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tdj³ IStbm AXp kmcansÃt¶..

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 16, 2013
Views: 24548

Never mind the ration shop incident.
Cu IY FgpXp¶Xv Hgnhm¡m³ tPWepw ]camh[n ]cn{ian¨p. ]´ocm­v Imew \mbnsâ hmev ægen«mepw ægseSpçt¼mÄ hfªpXs¶bncnçsa¶v ]dªXpt]mse Cu almtami¡mcsâbpw ass\hnbpsS IY FgpXm³ \nÀ_Ôn¨Â F´p sN¿pw AXpsIm­v ChnsS XpS§s« ass\hnbpsS hocIYIÄ.

k`hw \S¶n«v ætdImew AbXpsIm­v ]eêw Cu IYIÄ adìIméw F¶mWv Cu \oN³ hnNmcnç¶Xv. A§p sIm¨p tIcf¯nsâ sNdnb {Kma {]tZiambnê¶ sh¨q¨ndbnemWv kw`hw \S¶Xv. ass\hn BIme¯v \à Unamâmbnêì F¶mWv AhnsS \nìw e`n¨ dnt¸mÀ«v. ]et¸mgpw cm{Xn Ime§fn Xmakn¨mWv ass\hn ho«n F¯nt¡m­nê¶Xv. Hê Znhkw Cu am\y h\nX hfsc Xmakn¨v ho«n F¯nbt¸mÄ tXmÀ¯v DSp¯v A¸³ apä¯v CcnçIbmbnêì. At¸mÄ CXm hêì IYm \bnI. A¸³ Bt{Imin¨p sIm­v tNmZn¨p FhnSmbnêì \o CXphsc. ISXpd¡m³ Xmakn¨p F¶ ]gb AShp Xs¶ ho­pw {]tbmKn¨v XSn X¸m³ {ian¨p. Acn taSn¡m³ t]mbhfpsS ssIbn a®®bpw I­t¸mÄ A¸³ tNmZn¨p a®® F´n\mSn hm§n¨Xv AcntaSn¡m³ a{Xsa Rm³ Iip Xs¶mÅtÃm ]ns¶ \o F´n\mSn a®®bpw IqsS hm§n¨Xv F¶v F{X tNmZn¨n«pw adp]Sn In«mXmbt¸mÄ DSp¯nê¶ tXmÀ¯v ap­pw DSp¯psIm­v A¸³ t\sc tdj³ ISbnte¡v h¨v ]nSn¨p. AhnsS sN¶t¸mÄ BfpIÄ Iq«w Iq«ambn \n¶v kwkmcnç¶Xv I­t¸mÄ Ft´m ]´ntISv tXm¶n. F´mW¶v tNmZn¨t¸mgmWv tdj³ IS apXemfnbpsS A½mh\mWv kw`mhw hnhcnç¶Xv.

C\nbpw kw`hw hnhcn¡mw sh¨qsNd F¶ Øe¯v ]s­mcn¡Â Hê tdj³ ISbp­mbnêì. IYm ]pêjsâ ass\hn IeymW¯në ap³]v B tdj³ IS¡mcëambn _Ô¯nembnêì. Hê Znhkw Cu am\y bphXn tdj\cn hm§m³ Cu ISbn t]mbn. Xn¦fmgv¨ sshIn«v GXm­v 5 aWn¡mWv kw`hw. tdj³ ISbpsS ASp¯apdnbnemWv Acnbpw a®®bpw Hs¡ kq£n¨nê¶Xv. k`hw hnhcn¨ IS apXemfnbpsS A½mh³ A]nNmcnXambn apXemfnsb ImWm³ ISbn h¶XmWv ap³ hmXn Xpdì InS¶ ISbn Bscbpw ImWmXmbt¸mÄ Xs¶ AIs¯apdn AS¨n«ncnçì. IXIn\v sIm«n t\m¡nbt¸mÄ ho¸bn ap«p¶ iÐhpw Btcm A\§p¶ iÐhpw tI«t¸mÄ A½mh³ ASp¯pÅ IS¡msc hnfn¨p Iq«n At¸mgmWv ISbpSa ]cn{`an¨v ]qd¯v Cd§n h¶Xv. CS¡n¡nS¡v ISbpSa dqante¡v HfnI®n«v t\m¡nbt¸mÄ kwib tXm¶nb A½mh³ AIs¯ apdnbn Ibdn t\m¡nbt¸mÄ ho¸¡v CSbn Ft´m A\§p¶Xp I­p. A§s\bmWv ass\hnsb sXm­n klnXw ]nSn¨Xv. shfn¨w CÃmXnê¶ dqan \S¶ IY hnhcnç¶nÃ. IqSpX hnhc§Ä ASp¯ e¡w

