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sF. ]n. kn. ae-_m doPn-b Bh-iy-n\v P\ ]npW Ipd-bp-p

People support decreasing for IPC Mlabar Region
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 22, 2012
Views: 15366

People support decreasing for IPC Mlabar Region.
Ip-\mSv: sF. ]n. kn. ae-_m doPn-b F Bh-iy-hp-ambn Hcp hn`mKw ip{iq-j-Icpw hnizm-kn-Ifpw \S-p t]mcm--ġv P\ ]nXpW Ipd-bp-pshv ae-_mdn \np dntmp-I kqNn-n-p-p. sF. ]n. knbpsS HutZym-KnI AwKo-Im-c-an-mXpw Ctm \ne-hn-ep-Xpamb ae-_m taJebpsS te_enemWv tIcfm tns\ hn`-Pn-p-hm\p ]nWn {]h-\- \S-p-sImncn-p--Xv. Fm tv Iukn AwKo-Im-c-ap ae-_m anj t_mUv tIcfm tv sF. ]n. knsb hn`-Pn-p--Xn-s\-Xn-cmbn \ne-]m-sS-Spv Iukn-en\v Iv \In-bn-cp-p. P\-d Iukn-ens\ kzm[o-\nv ae-_m doPn-b Dm-p-hm-\p AWn-bd \o--fmWv Ctm-gp ae-_m taJe I-n-bpsS Npa-X-e-m \S-n-h-cp-Xv. AXns `mK-ambn Hcp Io-js\ P\-d Iukn \nb-an-n-cp-p. Fm tIcfm tv Iukn-en-stbm FIvkn-Iyq-o-hvknstbm A\p-hm-Z-an-msX P\-d Iukn \nb-an Io-j knnwKv ae-_m \S-p-hm-\p \ow ]cm-P-b-s-n-cp-p. tIcfm tv sF. ]n. knsb hn`-Pn-p--Xn\v tv FIvkn-Iyq-ohv H-Sw FXnp-I-bm-Wv. AXns `mK-ambn tv Iukn AwKo-Im-c-an-msX kt-f-\- hnfn-p-Iq--cp-sXpw AXv hnL-S\ {]h-\-ambn I-W-m-p--sa-p tv sk{I--dn-bpsS Iv ae-_m-dnse ]mt-gvkn\v Ab-n-cp-p. Fm CXns\ Ah-K-Wn-p-sImv s^{_p-hcn 13 \v hnfn-p-tN ae-_m taJe kt-f-\-n ae-_m-dn \np 32 sk ]mam-cn 6 t]cpw Aq-tdmfw hcp ip{iq-j-Icn Fgp-]-Xn-b-n Xmsg ip{iq-j-Icpw am{X-amWv ]s-Sp--Xv. Ctm Cu Bh-iy-hp-ambn ap-Wn-bn \n¡p t\Xm--mcpsS A[n-Imc taml-amWv tIcfm tns\ hn`-Pnv ae-_m doPn-b Dm-pI FXv P\w Xncn--dn-bp-p.

ae-_m taJ-e-bn k`-I-fpsS Fw Ipd-hm-Ip--Xn\v ImcWw ae-_m taJ-e-tbm-Sp Ah-K-W-\-bmWv F Btcm-]Ww Dbn-bmWv tIcfm tv hn`P\n\v Cu hn`mKw {ian-p--Xv. Fm ae-_m taJ-e-bvp-thnCtm Xs [mcmfw k`-Ifpw hyn-Ifpw klm-bn-p-pv. Fm AXn-\\p-kr-X-ambn hf ssIh-cn-p-hm Ign-bm-sX-bn-cp--Xns bmYmy--fn-tev Cd-n-s-p-tm ae-_m-dn-s t]cn Io-scm-gp-p--h-cpsS I--c- shfn-hm-Ipw. e`n ]Ww X-fpsS {]h\ taJ-e-bn Nne-h-gn-- sk-dp-I i-ambn hf-cp-Ibpw k`-I-fpsS Fw hn-p-Ibpw sNbvXn-p-v. Atm Xs ae-_mdns\ Ah-K-Wnp Fp hne-]n-p--h Xġv e`n ]Ww, Xġp e`n ]Ww sImv {]h-\-ta-J-e-bn sNbvX Imcy-, Ctm e`n-p-sm-n-cn-p ]Ww Fn-h-bpsS IrXy-amb dntmv shfn-s-Sp-p-sa-n s]m--c- shfn-hm-Ipw. {]h\ hnP-b-ap sk-dp-Ifpw ip{iq-j-Icpw doPn-b F Bh-iy-tmsS apJw Xncn-p-tm kvt]mkjn-ns t]cn ]Ww Xp--h-cpsS bYmapJw P\w Xncn--dn-bp-I-bm-Wv.

