Wednesday, July 17, 2024 |

]pXnb env

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 16, 2013
Views: 22959

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]nkn\mv, hme, tdj IS, Dufmd Fo hnjbfpambn _s hmI ]pXnb hb\mv {]tbmP\w sNphm thn tlmw t]Pns apIfn hep hip Idv Cjp FXns Xmsgbp Un^UbpFkv.HmKv F env DsSpp. {Inan\ env ASnb hnhcmhIi dntmv, KqKnfn {]knoIcnncn dntmv, Adnemb s]tmkvXpImsS s]w hmbpamb bqq_v Ct^msaj Fnh Bhiysan XmaknmsX {]knoIcnXmWv.


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perfect christian (July 16, 2013)
It is absolutely right..Baal is the first one to point fingers @ others. Now its time he gets the same treatment.. Let the world know baal is a criminal and his job is to engage in criminal activities.. His whole you tube arrest video should be immediately put in the link.. Baal is the scum and we will spit on him.. Do not show any mercy to Baal... He does not deserve any mercy.. He has destroyed lots of peoples lives and made their families walk with their heads down. and he mocked @ them and made a living by hurting others. My question is where is all his agents now?? Tit for Tat assho**
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