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]m ]n.C. Cu (79) \nXyXbn.

Pastor P.E Eapen promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 16, 2013
Views: 22722

Pastor P.E Eapen promoted to Glory.
Unt{Smbnv: FdWmfw ]memcnhw imsew]pcnbn ]m ]n. C. Cu (79) G{]n 14 RmbdmgvN sshInv 5:30 \" Imhn \nZr{]m]np. Atacnbn Unt{Smbnn hmbn Ayw.

tv t{SUnwKv tIm]tdj\n \nw dnb sNbvX tijw sshZoI hnZym`ymkw \nhlnbpw, XnSv \odntmSv, sImSIc, Beph, ]pXnbImhv (XrqWnd) Fo sF.]`Ifn i|{iqjnp. Nne hjfmbn GI aI tXmakv Cut\msSmw Unt{Smbnn hn{ia PohnXw \bnp hcnIbmbn. Xs Npnb ip{iqjm Imebfhn k`Iġv Bcm[\mebw ]WnbpXnw, hnizmknIfn kphntij the hnfnbphsc t{]mmlnnv sshZoI hnZym`ymkn th HmiI sNbvXv AbXnw, \n\cmb hnZymnIġv hnZym`ymk klmbw sNpXnw Xs ]cnanXamb kmoI t{imXpI hn\ntbmKnp. A`hIYI DsSpn cp {K٧ cNnv {]knoIcnnpv. aqmatXns ]Wnpcbnembn. kphntij thetbmSp Xs B`napJyhpw Dmlhpw \nanw Nne \mfpI Xs kzw `h\w H sshZoI hnZym`mk m]\amn {]hnn. Xmemthmfw Irthebn hnhn[ \nehmcn BtcmKyw AhZnnXkcnv ]mfnw hlnp h.

sF.] ap {]knUv ]m n.Pn. Ds Cfb ]p{Xn Genbm Cu\mWv `mcy. a: Fenkt_v ^nenv, `mhv ^nenv sI.amX| (sNne), A amX|, `mhv sNdnbm amX| (Avemm), tXmakv Cu, `mcy t{Kkv tXmakv (Unt{Smbnv).


Displaying 5 Comments
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robby (May 3, 2013)
Simple and dedicated man of God!
joy chembakaseri (April 24, 2013)
"a simple person with a humble heart" is what, i would like to describe about epachaayan as he is affectionately known. pastor p.e. eapen has been known to me for several years. at times we used to get into meaningful dialogues, sometimes we agree and at times we prefer to disagree. i recall that epachaayan made sure there is a smile on my face before we departed after a disagreement. i never knew epachaayan would depart from our midst that soon. i was sadden to hear the untimely demise of our epachaayan, pastor p. e. eapen and i express my heartfelt condolence to the grieving family.
pastor mathew v ninan (April 20, 2013)
Santhamma joins me to sent this heart felt condolences on the sudden passing away of Pastor PE Eappachen(Babychen)."We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." (2 Cor 5:8) May the peace of God which passes all understanding be with Elikutty and children and comfort them.
pastor k.p. varghese (April 19, 2013)
2 Corinthians 5:6-8 "6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."

Extending our deepest condolences to the family members of this great man of God. May the Lord comfort you.

Pastor K.P.Varghese & the Congregration at Shalom I.P.C.
pastor rajan george (April 17, 2013)
on behalf of our family and the church " faith christian church" royal oak, mi, we express our deep condolence to the beloved family members who are grieving at the departure of pastor p e eapen.

may the lord comfort you all and give you peace.

pastor rajan george, troy, mi usa
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