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]m n.Pn. tImin \nXyXbn

Pr. T.G. Koshy Promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 13, 2021
Views: 12736

Pr. T.G. Koshy Promoted to Glory.
aWme: imtcm s^temjnv Nv ap {]knUpw aWme s^bvv XntbmfPn skan\mcnbpsS m]I {]knUpamb aWme F_t\k Spw_mwKw tUm. n.Pn.tImin (88) \nXyXbn. \|tamWnb _m[nX\mbn Nne Znhkfmbn Xnh _neothgvkv tlmkv]nen Xo{h]cnNcW hn`mKn AUvanmbn. s^{_hcn 13 i\n sshInv 4:30 \mbn Ayw kw`hnXv.
1933 sabv 26-\v ASq G\mv tPmPvA ZXnIfpsS afn Cfb aI\mbn P\np. ]Xn\memw hbkn cnsp. 1958 tabv 14-\v ]m hn.Pn. tPmWns ssIogn hnizmk kv\m\w kzoIcnp. hnizmk kv\m\w GXn\m `h\n \nv ]pdms tImin ]m hn.Pn. tPmWns\mw XmaknIbpw ]qW kab kphntij thembn kanIbpw sNbvXp.
1963 thZ]0\n\mbn Atacnbn Fn. Kmev _m]vnv ss__n tImfPnepw kuv shv F.Pn. tImfPnepw thZimkv{X ]0\w \Sn. 1966 Cybn aSnsbn aWme tI{oIcnv {]h\w Bcw`np. apn\memw hbkn ]ae ]pwmhn s]m PohnXkJnbmbn. 3 s] asf ssZhw Zm\ambn \In. ZpJIscsav ]dbs apnsbmw hbkn s]m \nXyXbn {]thinp. XnSv dmn ]pw]n Genbm ]m n.Pn. tIminbpsS kl[nWnbmbn. 1970 s^bvv Nm Cn}n XnSanp. 1988 XntbmfPn skan\mcn Fv t] amn. temI{]knamb Cu m]\w skdmq AwKoImcap anI thZ]m0 imebmbn amdnbXn ]nn n.Pn. tImin kmdns ka]Whpw XymK]qWamb {]h\hpw ZoLZi\hpamW FXn cp ]an. 1986 HmWn tUmtdv e`np. imtcm s^temjnv bphP\ hn`mKamb kn.C.Fw {]knUmbpw {]hnp. ]m ]n.sP.tXmakns \ncymWs XpSv k`bpsS {]knUmbn \nbnKnsp.
tUm. B\n tPmPv tUm. AeIvkn tPmPv, tUm. kqk amX| tUm. amX} kn. hokv, dq_n amX}kv ]m amX}kv Fw. cy, kmw Pn. tImin scn kmw.
tUm.n.Pn. tIminbpsS acWtmsS Zi\hpw kaWhpw D H eoUsdbm s]tmkvXv kaqln \ambncnXv.


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robert (February 27, 2021)
May his soul rest in the hands of our lord....

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