ae-_m-dn k`-I-fpsS Fw Ipd-hm-sWv ]cn-X-]n-p--h ayXncp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn k`-I hn-p--Xn- s\-bmWv Nqn-m-Wn-p--Xv. Fm bmsXmcp XXz-Zo--bp-an-msX Hcp sF. ]n. kn k`-bpsS Iogn Xs cpw aqpw k`-I Xn-q-p-Ibpw Hcp sk-dn-\p-n av sk-dp-Im-cpsS k`-I Bcw-`n-p-Ibpw AXn\v AwKo-Imcw \Ip-Ibpw sNp {]h-W-X-bmWv sF. ]n. knbn \S-p--Xv. k`m hf Dmbn Fp ImWn-p-hm\pw X-fpsS inn-Sn-Iġv Ccn-nSw Is-p-hm\pamWv t\Xm--m Ccw Imcy-ġv Iqp-\n¡p--Xv. DZm-l-c-W-ambn Xncp-h-- SuWn Xs sF. ]n. knbvv ]e k`-I D-tm Cu ASpv Hcp sF. ]n. kn k`-bpsS sXm-Spv asmcp sk D]-tZin k` Bcw-`n-n-cn-p-p. CXn-s\bpw Iukn AwKo-I-cn-p-Ibpw Cu k`bvv ew hmp-hm\pw lmfp ]Wn-bp-hm-\p-ap ]ncn-hn-\mbn sk D]-tZin hntZ-ipw kztZ-ipw sX-em-cw-`n-pw. CXns\ kln-t-Xpw Chn-Sps hnizm-kn-I-fm-Wv. t\Xm--m-cpsS Cc--mpw cmjv{Sob Ifn-Ifpw Itk-c-tam-lhpw \ne-\n¡p-n-S-tmfw Hcp amw kmy-a-.

tIcfm tns\ shn-ap-dn--cpXv F P\-d {]kn-Uv ]m sI. kn. tPmWns {]kvXm-h\ Bm-X-tbm-sS-bmtWm Fv kwi-bn-t-n-bn-cn-p-p. tIcfm tns\ shn-ap-dn--cp-sXv ]d-bp-Ibpw AtX kabw Xs ae-_m doPn-b cq]o-I-c-W-n-\mbn Io-js\ \nb-an-p-hm Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-p-Ibpw sNbvX {]kn-Uns \S-]Snbnse kXy-k-X tNmZyw sN-s-Sp-I-bmWv. GXm-bmepw sF. ]n. kn. P\-d, tv Ce- Ign-bpw- h-scbpw ae-_m NqSp hnj-b-ambn \ne-\n¡pw. Nnev ae-_m NmI-c-bm-Ip-tm ap Nnev ae-_m sXc-s-Sp-n \jvS-ambn amdpw. ae-_m taJ-e-bn-ep hnizm-kn-Ifpw ip{iq-j-Icpw CXv kw_--ambn Fp ]d-bpp Fv At\z-jn-p-hm Bcpw Xp\n-bp-n-. km[m-c-W-m-cpsS A`n-{]mbw {]Xn-^-en-p--X-. Hcp hn`m-K-n-sbpw Ah-Imi hmZ- bmYmyw Ah ]dbpw. Ah-cpsS {]Xn-I-c-W-ġmbn \apv ImtXmmw. ae-_m doPn-b cq]o-I-c-W-hp-ambn _-sv ae-_m-dn-ep--h {]Xn-I-cn-p-p. DS {]XonpI.


Displaying 16 Comments
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aby (March 8, 2012)

Please read Acts Chapt 3 words 3 to 6.
originalachayan (March 8, 2012)
As Mathews , I have no other choice when you are becoming one such.
a. s. mathew (March 6, 2012)
ACHAYANORIGINAL: I need not have to tell you about my education.

I don't belong to your standard of calling other people fools.

achayanoriginal (March 5, 2012)
as mathew, you are making a fool of yourselves by coughing up nonsense. i thought you have had some biblical understanding and knowledge of this world. the less you speak nonsense, people around here will think you are wise.

who said the disciples did not have money. ? are you so serious of that disciple didnot take the body of jesus to bury because they did not have money. i would not think any common sense fellow will infer such a way. rather most of the disciple were very timid and they all were hiding since and following the arrest of jesus. it was not money matter rather fearfulness. even if they were poor for the sake of argument , they would have given decent burial to jesus' body in the common burial ground rather than a private one if they so desired and not afraid of the society.

another thing you have not answered me to a direct question which makes me wonder who you are a phoney!
a. s. mathew (February 29, 2012)
achayanoriginal: if you think that the disciples were rich, why none

of them donated a piece of property to bury jesus christ? do you think that they were hiding their wealth somewhere? jesus had

nothing of this world, and the disciples took a lifestyle of

self-denial and followed their master by faith. the same

nicodemus, who went to meet jesus at night (john 3) was the person provided

the final funeral service for the master. please don't misunderstand

me, i am not telling that god's children must be poor and

broken financially in the world. they must be rich in everything.

every person and family who were generous in giving for the lord's

work and shared their wealth with the poor, have all been blessed

later on in this world.

