Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 1, 2011
Views: 20794
New Leadership for Pentecostal Press Association.
Xncp-h: s]s-tmkvXv ]{X -DS-a-I-fp-sSbpw ]{X -{]-h-I-cp-sSbpw s]mXp-th-Zn-bmb s]-tmkvXv {]v Atkm-kn-tb-j\v ]pXnb `mc-hm-ln-Isf sXc-s-Sp-p. Xncp-h--bn \S P\-d t_mUn-bn-emWv sXc-s-Spv \S--Xv. {_Z tXmakv hS-t-pv, Im\w A, ]m ]n. G{_lmw, apwss_, sI.F. d (A-ssUz-kdn t_mUv), {_Z kn. hn. amXyp, KpUv\yqkv ({]-kn-Uv), tXmakv tXm-bv, ]m t__n IS--\mSv (sshkv {]kn-Up-am), ]m sP. tPmk^v (P-\-d sk{I--dn), ]m kmwIpn amXyp, {_Z ^nn. ]n. amXyp (sk-{I--dn-am), ]m jn_p sI.amXyp ({S-j-dm), ]m cmPq B\n-mSv ({]v _v sk{I--dn), In AwK--fmbn jmPn amdm-\m-Ym, kmw. n. apJ--e, Fw. hn. ^nen-v, kn apf-aq-n Fn-h-scbpw sXc-s-Sp-p.
s]s-tmkvXv Fgp-p-Imcpw ]{X-fpw A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-p {]iv\--fn {]Xn-I-cn-p-Xn\v Cu s]mXp Iqmbva thZn Ime-L--ns Bh-iy-am-Wv. Cy-bnse {][m\ ]-W--fnepw tp-I-fnepw {]v Atkm-kn-tb-js Nm]vdp-I Bcw-`n-p-hm\pw s]s-tm-kvXns aqey-fpw D]-tZ-i-fpw kqn-p Fm s]s-tmkvXv am[y-a-sfbpw AwK--fm-p-hm\pw P\-d t_mUnbn Xocp-am-\-ambn. ]{X-ġpw Fgp-p-Impw {]tbm-P-\-s-Sp \ne-bn hnhn[ {]h\ ]-Xn-I- \S-n hcp-p-sav `mc-hm-ln-I Adn-bn-p. {]v Atkm-kn-tb-j-\n AwK-Xz-sa-Sp-p-hm B{K-ln-p {]kn-o-I-c-W-fpsS Npa-X-e-m P\-d sk{I--dn-bp-ambn _-s-tS--Xm-Wv.
IqSp-X hnh-c-ġv
]m sP. tPmk^v
t^m: 9447455820
to joy kottayam, i regret if i hurt your feelings or anybodies feelings for that matter! i tried to make a point and i think i did! i also thought you would take it in the proper prespective, but that didn't happen! i did not mean to sarcastically say that the new ppa incumbents are incompetent or incapable, if thats what you mean to say, but that i have seen some factionalism in certain writers forum committees! some of them exists not for promoting true talent and press media but to promote their own agenda! i beg a pardon for my past sins and i hope i find you back in good spirits!