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{]XoI DWp ]nkn\mv Pqsse \mepapX IWnn

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 30, 2013
Views: 24933

PCNAK 2013 to be held in Connecticut On July 4th.
\|tbmv: Pqsse \mepapX Ggphsc IWnn \SXpw t\mv Atacn s]tmkvXv aebmfnIfpsS sFIythZnbpamb ]nkn\mv hopw hchmbn. Cu hjw \SXv 31mwXv tIm^dkmWv. Ign 30 ]cw hj apSw IqSmsX \S h Cu Bob sFIy kwKaw Cu hjw `wKnbmbn \Shm th {IaoIcW Fmw Xs ]qnbmbn IgnncnIbmWv. 31mw aXv tIm^dkns\qdnp BiIfpw AkzXIfpw XpSn Xs Nne tI{ {]ISnnpshnepw BiIġXo\ambn 31mw aXv tIm^dkv A{Klambn \SpXn\v t\XrXz]mShw sXfnbnv \mjW tem InnbpsS ItmpIXbpw ssZhZmkmsSbpw hnizmknIfpsSbpw \ntem`amb t{]mml\hpw t{]cWbpw Bbn `mchmlnIġv DtP\ambn XoXv. Ah Rġv \evInb t{]mml\hpw klIcWhpw \ntbmsS kacnIbmWv \mjW sk{Idn cmP Bcyn Adnbnp.

A`h kpw m\hpw t\Snb kp{]kncmb ssZhZmkmw {]apJ KmbIw Cu hjs tIm^dkn\v Fn tNaw, IS h P\ns Bob A{KltmsSmw Xs tIm^dkv lmfn\Spv Xs Xmak kuIcyhpw `Whpw {IaoIcnncnXv Cu tIm^dkns {]tXyIXbmsWw \mjW Iho\ ]m kn ^nenv Adnbnp. CXot\mSIw Xs AtacnbpsS hnhn[ ]Wfn {]tamjW aonwKv \S Ignp. ^vtfmdnU, sSn, l}̬, Hetlma, Unt{Smbnv, s]knth\nb, NnmtKm Fo efn \S {]tamjW aonwKv h hnPbambn. ASp aonwKv Pq 9 \v \}tbmn shpw AXntijw Umfkv, Aemm FnhnSfnepw \Sphm {IaoIcWfpw ]qnbmbn.
kmoI klmbfpw ]ckyfpw \evIbpw cPnkvt{Sj FSpIbpw sNbvX ip{iqjIm, hnizmknI FnhtcmSv \n AdnbntXmsSmw Xs C\nbpw ]cky \evhmw cPnkvt{Sj FSphmw Xmcyaph F{Xbpw thKw FSpWsav \mjW {Sjdm tPmbnkv ]n. amX}kv Adnbnp.

bphP\ ktf\ns {][m\ LSIfmb a}knv _mpw ImbnI acn {IaoIcWfpw ]qnbmbXmbn \mjW bqv tImUnt\ Binjv tP_v Adnbnp. 16 SoapIfpsS acamWv Cu hjw \SsXw Atlw Adnbnp.

tIm^dkns Fm hn[amb \Snn\mhiyamb t{]mml\hpw kmoI klIcWfpw \evInb FmhtcmSpw \n AdnbntXmsSmw tIm^dkns hnPbnw A{Klnambn {]mnWsaw `mchmlnI A`ynp.

hm AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm, aoUob sk{Idn


Displaying 11 Comments
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believer ny (June 15, 2013)
Appreciate Joy Chembakaseri. How can we call ourselves spiritual people and be nothing but negative all the time?
joy chembakaseri (June 12, 2013)
@ thepraize-- i acknowledge your appreciation of me with great respect and i value your response with high regard. i do that not only because of your appreciation, but you were frank enough to express your appreciation, in an arena were malayalees are struggling, due to ??? you belong to a special brand of malayalee, i salute you !
thepraize (June 6, 2013)
@joy chembakaseri : sir you were spot on, and i hope our respected readers would agree completely that garbage apart, eternity is more important than all the trivial concerns and we need christ all the more these days to lead a life worthy of the call, there are times i wonder had we known christ and his true sufferings for us,we would have,been completely transformed and be more diligent in all our ways.

joy chembakaseri (June 6, 2013)
" puthiyoru naaleea uddhikkum - annu manava silpi ezunnallum - manninntteea swappnaghal niraveerum - "pcnak" anaaswaramaakum "

prejudice - reservations - apprehensions - preferences - ego clashes - character assasinations - grudges - revenge - avenge - vengence - envy - malice - pride - distress - confusion - distortion - misrepresentation - misappropriation and any more negatives that can you think off, has no place in the spiritual world. it all add up to as a pile of garbage and nothing or no good for anything or anybody nor does it serve any positive purpose.

lets dump all of this in the garbage and take a deep breath !

take a solemn pledge to make this pcnak-- a great success !!!
malayaleehouse (June 4, 2013)
@ a bensalem guy:"Jesus told peter you will be point me to Romans soldiers. But he did not believe that. We know what happened after that.. Yes we can believe this PCNAK conference going to be happened. Not only that very success conference Yes you believe it"

sam tennessee says, believe,everybody involved is a like peter,waiting for roman soldiers (valan) to attack and then he says yes it is going to happen (the attack)come july and it will be very successful

hope u understood now :), i know sam tennessee took lot of efforts to pen his thoughts,sounds like an ardent follower of pcnak and an eligible candidate for next pcnak chairman :)

a bensalem guy (June 4, 2013)
Can any one translate Sam Tennessee' s comment to English please.

friendofpcnak (June 3, 2013)
Not just the leaders for last decade, believer from dallas. how many confirmed stories were there about the previous conveners from ny. did anyone from ny ever make it an issue?
believer,dallas (June 1, 2013)
@ajit kumar and all malayalee pentecostal.I am a regular attendee of PCNAK for many years.Have enjoyed the fellowship of the believers. Blessed and renewed by the preaching of word. My advice is go for PCNAK.I cannot recollect,if we ever had a blameless leader or an executive committe,in the last decade.Every one had had either personal challenges or problem in church,but we al supported them in prayers and went ahead as none of them became public.I dont agree or support the deeds of prps or ny one but i support PCNAK,this is our fellowship.Let us make it a grant success.only reason many of pastors are not supporting is due to the fear of their personal sins and family issues and all coming out.Dont mis understand all those who are against this years PCNAK is bcoz they are all saints, they say that, but truth is they dont want to risk their secrets lives and affairs being exposed.If u dnt have anything to hide, i challenge u to attend this years PCNAK, God bless, pls publish this bj
ajithkumar florida (May 31, 2013)
i am new a christian converted from hindu back ground. to whom i can believe, pcnak officials or some medias. i am waiting until july 7th of this yaer. then i can say who is right and who was lied.anyway i am attending , one of the english church in orlando. still i am not sure to attend the pcnak or not. it will be my first pcnak, if i attend.
sam tennessee (May 31, 2013)
Jesus told peter you will be point me to Romans soldiers. But he did not believe that. We know what happened after that.. Yes we can believe this PCNAK conference going to be happened. Not only that very success conference Yes you believe it.
jojo punnoose, tennessee (May 30, 2013)
Oh.. Waaa, can we believe this ?
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