the ultra influence of the u.s. made "prosperity gospel" has seriously penetrated in india. i am simply pointing out that side

of the story, that is all.

a. s. mathew (February 29, 2012)
achayanoriginal: god expects us to be generous givers. if we lack

in giving, then we will be missed out of our blessings. we must help

every ministry of god's servants, if they are spreading the gospel

or building the body of christ. if we are donating money for

building real estate empire, that is very hard to understand.

probably, according to some historians, paul was a rich person. but

he led a life of faith after meeting jesus christ. when the disciples

left everything-their homes and business, do you think they were

rich with material things?

we must investigate before investing money in the lord's business,

that is all what i have said. when i made many trips to the interior

parts of india, i could meet some real servants or god. such ministers need all

the support from the believers. but, i found many business in god's name. god will bless a cheerful giver and we must give generou
achayanoriginal (February 29, 2012)
As Mathew , I did not understand that before the teachers in NT time were very poor. Thanks for enlightening the rest of the world about that.

Another question: Did you ever give anything to any of these leaders? May be you don't need to disclose the name, just one word answer.

Those entertaining Leaders from Kerala, Be Warned the Original Achayan is here to spoil the party...
a. s. mathew (February 28, 2012)
as a young boy, may be 10 years old, one well known pioneering

ministers of the pentecostal movement, pastor astamody oommachen

paid a visit to our home. we were marthomite then. when i watched

that saint of god, even as a young boy, i felt a special inspiration

in life; and i saw a real follower of jesus in him. the pentecostal

churches in india and kerala can hardly locate saints like him

today. probably, we will have to travel to some north indian remote areas to find such saints of god today. if i can find somebody like him, that would have been very

spiritually enriching experience of life. we must apply the

teachings of galations towards such saintly people. if we are

throwing away our hard earned money to bible teachers like kenneth

copeland and other battalion of teachers, then we are misguided

in our giving. please, i am not judging anybody in giving, but simply said

about my personal convicti
a. s. mathew (February 28, 2012)
brother sam thomas: we must honour and obey the word of god.

those who are working for the kingdom of god through hardship and

those who are teaching the word of god must be supported with our

financial blessings. but we must clearly distinguish in between

the religious business people and real servants of god. if i am

am a very wealthy person and expect to get donations from the

ordinary and poor believers for my teaching ministry, that is not biblical. how we define what jesus said to follow him through

self-denial? that was faith life.

what is

written in gal 6:6-7 is applicable strictly based on the financial

conditions of the teacher, and the teachers in those days were extremely poor people. if the teachers have millions of dollars

worth of wealth, never expect any donation from the believers;

which is wordly greed of wealth. in those days, when disciples

followed christ, they left eve
sam thomas (February 27, 2012)
Scripture says:"Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked;for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap"(Gal. 6:6,7).
a. s. mathew (February 27, 2012)
ACHAYAN-USA. I do agree with you. It doesn't matter, whatever

denominationa it may be, those Pastors flying to the U.S. to raise

money for elevating their seating positions at the denominational

hierarchy is not a spiritual ministry, but totally a political

agenda of pride and selfishness. What they accomplish spiritually,

either for themselves or for the believers by jumping into higher

positions? The believers can teach them some basic lessons of

humility, if withholding the hand-greasing praise the Lord

donations of green dollar.
achayan-usa (February 27, 2012)
Attention believers in usa:Please stop giving or entertain any pastors coming to usa those are standing for IPC election this year.Dont be fooled giving money to them so they can use it to get votes.
disciple of jesus-uganda (February 27, 2012)
Most of the pastors in Malabar likes to have a region but some of these political pastors in ipc state council and Ipc general making problems and causing divisions inside malabar for there own agendas.

Its better to have malabar convention every year so more beleivers from and around malabar can attend it instead of going to kumbanad.
pastor (February 27, 2012)
Malabar region is not a new requisition. Pastor in Malabar for a long time knew about it and wanted it. This is a genuine need of the hour. State convention holding in Malabar would not do any good for the development of the region. This can be a place a of publicity for some people, but not in much use for the development as such.

Somebody should focus Malabar. There is nothing wrong with current Malabar Meghala leaders. but if somebody thinks that the problem is them, forget them and get more powerfull leaders with in the region to fous on the Region itself rather than current style of political seeking in Kerala State. The leaders in there are more on politics rather than ministry. Their ministry ends with Marriages, Ordination, Convention Preaching, Area Inauguration, Political Meetings and finally cheetha Vili in Council. We want leaders focused on ministry. This could only be by giving leadership to the ones with vision for Malabar.
ipc member (February 24, 2012)
Please verify before writing the news: On feb 13th malabar megala meeting had about 11 center pastors and 101 pastors atteneded according to my sources..
ipc guy (February 23, 2012)
Who cares about all these regions that IPC makes. Tomorrow they will make a region for oolan para just to make some people president, secretary etc... This shouldn't be a news item.
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