Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 8, 2011
Views: 14287
Remove the fear of people.
Zpc-- Fn-bnv hne-]n-p--Xn-t\-m F{Xtbm \-XmWv Zpc--sf XS-bp-hm Ign-bp--Xv. 35 ew P\- \mep Pn-I CXn-t\-m hep-XmtWm Xan-gv\m-Sns Xm¸-cy-. P\fm sXc-s-Sp--s `c-W-Im- P\--fpsS Poh\pw kzpw kwc-n-p-hm _m[y-cm-Wv. C{Xbpw \m ap-s-cn-bm Zpcw Hgnp \nXv k-i-s Icp-W. Fm CXv {]hn-m-\p ka-bw. Aew-`mhw shSn-bq. ap-s-cn-bm-dn-\mbn Hp tNcq. P\-ns Bi--b-I-q.
It is learnt that there has been about 25 minor-earthquakes in Idukki district since March the 25th, 2011. Its also determined that the Idukki district area is pron for earthquakes! Investigative studies found that, if there is going to be an earthquake within 10 sq km anywhere near Mullaperiyar Dam, with a 6 point rector-scale reading the Dam is bound for a collapse and the lives of thousands of people in the nearby three districts are in jeopardy! The Dam has already showed signs of leakage! Now think about it! I urge the concerned authorities and governments to intervene immediately, rather than waisting time in deliberations about how to do it!! This is an emergency!!!!!