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s]ev ]n.Fw ambn (91) \nXyXbn tNsp.

Perumbalathu PM Mathai promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 13, 2013
Views: 16474

Perumbalathu PM Mathai promoted to Glory.
\neq: s]ev ]n.Fw. ambn (91) sabv 13mw XnbXn cmhnse 6 aWnv Irkn[nbn tNsp. ]pwtcn Nv Hm^v tKmUv k`mbn AwKambn Ctlw ZoL hj ktkvIq Aym]I\mbpw, Bob`uXoI sIp]Wnmbn kvXpXylamb tkh\w k`p \ Ibpw sNbvXnpv.. `mcy: ]tcXbmb 檽 ambn. a: ]n.Fw. amX| (A v), ]n.Fw. G{_lmw (t__n), ]n.Fw. tXmakv (Fmhw bp.Fkv.F), ptam (Cy), s]m, AnWn, tamfn, ]n.Fw. AeIvkm (kmwn), tdmk, ]n.Fw. tP_v (kn), Beokv (Fmhw bp.Fkv.F. aa: tPmfn, 檶m, Nn, ]m n. sP. Um\ntb, ]m tPmPv, ]m amX| sNdnbm, ]m cmP G{_lmw, tPmfn, cmP Bcyn(Avem), joe, ]m ^nn amX|. kwkvImcw ]noSv


Displaying 8 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
thomas, dubai (May 22, 2013)
my deepest condolences to all family members
joice p. mathews, tennessee (May 17, 2013)
May the Lord bring peace and comfort to all. Extending heartfelt condolences to the sorrowing family.
joy chembakaseri (May 16, 2013)
Its always a pain to see the great men of God depart from our midst, but its also a relief to know that they are with the Lord! May God grant them peace and serenity! My deepest and heartfelt condolences to the grieving family!
dawn kuruvilla (May 16, 2013)
Extending our condolences to the family members. Let's praise the Lord for this great man of God.
a. s. mathew (May 14, 2013)
Heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family. May God's peace be with the family.
pastor john thomas, sugar land, tx (May 14, 2013)
A great man of God went to be with the Lord. Deepest condolences to all.

Our prayers are with you.
benny john, dallas (May 14, 2013)
Extending our deepest condolences to the family members of this great man of God. May the Lord comfort you all.
abraham thomas,houston (May 14, 2013)
A man of faith went to his eternal glory.My deepest condolences to you all family members.The Lord comfort you.

Pr.Abraham Thomas(Thampy), Houston
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