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]nkn\mv tIm^dkn ]sSphsS {iv

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 12, 2013
Views: 24719

PCNAK Updates....
\|tbmv: Pqsse 4 apX 7 hsc IWnn sh \S 31mwXv ]nkn\mv tImW^dkv XpSm C\nbpw Nne BgvNI am{Xta Dtm. CXnt\mSIw cPnkv{S sNbvXv \nfqsS Xmakhpw, `jWhpw Ddv hcnnbhw, XpSw cPnkv{S sNbvXpsImncnhsSbpw ]sSpm B{KlnhsSbpw {imbn NneImcy Adnbn.

hnam\n hhv \|tbmntem, lmv t^mUv Fbtmn Cdmw. \|tbmn \nw IWnntev cp aWnqdn A[nIw bm{Xbpv. Pqsse 4 hymgmgvN cmhnse \|tbmnse sP.F^v.sI Asæn F.Pn.F Fphsc I hj skdntev IqnsImv t]mIm {IaoIcWw Dv. \nġv klmbw Bhiyw Dsn Rsf AdnbnI. \|tbmnse ssZh P\w Cu skuIcyw {]tbmP\sSpmw. Hcmġv 40 tUmf am{Xta Nnehpp. kuIcyambn _kn t]mImw, tSm, ]mnwKv ^okv XpSnbh em`nmw. tKv th Nns ]mnwKv temn \nw hymgmgvN Dv cp aWnv _kv ]pdsSpw. Rmbdmgv sshInv Ap aWnv XncnsI Fpw.

^neU^nb, \|tPkn, t_mkvS XpSnb efn \nw s{Sbn\nepw lmv t^mUn Fmw. ap Iqn Adnbnm {Smkvt]mv NpaXebp ktlmZc \nsf kzoIcnm {IaoIcWw sNpXmWv.

sImp nIfpambn hh {inI Ihj skdns ap `mKmbn henbsbm kb a}knbw Dv. Znt\mkcpI apX iq\ymImiw hsc Ggp \neIfnembn {]Zi\ hnjb BWv. I}dn C Bv sNp ]e BIjWobamb ]cn]mSnIfpw Dv. i\nbmgv Dv {Kqv Bbn t]mbn nIġv CXv BkzZnm {IaoIcWw sNbvXnpv. Hcmġv 12 tUmf BWv ^okv. \n CXn ]sSphm B{Klnshn hnhcw t\cs AdnbnI.

bphP\ġn ImbnI t{]m{Kmw shnbmgv \Sm {IaoIcW sNbvXnpv. 19 hbn Xmsg Dhtcbpw AXn apIfnephtcbpw cmbn Xncnncn. _mkvIv t_m, thmfn t_m Fo C\ġmWv acw. SoapI Dh F{Xbpw thKn tUhnUv dnmUns\ 4059233283 F \dn _s]SpI.

t\gvkpamsc BZcnhm {]tXyIw {IaoIcW teUokv tImUnt\dpsS t\{XXzn sNbvXnpv. FgppImsS ktf\w shnbmgv D Ignv Dmbncnw. aonwKn AhmUv Zm\hpw DmbncnXmWv. kp{]kn FgppImc kmIv ]ps {]kwKnw Fm FgppImv am{Xap annwKv BbncnIbn aoUnbm t^mdw BbnmWv {IaoIcWw sNbvXncnXv. FgppIm, ]mpIm, Hm sse\n {]knoIcW \Sph, sh_v amtgvkv, tmtKgvkv XpSn kphntij {]NcWn aoUnb D]tbmKn B w Cu aonwKn ]sSpmw. dh. tUm. kn ^nenv, cmP Bcyn, tPmbnkv ]n amX}kv, Binjv tP_v XpSnbhcmWv Cu hjs ktf\n\v t\{XXzw \Xv.

hm AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm, aoUob sk{Idn


Displaying 8 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
malayalee house (June 17, 2013)
@leena. new delhi: sounds like you are vaalans'agent,bible says" but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" , going by your irrelevant comment,readers are educated to understand your spiritual balance, and as a piece of advise,when you comment in a public forum please have the courtesy to be respectful,especially people who are at leadership levels,atleast thats what the bible says,even if you may have difference of opinion thats absolutely fine, but all these come from proper education and upbringing and reading your comment has left me thinking.
letha new delhi (June 16, 2013)
@leena new delhi. Do you know ag new York conference also hosting in same place of cunnecticut. DO not act like stupid. be nice. It does not matter connecticut or NY. You know few years ago New York conference was held in NJ. Now every one know who is the person nanamillathathu. leena mone dhinasha you do not have to worry. You wrorry about yourself. This year PCANK will be a Blessed conference. Any boubt?
pastor sunny philip (June 16, 2013)
As an answer to certain questions, I want to clarify that the bus connection from New York airports to Convention Center is FREE for out of state registrants. For New Yorkers it will cost $40 per person for to and fro.
newyorker (June 13, 2013)
Leena.new Delhi, You are entitled to your opinion. But, PCNAK will go on without problem. Few peoples interest cannot defeat the fellowship. Just because few so-called chatty fiesting prayer decide to boycott, it won't stop. God loves you. Do the right thing.
sanjaree (June 13, 2013)
@leena. new delhi... its a personal choice to attend or not, remember people can make politics of everything out of nothing. The whole gathering is planned for spiritual encouragement and social interaction and to percieve otherwise is nothing short of ignorance. God is still on the throne and it is His name that is brought to shame, no matter who organises it and remember you are a part of the kingdom and your insensitive comment will not stop the pcnak 2013 from happenning.

God Bless all
sanjaree (June 13, 2013)
@leena.new delhi: i am not sure of your present residential status, stated that,connecticut convention center is the most convenient location to accomodate gatherings of this proportion, it offers a wide range of options to cater to various gatherings during the course of the day and most importantly in these days of poor economy, connecticut is certainly less expensive as compared to new york. Convention venues of this magnitude is few in new york and those available are very expensive. Please bear in mind its just not the convention center,organisers have to deal with,but extended services like transportation and proximity to various other resources are also key factors.Afterall new york,connecticut is just an hour and a half drive and if the organisers were able to strike a deal with the convention center we should appreciate their prudence. Finally Leena pinnaake as you have termed is a spiritual gathering no matter whoever plays politics it is our personal choice to attend..contd
leena. new delhi (June 13, 2013)
ayyo aaryapalli, new York enna cunucticutt ayathe ??? new Yorkil ninnum kettu kettichille ?? nanamillede ??/ enthaytalum pinnakke this year kata puha
friendofpcnak (June 12, 2013)
Thank yiubfir setting up an irderly conference. God bless.
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