (tem {Sjd) Fnh {]mtZinI Xen {]h\ GtIm]nn.


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