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s]-tmkvXv {]v Atkm-kn-tb-j\v ]pXnb `mc-hm-ln-I

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 1, 2011
Views: 20794

New Leadership for Pentecostal Press Association.
Xncp-h: s]s-tmkvXv ]{X -DS-a-I-fp-sSbpw ]{X -{]-h-I-cp-sSbpw s]mXp-th-Zn-bmb s]-tmkvXv {]v Atkm-kn-tb-j\v ]pXnb `mc-hm-ln-Isf sXc-s-Sp-p. Xncp-h--bn \S P\-d t_mUn-bn-emWv sXc-s-Spv \S--Xv. {_Z tXmakv hS-t-pv, Im\w A, ]m ]n. G{_lmw, apwss_, sI.F. d (A-ssUz-kdn t_mUv), {_Z kn. hn. amXyp, KpUv\yqkv ({]-kn-Uv), tXmakv tXm-bv, ]m t__n IS--\mSv (sshkv {]kn-Up-am), ]m sP. tPmk^v (P-\-d sk{I--dn), ]m kmwIpn amXyp, {_Z ^nn. ]n. amXyp (sk-{I--dn-am), ]m jn_p sI.amXyp ({S-j-dm), ]m cmPq B\n-mSv ({]v _v sk{I--dn), In AwK--fmbn jmPn amdm-\m-Ym, kmw. n. apJ--e, Fw. hn. ^nen-v, kn apf-aq-n Fn-h-scbpw sXc-s-Sp-p.

s]s-tmkvXv Fgp-p-Imcpw ]{X-fpw A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-p {]iv\--fn {]Xn-I-cn-p-Xn\v Cu s]mXp Iqmbva thZn Ime-L--ns Bh-iy-am-Wv. Cy-bnse {][m\ ]-W--fnepw tp-I-fnepw {]v Atkm-kn-tb-js Nm]vdp-I Bcw-`n-p-hm\pw s]s-tm-kvXns aqey-fpw D]-tZ-i-fpw kqn-p Fm s]s-tmkvXv am[y-a-sfbpw AwK--fm-p-hm\pw P\-d t_mUnbn Xocp-am-\-ambn. ]{X-ġpw Fgp-p-Impw {]tbm-P-\-s-Sp \ne-bn hnhn[ {]h\ ]-Xn-I- \S-n hcp-p-sav `mc-hm-ln-I Adn-bn-p. {]v Atkm-kn-tb-j-\n AwK-Xz-sa-Sp-p-hm B{K-ln-p {]kn-o-I-c-W-fpsS Npa-X-e-m P\-d sk{I--dn-bp-ambn _-s-tS--Xm-Wv.

IqSp-X hnh-c-ġv
]m sP. tPmk^v
t^m: 9447455820


Displaying 3 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
john christy, thiruvalla, india. (April 2, 2011)
to joy kottayam, i regret if i hurt your feelings or anybodies feelings for that matter! i tried to make a point and i think i did! i also thought you would take it in the proper prespective, but that didn't happen! i did not mean to sarcastically say that the new ppa incumbents are incompetent or incapable, if thats what you mean to say, but that i have seen some factionalism in certain writers forum committees! some of them exists not for promoting true talent and press media but to promote their own agenda! i beg a pardon for my past sins and i hope i find you back in good spirits!
joy kottayam, kerala (April 1, 2011)
i totaly disagreed with john christy's command in this matter. i strongly believe new ppa leaders are capable and will do their job as desired. if you read their past article they posted in different media and their leadership preformance you will not make this kind of command.
john christy, thiruvalla, india. (April 1, 2011)
There is no official incentives to these titles of office bearers! The sole intention is to have an occasional camera attention and show some muscle power on the writers and press media, isn't that true ?
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