Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Aug 8, 2011
Views: 14359
Respond against corruption.
Pn kvs]IvSw Agn-aXn Dbnb Ae-b-Sn-I C\nbpw ian-n-n-. cmPbpw I\n-sam-gnbpw Xolm P-bn-en kpJ-hm-k-n-em-b-tm amc\pw a{n k`bvv ]pd-m-bn. amc\pw Xolmdn-te-p bm{X-bn-em-sW-mWv ]nm-pd hm-I. AXn\p ]nmse IWm-S-I-bnepw Agn-a-Xn-I-Y-I apJy-a{n sbZyq-c--bpsS Itkc sXdn-n-p. IpSpw-_ -{S-n-tep e`n--XpssS tImSn-I-fpsS tImg-hm-nb apJy-a{n kwm-\-n\p hcp-nb \jvS- Bbn-c--W-n\p tImSn-bm-sW temIm-bp--bpsS Ip-]n-Spw apJy-a-{nbvp ]pd-t-p hgn Xpdp sImSp-p.
A[n-Im-cs Agn-a-Xnbvp ad-bm-p--XmWv ChnsS \mw ImWp--Xv. A[n-Im-c-ns Itk-c-bn-se-m GXp X{hpw ]b-ph AXn-\mbn hmcn-sb-dn-bp-Xv tImSn-I-fm-Wv. A[n-Im-c-n-se-n-bm apXepw ]en-ibpw klnXw apSp apX Xncnp ]nSn-bvp-hm-\p bXv\-n \mSp \in-bvp-Xv C-c-m KWy-am-m-dn-. \nIpXn shn-p-\-S-n-sbpw IW-n-s-Sm kzp- Ds-p-ap- kwi-b-n Xmc-cm-Pm--m-cpsS hoSp-Ifn \S sdbvUpw am[y-a--fn Ctmgpw kPo-hw.
s]s-tm-kvX-cpsS CS-bnepw Cs Ah CXn \npw Hpw hn`n-a. kphn-ti-j-ns ad-hn Agn-aXn \S-p--h-cpsS Fw hn-bvp-I-bm-Wv. k`-I-fp-sSbpw kwL-S-\-I-fp-sSbpw Xe--s-p-hm GXp lo\ X{hpw {]tbm-Kn-phcpsS Fw Hmtcm Znh-khpw IqSn-h-cn-I-bm-Wv. A[n-Im-c-ns A--j-W-n-\mbn ]Ww hen-s-dn-bm aSn-bn-m--h ey-an-Sp-Xv [\ km-Z-\-n-\p hgn-Iq-Sn-bm-Wv. A[n-Imc Itk-cn-bn-en-cpv tImSn-I kzImcy km-Zy-ap-m-p--h Cn In-I-fmbn amdp-I-bm-Wv. k`-bp-sS Poh-ckw Dun-p-Snv hop--h k`-bpsS kmZyw kzIm-cy-k--mbn A\p-`-hn-p-p. GXp {]m-\-ns Xe--m-bmepw CXp-X-s-bmWv ChnsS \S-p--Xv. kz-ambn {Spw m]-\-fpw Dmn k`-bpsS hcp-am-\- am-sf Xs kzImcy {Sn-tepw m]-\--fn-tepw hgn-Xn-cn-p-hnSp-p. Fm k`bvp kz-sap ]d-bm Hp-an-m Ah-. km[m-c-W-m-cmb ip{iq-j-Iv klmbw sNp-hm ]W-an-m--tmgpw X-fpsS kzImcy kwcw-`-sf ss^hvm eh-en \S-p-I-bmWv Cq-. cmPbpw I\n-sam-gnbpw amc\pw sbZyq-c-bpw Cs nXn-bnse-n-b-Xn\p ]nn Ah \S-nb Agn-a-XnbmWv Imc-Ww. \nem-hp-sp IcpXn shfp-p-thmfw tamjvSn-bvp-hm {ian-p--h a\-kn-em-t Hpv Hcp kqcy DZnbvpw Ap \n ]nSn--s-Spw. i-c- p-S-n ssIbn-nv ssI \p--h hopw A[n-Im-c--tk-c-bn A-n-n-Snbvphm \S-p {ia- Ad-p-f-hm-p ImgvN-bm-Wv. Xmc-cm-Pm--m-cpsS m]-\--fn \S sdbvUp t]msemv \S-m ChnsS kw`-hn-bvpsXm-bn-cn-pw. cm{o-b-m Ce-\p a-cnpw apv X-fpsS kzv shfn-s-Sp-m-dp-v. \psS t\Xm--m AXn-\p ss[cyw Imp-tam. Agn-a-Xn-bvs-Xn-scbpw Hcp t]mcmw \psS CS-bnepw Bcw-`nt Imew AXn-{I-an-n-cn-p-p.
Even though nobody can take anything to the next world, the whole world, even among the strong Christian belivers who are greatly excited about going to heaven while singing inside the Church halls, have such an affinity and fascination with the things of this world. I have written for the last three years in many of the news papers from Karnataka against the Christian attacks of the BJP government. (mainly in Daijiworld). Mr. Yedyurappa with his
crores of ill-gotten wealth at his 69th
age will be suffering, nothing but pain.
We can't do anything in this world without money, but when we love money
above God, at that point we are marching
under the intoxication of money which
will mislead us and destroy our lives.
It is truly applicable for all. Jesus never said money as an evil commodity,
but the " love of money" is termed as
a very dangerous trend and journey.
Be vigilant and beware of it.