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PCNAK 2013: Successful end to a blessed 4 day conference
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 12, 2013
Views: 40499

PCNAK 2013: Successful end to a blessed 4 day conference.
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PCNAK 2013: Successful end to a blessed 4 day conference
IWnvv: 31mwXv s]tmkvX tIm^dkn\v Pqsse 7\v A{KltmsS kam]np. IWnv lmt^mUv Ij skdn Pqsse 4 \mWv Atacn aebmfn s]tmkvXpImsS sFIy th[nbmb ]nkn\mv tIm^dkn\v XpSw dnXv. AtacnbpsS hnhn[ kwm\fn \nw Bbnc ]sSp ]nkn\mv 31maXv sFIy ktf\w \mjW Iho\ dh. tUm. kn ^nenv DZvLmS\w sNbvXp. ]m tXmakv InSmen ko\w hmbnp. tUm. t__n hKokv (sF.] P\d sshkv {]knUv), dh. tUm. tPmbn]n D (\|tbmv knn {]b s^temjnv tImUot\), ]m sPbnw tPmv D (^vtfmsdmU), dh. jmPn Um\ntb (sSIvkmkv), ]m tXmakv amX| (ap ]nkn\mv Iho\), ]m tPm tXmakv (l}̬), ]m Cutim ^nenv (ap ]nkn\mv Iho\) XpSn {]apJcmb ssZhZmkmw _men\v ap]n appaSm BbncfpamWv Cu NXp Zn\ ktf\n ]sSpXv.2000 ]cw cPnkvt{Sj e`nXv kwLmSIsc ApXsSpn. hymgmgvNbpsS XpSw Xs dqapw ^pUpw XoXn\m Bhiymv ap tlmepI FSptXmbn h.]m tPm tXmakv (\|tbmv), ]m tPm tXmakv (l}̬), ]m jmPn Um\ntb (Umfkv), ]m tXmakv amX| (Hetlma) Fnh cm{Xn aonwKpIfnepw, ]m Cutim ^nenv, ]m kmw kn kmapth, ]m kmapth AeIvkm, ]m tPbnwkv G{_lmw, ]m hnn G{_lmw, tUm. cmP tPmv, kn kqkn hKokv Fnh ]I \S hnhn[ skIfn A[yXv hlnp.dh. tm_n samv tKmadn, dh. B. G{_lmw, dh. kmv ]p, dh. kmw sNZpssc, dh. t\m_n ]n. tXmakv kn ] apXenbm Fnh hnhn[ aonwKpIfn {]mkwKnIcmbn. dh. tPbnwkv tPmv D, dh. PnPn t]m Fnh ]cn`mjsSpn. \|tbmv, IWnv, s]kn th\nb, sSkn, shPo\nb Fn efnse bph P\ hnhn[ aonwKpIfn Km\ Be]np. apJy KmbI\mb _nPp \mSns {ipXn a[pcamb Bem]\w lrZyXXbpWn. _nPp hStcncbpw A\n Ceqw FIvk hn._n.Fkns `mKambn nIġv thn \Snb ]cn]mSnI h hnPbambn.bphP\ġv thn {IaoIcnn aonwKpI, kvt]mvkv XpSnbh h hnPbambn Xo. t\gvkpamsc BZcnIbpw ]nkn\mns hIbmbn Kn^vpI \evIbpw sNbvXXv t\gvkv ktf\ns hnPbambn. KpUv\}kv, lmtep, a긨, ss{IkvXh Nn, _neothgvkv tPW, kp`mjnXw, Dakv{Xn, tIcf FIvkv{]kv Fo aoUobIfpsS tmfpI {]hnp. aebmfn s]tmkvXpImsS GI Nm\emb ] hnj Nm\ens Soapw {]hnmbn.]m Ds {]mY\tbmsS Bcw`n Bcm[\v Xnhmg ip{iqj dh. tUm. t__n hokv t\{XXzw \evIn. ]m kn Xmgn ko\w hmbnp. ""`bhpw `oXzhpw Dh Hgnp t]mIs'' Fv ko\neqsS Atlw DZvt]m[nnp. dh. tUm. kn ^nenv {]kwKnp. _n hStcnc, kwn Nmtm Fnh BiwkI Adnbnp. \mjW sk{Idn cmP Bcyn \n Adnbnp. kmoI `mcfnmsX A{KlIcambn Cu tIm^dkv \SXn `mchmlnIfpw {]Xn\n[nIfpw ssZhn \n ]dp. Hw Cu tIm^dkn klIcn Fm ssZh ZmkmtcmSpw ssZh P\tfmSpw `mchmlnI \n Adnbnp.dh. tUm. kn ^nenv, {_Z cmP Bcyn, {_Z tPmbnkv ]n. amX}kv, {_Z Binjv tP_v Fnhcmbn 31mwXv tIm^dkn\v kmcYyw AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm


Displaying 19 Comments
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pcnak fan (July 14, 2013)
mr curious you may not attend too many pcnak conference right? do you know how many people attend in the canada conference? do yo know how many people were in california conference? if you don't i will tell you less that 2000 people. 4000 is not the average. depend on the state that conference hosting. because of the newyorker pastors boycott ofcorce there is few less than it supposed to be. i am sure it is well over 2000 epole were in ct conference. if not how the *** they raise this much money. i think they are not raised any money from any major cities do you know. people those who attend the conference were anti balan people do you now. you are not deserve to get any answers from officials. if any doubt call the ra or sp they can give the correct count. otherwise belive what balan says up to you.
pcnak fan (July 14, 2013)
