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]nkn\mv sNbn ^mnwKv tabv Hn XpSp.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 25, 2013
Views: 19301

PCNAK 2013 Chain Fasting Prayer to start on May 1.
Pqsse 4 apXe 7 hsc IWnn lmvt^mUv \Kcn shv \S apn HmmaXp t\mv Atacn aebmfn s]tmkvXv (] tIm^dkns A{Kln\mbn sNbn ^mnwKv sabv amkw Hmmw XnbXn Bcw`n. tIm^dkv XpSp Pqsse 4 hsc AtacnbpsS hnhn[ `mKfn D ssZhP\w CXn ]tN.

A{KloXcmb {]kwKIsS H henb \nc Cu hjw ssZhw \Inbnpv. Ahsc ssZhw iambn D]tbmKnXnw ssZhP\w H ]pXp DtjtmsS aSn t]mtIXnw thn {]mnWsaw \mjW I ho\ tUm. kn ^nenv Adnbnp.

Atacnbn At\Iw DWhpI Bcw`nXv \} Cwv {]tZifnemWv. Fm Cv B e ssZhs ad PohnhsS Xmhfw BWv. As\bp H ep shv BZyambn \S ]nkn\mv AhnsS H ssZhnI ki\w Dmhm ImcWamIs. {]m\bm AXn\mbn Ifw Hmw. ^nenv (Iho\), cmP Bcyn (\mjW sk{Idn), tPmbnkv ]n. amX}kv (\mjW {Sjdm), Bjnjv tP_v (bqv tImUot\) FnhcmWv 31maXv ]nkn\mn\v t\{XXzw \Xv.

Cu {]m\ bRvPvn ] tNhm \ntfbpw Wn.

hm AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm, \}tbmv


Displaying 17 Comments
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nybeliever (May 3, 2013)
I am going to this conference.
newyorker (May 2, 2013)
I am going for this conference. I expect great blessings.
longtimer (May 2, 2013)
The like dislike ratio shows clearly who is clicking on it. With over 4000 visits to this page, if there is 9 dislikes, can't you figure out who clicked on it. It is the super spiritual hypocrites cringing with the spirit of Saul who cannot stand the thought that the conference will happen successfully despite their year long negative campaign. God bless them!
prince joseph (April 30, 2013)
I am going for this conference.....

ss chicago (April 30, 2013)
i am going to the conference....and please join me in this campaign... please open your mind and post that you are going. by no means, we should ignore our conference. the general body elected officials and they should continue to do the best they can and they are doing it....they are coordinators and they are not gods... they are just humans.... please come to our pcnak. we all worked so hard for this conference in the past and don't destroy because some fellow far away mocking our conference's name with such street language.... those who listen to his comments are like him..... do not lower your standard.... he hasn't seen the world you did american malayalees.. god bless.
mathew samuel-ny (April 30, 2013)
PCNAK general body selected 2013 leaders. Their job is to coordinate this conference. My job as a delegate is to go enjoy the wonderful meetings, fellowship with my friends from all cities. We should all come together and enjoy this moment whether you are IPC, AG, COG, Sharon, Independent, or an observer. It is a fellowship of all Pentecostal malayalees. Leaders please do not put any division among people. If you cannot attend for whatever reason, people respect you but do not discourage others. It is like that saying “ Patti pullu thinnulla, pashune pullu theettikeum ella”. Do the right thing believers.
joy chembakaseri (April 30, 2013)
A TRAIN can derail, but we don't abandon it, that train is put back on the rail again, for a forward journey. We sometimes fall down, but we don't stay there, we always try to get up to walk again. Likewise, when things go bad, it cannot and shouldn't be bad for ever, there should always be room for reconciliation . If you (whoever) are a believer who cannot accept that, then what kind of theology are you trying to convey. God the almighty always welcomed reconciliation and repentance !!!
gc (April 29, 2013)
This conference will be a great success... I am attending this conference. How about you??? If so, please post.....
newyorker (April 29, 2013)
the current pcnak officials are trying their best to do a good conference this year as authorized by the general body in hamilton. it is sad that a group of people are still working overtime to defeat them. leave them alone. let them do their job. it is not spirituality. it is humanity. if your spirituality does not exceed common human decencies, what is the value of it?
mj (April 28, 2013)
“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” Winston Churchill
betty mathew (April 27, 2013)
I am planning to attend the conference. This is Malayalee Pentecostals only get together once in a year.. I am not going to listen to those who wants to destroy this fellowship. God is great.
well wished (April 27, 2013)
God will answer the prayers. Fear God not man. ''Simayi" will be there always. David always trusted in God.
mic (April 27, 2013)
We should not allow a single person sitting 1000s of miles away to control the spiritual gathering.
p j (April 27, 2013)
The best move of all. Fasting and Praying will give the result. I am planning to attend the conference....God bless.
pastor (April 26, 2013)
Prayer will do it. God bless all
varghese (April 26, 2013)
why don,t disclose your name? Are you afraid?
believer newjersey (April 25, 2013)
Fasting and prayer is always a good sign before starting all spiritual fellowship.Ts Balaan please leave pcnak its own way,don`t try to destroy it. U can accuse pcnak officials and they will accuse to you back.After this year july current pcnak officials will leave and new officals will take leadership and ex officials will go there own way and they don`t care of pcnak and totaly it damages this fellowship.Tsb told that he never received any money from anybody other than small donations from believers and the money from books and cds. Tsb i am the witness, one day you received few lakhs of rupees from a person to settile his moral issues. i have all evidence, if u go to attack pcnak again, i will disclose everything with evidence.
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