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]nkn\mv {]tamjW aonwKv \|tbmn Pq 9 \v.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 6, 2013
Views: 14578

PCNAK promotional meeting to be held in New York on June 9.
\}tbmv: Pqsse 4 apX 7 hsc IWnn shv \S 31maXv t\mv Atacn s]tmkvXv tIm^dkns {]tamjW aonwKv Pq 9 \v sshInv 5 aWnv sKbnv th {Iny sk Nv HmUntmdnbn (502 t\mv skd Ah\|, hmenkv{Sow, \|tbmv 11580 shv \SXmWv. ]nkn\mns\ kvt\lnIbpw Ign 30 hjambn \S sImncn Cu sFIy Iqbva Ghpw hnPbIcambn XpSw \SWsaw, B{KlnIbpw sNp \|tbmnse hnhn[ k`Ifns\ hnizmknIfpw ip{iqjmsSbpw klIcWhpw ]npWbpw Cu {]tamjW aonwKn\v Dmbncnw IqSmsX tem Inbpw \mjW `mchmlnIfpw Cu {]tamjW aonwKn ]sSpw.

^vtfmdnU, sSkn, HIetlma, lq̬, s]kn th\nb, Unt{Smbnv, NnmtKm XnSnb efn CXnt\mSIw {]tamjW aonwKv \S Ignp. _mn efn \Shm {IaoIcWfpw ]qnbmbXmbn \mjW Iho\ ] kn ^nenv Adnbnp. am{Xa tIm^dkn\v th Fm {IaoIcWfpw ]qnbmbXmbpw Atlw Adnbnp. tUm. kn ^nenv, cmP Bcyn , tPmbnkv ]n amX}kv, Binjv tP_v XpSnbhcmWv Cu hjs ktf\n\v t\{XXzw \ Xv.

hm AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm, ]nkn\mv aoUnb sk{dn



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