mr curious pcnak 2013 is not like canada confrere. if you need to know more detail about the registration count and detail of the financial report you can see it in detroit conference. this conference officials are well prepared and they will provide the correct information over there. make sure you register in the next conference do not expect any administration report before the next conference. if some one wants to know before that too bad that is not the way pcnak operate. ra and sp know how to handle and they are capable to do that. if they can run this conference with out newyorker pastors support they will do the rest after the conference. wait and see that day. thant is what i think. valan may ask same thing who cares his request anyway.
curious (July 14, 2013)
i was at the meeting and supported you guys.. your writing prove to me you lie a lot. you stated there were more than 2,000 people. can you publish the registartion sheet? also, how can you say it was successful conference even there were 2,000 people when we always had average 4,000 people? why are you saying false statements? is it to glorify god's name? learn to say the truth even if it hurts.
titus - hyderabad (July 14, 2013)
when i was going through the photos and vedios ,one thing i understood how great our our god is!.he uses imperfect people to do his ministries.though i first believed vaalan's words it wouldnt be successful.but i thank lord for his mercy and favour endures forever.valaan made a lot of rumours like aryapally is like that ,sunny philip is like that ,promotional meetings are failure,whoever attend s the meeting will *** with vaalan;s defender .how shame on you vaalattii vaalan.we know you never will repent from what u r doing.god never uses perfect people for his and your agents may think watever u r doing is for god ,smetimes u may win,but think how many famylies are crying,dont u think that god wont hear their cries.god is the lord of is high time to repent and get some souls for god.any how pr.sunny philip and mr.rajan arayapally continue with your good workyou may give account to god wat u do. may god bless you all.
tresurer friend (July 13, 2013)
Treasurer bouhgt a new house......few months munpanu anu tresurer veedu vangichathu.public recordsil ullathanu. Balan's chattanooga agent avasa kachavadakkaran vallakulam veeranum, zeeyon churchil penkonthanp hossai (meni matthen cousin) um anu chattanooga agent.aa churchine viddi sabha ennanu chella peru.aviduthe appotholante karyam parayukayum venda
happy (July 13, 2013)
Nalla Thamas anu this site. gan ennum read cheyum. Thanks both for entertaining me. Tv watch cheythu tired ayi. eppol ente time spent cheyunne itha. Nall joke. Great write more, i want to read more. thanks for making me happy.
john,tn (July 13, 2013)
Treasurer brought the house few months back. Avalanche only knew by now. I think he is behind on his investigation. Nalla thamasha! Otthiri chirippickkathe njjaggale. Agent umbrellas vacationationiil anno Baaleeta?
babumon (July 13, 2013)
Balanmon 16th nu 31st PCNAK vilayiruthuvan pokunnu polum.chirichu chirichu mannu kappunnu. onnu po mone dhinesha.....ninte vikruthikal kandu kandu inium njangale chirippikkalle kutta.....
pcfan (July 13, 2013)
This is his second attempt to destroy the people and the conference in North America. First one was the ipc family conference then pcnak. Both failed. Thank you everyone for your courage. May god give you strength and wisdom to know the work of the devil and stay away from avalanche and his agents.