ass\hn¡v ]e hnhmlmtemN\IÄ h¶n«pw \S¡msX h¶t¸mÄ A¸³ Chsf AêsSsb¦nepw Xebn sI«n sh¡m³ {ian¨p. AhÀ¯\ ]pkvXIw 23 þsâ Hìw c­pw hmIy {]Imcw tbmKy XbpÅ Hê ]pêjpt\sb¦nepw In«nbm aXnbmbnêì F¶v A¸³ aXnbmbn B{Kln¨p. A§s\ Ccnçt¼mÄ BWv ta ]dª hmIy {]Imcw tbmKyXbpÅ H꯳ sIm¨dbn Ds­ìÅ Imcyw Hê km[phmb D]tZin ass\hnbpsS A¸t\mSv hnhcnç¶Xpw Cu AtemN\ \Sç¶Xpw. hnhml¯në ap³]v ass\hnbpsS IYIÄ sIm¨d¡mcmt\mSv ]eêw [cn¸nçIbp­mbn. F¶m sIm¨d¡mcsâ adp]Sn AXp ]gb IYsbtà tdj³ ISsbsà kmcanÃ. IÀ¯mhv ]dªncnç¶Xv Ggpw Fgp]Xph«hpw £an¡Wsa¶mWsÃm. A§s\ Cu hnhmlw sIt¦ambn \Sì. IeyW¯n\v Cu tdj³ IS¡mct\bpw ho«pImÀ £Wn¨nêì. (hnfn¡msX XcanÃmtÃm). IeymWw Ignª sIm¨d¡mcëw ass\hnbpw IqsS ]pd¯p \nevæt¼mÄ tdj³ IS¡mc³ sIm¨d aWhmfsâ tXmf¯v X«nsIm­v C§s\ ]dªp Ab¡mcn BbXpsIm­v ]dbpIbà CuizcNn´bpÅ Hê s]s¦m¨mWv ChÄ. CXp tI« am{Xbn sIm¨d aWhmf³ tImÄabÀ sImÅqIbpw apIfntem«v t\m¡n ssZhs¯ kvXpXnçIbpw sNbvXp. hnhml¯në tijapÅ ass\hnbpsS aäp _豈 ]pdImse.

Umfknse Cu ]dbp¶ kplpÀ¯n\v Rm³ Cu abn Ab¨psImSp¯v F¶Xv kXyamWv F¶m Hê _meëw sImSp¡m\à Rm³ Ah\v Cu sabn Ab¨Xv. Ft¶mSv tNmZn¨t¸mÄ F\n¡v e`n¨ hnhcw Ah\b¨psImSp¯XmWv. B Cu sabn Atacn¡bn ]eÀçw e`n¨Xpt]mse F\nçw e`n¨XmWv AXv AXpt]mse Ahiys¸« Chëw Rm³ Ab¨p sImSp¯p. BÃmsX Cu \oN³ sN¿mdpXpÅXpt]mse AXnë sImgp¸pIq«n Hìw Rm³ sN¿mdnà t«m.

Cu \oN³ ]dbp¶ Umfknse kplr¯pw, GPâpw Hê Imcyw HmÀ¯m \¶v s]ê¼mhqsc aª]{Xhpw, sskänepw \nsâ sh«n¸pw X«n¸pw _¡n IYIfpw IW¯nÃmbncnçw ]s£ atemsc IYIfdnt¡­n h¶m AXp Xm§¯nà t«m. IYIfpsS Hê Iq¼mcw Ds­¶Imcyw ad¡mXnê¶m \ÃXv. Cu kplpÀ¯v koUn hnäpw ]W]ncn¨pw AXnsâ HcnhnlnXw Xëw FSpçì­¶ hnhcw UmfkpImÀs¡Ãmw AdnhnÅXmWv. ]Ww ISw hm§nbn«v tNmZn¨m³ Ahs\sIm­v Rm³ FgpXn¸nçw F¶s¡ `ojWns¸Sp¯nbIYIÄ ]pÀ¯nd¡tWm Umfknse X¼pcms\. I®mSnIS eoKemtWm F¶v Hm¯m \¶v. tijw ]n¶mse.


Displaying 3 Comments
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american pentacostal malayaalee (April 19, 2013)
Let the truth be known, what an excellent piece of work.
tharakan houston (April 18, 2013)
i totally agree with the earlier comments.i also feel everybody who is supposed to support pcnak leadership is afraid somthing. may be they have some bad marks in their clothes. i dont understand why they are afraid to give writers award this yr. only because they fear tsb.

it is shame on our so called writers award committee.why why why our pentacostals afraid tsb. what happened to you all.
pcnak supporter (April 18, 2013)
where are american pentacostal person tried to attack our pcnak

and i feel everybody scared something.nobody has the courage to respond to those person. ignoring the leadership. if we don't want this fellowship, let us stop it. pcnak is not for RA or Pr.SP. if we are not responding against it, do you think RA or anybody will loose anything. we are loosing. if pcnak a failure this year ,nobody can blame the leadership. i blame the whole pentacost community.come out

let us stand for our leadership.
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