Author: Dr. Jason Varghese
Category: Popular Read
Publish Date: Mar 9, 2011
Views: 41469
What does it mean to be brokenwell Webster dictionary defines it as being shattered, damaged, or crushed. What does it mean to rebuild.reconstruct means to make extensive repair to and to remodel means to make extensive changes in. Your life can be broken in various waysspiritually, physically, emotionally, or financially.
You can have a broken heart, be in a broken marriage or relationship, or you can be lost without God in your life to direct you. Many of us are broken in different ways. But our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ CAN REBUILD YOU and all it costs you isFAITH in Him.
I want to show 2 examples from the Bible.
The 1st example takes us to Jeremiah 18:3-6. Let us read that about the Potters House. Here, we see Jeremiah watching the Potter at work on a clay pot. Then we see that it was damaged into pieces or didnt come out the way that the potter wanted. But something interesting happened hereHe didnt throw that broken pot away, yet he picked up all the roken pieces and worked on it the processes that it needed to go through and made that SAME broken vessel into another beautiful creation.
The Lord declares in Jeremiah 18:6 like clay in the hand of the potter so are you in my hand. Our God is capable of taking our brokenness and making us complete. Only Christ can rebuild what it broken and make it into something even better, but we must have faith that God can do that for us.
When the pot broke, maybe the pot thoughtall my dreams are shattered, all my hopes are shattered, and everything is shatteredIm worthless and finished, but the Potter said NO youre NOT FINISHED yet or Im not done with you yet and then the broken pot had faith and hope that the potter was going to rebuild him. Then the potter picked up all the broken pieces and reshaped it. The potter put the pot through a painful rebuilding process molding it into a new vessel. The pot may have thought why do I need to go through this even more and took it through this again and this rebuilding process is too hard and painful for me, but he has assurance through faith that God will see him through any difficult situation in his life. He believed in God and trusted in God. So hang in there and dont ever give up hope, if you have faith in the Lord, you shall overcome and prevail.
The 2nd example brings us the life of Nehemiah, found in Nehemiah 2: 17. This man of God heard about the walls of Jerusalem being broken. He also went and examined the walls himself and saw in person that they were broken. Instead of just hearing about the walls being broken and walking away and doing nothinghe headed the call and made up his mind to go and help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. But in Nehemiah 2:12 he saysI had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem. Because he knew that someone might discourage him from fulfilling Gods plan for him. Just like that we may see someone struggling with something, we see firsthand their brokenness and if God stirs your heart to do something to help, then do as Nehemiah did pray, dont tell anyone, and have faith that God will enable you to complete your task. God can only use people that are willing and ready to help. Thats the people God uses for his Kingdom.
When Sanballat, Tobiah, & Geshem heard about Nehemiahs decision they started opposition to him. They mocked and ridiculed him, but that didnt stop Nehemiah. Maybe you had God tug at your heart to help your fellow brother or sister in Christ, but once you got opposition you backed off. Nehemiah could have said that he didnt break the walls and could have stood back and judged others and mocked at them, yet he took it upon himself as his own Christian responsibility to help rebuild.
Dear brothers and sisters thats our Christian responsibility not to mock, ridicule, or judge others who have fallen or are broken. We need to stand up firm in Christ. By faith we should help up our fallen brothers and sisters, and help rebuild their broken lives in any way that God can use us.
I remember during my surgery rotation, there was a patient who had multiple heart blocks and this patient needed her heart fixed physically. This was her only hope for survival. It was amazing to actually see her heart physically broken. As the surgeon worked tirelessly and as I assisted him, I saw the power of God at work. I realized that that patient had faith in us to help rebuild her heart. After the surgery, she was better and was a new person. She was very grateful to us, but it was God that used us for His will.
So brothers and sisters are you the broken vessel or are you the one that can help rebuild a broken vessel.
You can be the one that is broken, you feel that your life is shambles and youre life is torn into piecesbut HAVE FAITH and know that God can rebuild your life and take those broken pieces and put them back together and make your life even better then before.
Or you can be the one that CAN HELPyou know of someone that is hurting and in need of helpand God can use you and you can help rebuild a life with faith in him against all odds.
Now the keys to rebuilding is:
1. Acknowledge that you are broken
2. Requires complete surrender
3. Submit to the will of God
4. Have strong faith in God
5. Allow God to work and direct the rebuilding of your life.
Many of us are broken to the point of submission, acceptance, and true reality of our situation. But we as Christians must be positive and have faith in God.
Matthew 17:20 says if you have faith as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it move, Nothing will be Impossible for you.
Rebuilding starts from within, leads to a different mindset, leads to a different way of talking, and after you realize that you cannot do it by yourselfplace your whole life in the Fathers hands. Allow him to mold you and fix you back into the beautiful vessel that you have the potential to be. Then God can use you to do His will and bring lost souls to Christ.
Many of us are BROKEN.and ONLY GOD can mend broken hearts, put our life together again, make us whole, satisfy you, direct your path, give you TRUE happiness, give you wisdom, fix broken marriages & relationships, fix broken families, and lead broken lives and lost unsaved souls to everlast ing eternity with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
If you are either the one that is broken in some way or you are the one that is capable and willing to help rebuild a broken lifeyou must make a stand and make a declaration that by faith, God will help rebuild your life or help you rebuild someones broken life. I pray a blessing of Christs love and a powerful anointing to cover you as you go out into the world to do the Lords work. May the Lord use you and bring you to the place you need and want to be.
I am glad there are like minded peple with similat vision and burden for broken families.Holy spirit truly discerned and scanned inner parts of hurts and harms.May the good Lord anoint you with abundance of grace to carry forward this good work.