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{]knUv sXcsSpn\v Ifsamcppp

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Feb 22, 2012
Views: 13247

Preparing for presidential elections.
Atacnbn {]knUv sXcsSpn\p Acsmcppp. {]knUv m\mnsb sXcsSppXn\p {]mYanI sXcsSpv {]{Inb Atacnbn \SpIbmWv. H_mabvsXnsc BcmIpw m\mn FXv XmaknmsX a\nemphm Ignbpw. sXcsSpp NI NphSp]nSnv hcptXbpq. Cdms \S]SnI ]mmXycmPy Dpt\mpIbmWv. BWh inbmbn Dbcphm\p Cdms {ia Atacnsbbpw kJyInIsfbpw AtemkcsSppp. ]mmXy inIsf shphnfnpsImv Cdm BWh ]coWhpambn aptmpt]mIpIbmWv. XnI Atacn hntcm[w ssIapXemn Ad_n cmPysf IqsS \nphm\pw Ad_ncmPyfpsS t\XrXzm\v Fphm\pamWv Cdm {ianpXv. GXmbmepw temI kam[m\n\v shphnfnbmWv CsXmw Fv ]dbmsX h.


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a. s. mathew (February 23, 2012)
We are not getting out of the economic troubles. See the galloping price of gasoline!

Some signs of economic recovery is heard, but this gas price will

create a greater setback. It is not in the power of the President,

but only by the grace of GOD, we can find solutions to the problems of

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