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31m-aXv ]n. kn. F. F. sI. {]tam-j-W aonwKv sS-kn-bn \S-p.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 15, 2013
Views: 22688

PCNAK 2013 Promotional meeting in Tennessee.
PCNAK 2013 Promotional meeting in Tennessee
Nm-\qK (sS--n): Ign 30 ]cw hj--fmbn \Ss-SpXpw s]-tmkvXv hnizm-kn-I-fmb t\m-ta-cn- ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS sFIy-ns {]Xo-I-hpamb t\m-ta-cn- s]-tm-kvX tIm^-dkn (]n. kn. F. F. sI.) s 2m-aXv {]tam-j-W aonwKv sS-n-bn \S-p. P\p-hcn 6mw XobXn sshIp-tcw 6 aWnv Nm-\qK {InkvXy Iyq-Wnn Nn-emWv 31m-aXv tIm^-dkns {]tam-j-W aonwKv \S--Xv. Ign Ime--fn sS-n-bn \S {]tam-j-W aonw-Kp-I-fn ]s-Sp hnizm-kn-I-tf-m IqSp-X hnizmknI Cu aonw-Kn ]s-Sp-Xv 31m-aXv tIm^-dkn h ]m-fnXzw Dm-Ip-sa-mWv ImWnp-sXv A[y-X hln ]m F. kn. D {]kvXm-hn-p-I-bp-m-bn. ]m F. kn. D sSnbn \S ]n. kn. F. sI.-bpsS ap tem Iho-\dpw sF. ]n. kn. kuv Cuv doPn-bs Ctm-gs sshkv {]kn-Upw dohm Xntbm-f-Pn- skan-\m-cn-bpsS {]nkn-m-fp-am-Wv.

\mj-W sk{I-dn cmP Bcy--n, \mj-W {Sj-d tPmbnkv ]n. amXyqkv Fn-h 31m-aXv tIm^-dkns {Iao-I-c-W--sf-p-dnpw CXp-h-sc-bp {]h\ ]ptcm-K-Xn-tb-p-dnpw \mj-W, tem I-n-bpsS {]h-\--sf-p-dnpw hni-Zo-I-cn-p-I-bp-m-bn. Ata-cn--bn \npw Cy-bn \npw hntZ-in-Ifpw kztZ-in-I-fp-amb {]kw-K-I, Kmb-I Fn-hsc Wn-Xp-Iq-SmsX A\p-{K-l-]q-amb Hcp tIm^-dkn\v th Fm-hn[ Xm-sd-Sp-p-Ifpw \Sn Ign-p-shpw Ah ]d-p.

]m F. kn. D-\n \npw BZy cPn-kvt{S-j\pw kvt]mkjnpw kzoI-cn-p-sIm-v \mj-W {Sj-d tPmbnkv ]n amXyqkv sS-n-bnse cPn-kvt{S-j Inv Hm^o\vv XpSw Ipdn-p. ]s-Sp-hcpw cPn-kvt{S-j t^mapw kvt]mkjnv t^mapw {Sj-dsd Gev]n-p-I-bp-m-bn. Nm-\qK slt{_m sF. ]n. kn.bnse Izb Km\- Be-]n-p.

]m entm- k--dn-b, ]m cmPp kvIdn-b, Chm amXyp imap-th (]n.ssh.]n.F {]kn-Uv, sF. ]n. kn. kuv Cuv doPn-b), {_Z tPmv ]b-p-hn-f, {_Z Fw. sI. amp-Ip-n, Chm. F_n G{_-lmw, {_Z jn_p tPm Fn-h Biw-k-I Adn-bn-p. ]m ^nenv sNdp-Ic \n ]d-p. Fm Rmb-dm-gvNbpw sshInv 9 aWn apX \S-p {]b sse\n-s\-p-dnp hni-Zo-I-cn-p-Ibpw {]b ImUp-Ifpw ]n. kn. F. sI. FbpsS HutZym-KnI ]{X-amb "]nkn-\mv sldmUpw' hnX-cWw sNp-Ibpw sNbvXp.

IqSp-X hnh-c-ġv cPn-kvt{S-j\pw kin-p-I.

Up. Up. Up. ]nknFFsI.sImw

hm AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm (] tem aoUnbm tImUnt\)


Displaying 3 Comments
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sp (February 6, 2013)
truth teller, if you are a public figure, you have to keep the dignity of your organization and your teachings. otherwise don't try to be a public figure. even if god is forgiven, you have to stay away for a while.
manoj (February 6, 2013)
Hello Truthteller, if it is not about one individual, then ask that individual to move away from PCNAK leadership so this conference would happen with out hindrance. Remember, for every coin there are two sides.
truthteller (February 5, 2013)
it is very sad to see some people trying to destroy the pcnak conference, which has been a blessing to a lot of people.

if a leader comitted a mistake and he is forgiven by god, can we not forgive? that is assuming something happened!

jesus said lookng at a woman with the wrong intentions is adultery. and none of us are guilty of that? has this person done anything that would be illegal in the eyes of the justice system?

now all these kapada sadacharikal has come out against the conference. having lived in ny area for 27 years,we know about most of these pastors who have come out against the conference. trust me we have stories, well, that does not justify wrong doing and i am not about to unload dirty laundry here.

but come on people, support the conference, it is not about one induvidual, glorify god!! stop using this time to promote yourself by writing obvious articles about standards of conduct even a little kid knows.
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