Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Feb 22, 2012
Views: 13821
Preparing for presidential elections.
Atacn¡bn {]knUâv sXcsªSp¸n\pÅ Acs§mcp§p¶p. {]knUâv Øm\mÀ°nsb sXcsªSp¡p¶Xn\pÅ {]mYanI sXcsªSp¸v {]{Inb Atacn¡bn \S¡pIbmWv. H_mabvs¡Xnsc BcmIpw Øm\mÀ°n F¶Xv Xmakn¡msX a\Ênem¡phm³ Ignbpw. sXcsªSp¸p NÀ¨IÄ NphSp]nSn¨v hcp¶tXbpÅq. Cdmsâ \S]SnIÄ ]mÝmXycmPy§Ä Däpt\m¡pIbmWv. BWh iànbmbn Dbcphm\pÅ Cdmsâ {ia§Ä Atacn¡sbbpw kJyI£nIsfbpw Atemkcs¸Sp¯p¶p. ]mÝmXy iànIsf shÃphnfn¨psImv Cdm³ BWh ]co£Whpambn apt¶m«pt]mIpIbmWv. XnIª Atacn¡³ hntcm[w ssIapXem¡n Ad_n cmPy§sf IqsS \nÀ¯phm\pw Ad_ncmPy§fpsS t\XrXzØm\¯v F¯phm\pamWv Cdm³ {ian¡p¶Xv. GXmbmepw temI kam[m\¯n\v shÃphnfnbmWv CsXÃmw F¶v ]dbmsX h¿.
We are not getting out of the economic troubles. See the galloping price of gasoline!
Some signs of economic recovery is heard, but this gas price will
create a greater setback. It is not in the power of the President,
but only by the grace of GOD, we can find solutions to the problems of