babu. new york. (July 13, 2013)
kalla pastor marude vilayattamane ippol evidayum. pasdtor baril kandathe sathyam alle ?? pirakil kanunnathano sausu. kollam. vila iruthal nannai. pirakil kanunna nalla onnam tharam johny nwaker anu mone dhinesa. allathe sausu alledo manushya. kanne thyuranne nokke ?? pub ennu vechal entha. pennungal thuni pariche adunna place. alle . avide pastor thuni pariche adan poyatha ??
babu, new york (July 13, 2013)
halo. pottanmare. pottatharam ezhuthathe. kanne adache irutte akkalle . athe poochaya. kashttom. pcnak vijayicho ?? evide ?? neril kandavarkke ariyam sathyam. 1000 thazhe alukale undayirunnullu. athalle sathyam. ezhuthi vidan eluppama. pcnak yude charithrathile van parachayam ane 31 st pinnakke. ippol kadam illennu veenpe ilakkunnu. pinneed parayalle...thendalle. appol kanam
arripally fan (July 13, 2013)
Don't listen any barking from future editions. You are the man. Give no attention to July 16th edition. no body expected such a blessed conference. you showed the world God was with you in all these troublesome days. now you are successful, because of God's favor.
tony vadakan (July 13, 2013)
Dear Arriapplly, I really appreciate you for your courage and boldness to coordinat this pcnak so successfully. You are the one really need appreciated because you got all the attack, not only yourself but your entire family .Pr.SP also got some attack but you are the one got more. But you stood like David before Goliath. You proved you are a real leader. Many opportunities are waiting for you. One day you can be the convener of pcnak. wish you all the best.
pottakannante mavelare (July 12, 2013)
Valan vilayiruthum pottakannante mavelaru pole..... Anekare pinmattathilakku naicha ee sathante santhadhikkethire viswasa samooham orumichu nilkkanam.
trooooooooooooooooth (July 12, 2013)
31st pcnakinte ettavum valya vijayam...perumbavoore 'paithal' or bal..parayunnathellam pacha kallamanennu viswasikaleyun lokatheyum bodhyappeduthan kazhinju.balinepole cheenjupoya oral pentecost samoohathil vere illennu janam manassilakki. bal parayunnathu kallamanennu balinte supportersinum sathyam manasilakan 31st pcnakine daivam upayogichu.mumpu njanum bal paryunnathanu sari ennu viswasichirunnu. but ,now i knew bal is no.1 fraud.balinu vartha kodukkunna charanmare nale bal vettayadum.avar sookshichal avarude manam (manamundenkil)povilla.balinu haiyyo kashtam. oru mun pastor ithrayum adhappathikkan varshamenkilum phalam kayikkumo ennu karuthi daivam chuvattil kodali vachu kathirikkunnu......illenkil daivam vettum bale....karanam pavangalude kanneer daiva sannidhiyilundu bale....
from ny (July 12, 2013)
"pastorkku barilentha karyam" ivan manushyane thettidharippikkukayanu. ithu connecticut convention centerinte thazheyulla hotel anu. pala tharatthilulla sausukalum oilukalum anu. allenkil thanne ethenkilum pastor familyumayi baril kayari photo edukkumo. vere vartha onnum illa athinu chumma vallom angu ezhuthum. ee pastor ne ellavarkkum ariyavunnathanu. athmeeyaraaya ivare ee pig budhimuttikkukayanu. angadiyil thottathinu ammavanodu.
from ny (July 12, 2013)
thathkaalam ebikkoru kuzhappavum illa. balan parayunnathupole alla ebi. manavum maryadakkum jeevikkunnavananu. balante makan tharikidayum koode padichavarkku parayum anennu kettittundu.
real bp (July 12, 2013)
Adutha Pinnakke njann potticholam. Puthiya agentenmare njaan hire cheeyan pokaannu.2013 is history.

tea yes balan (July 12, 2013)
ee conferancinu ente calculations pizhachu. ennaal next conferancinu njaan kaanichu tharaaaaam......ketto aaryaaaappalleeeee
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