Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2012
Views: 22556
Rev. P.J James to take charge on September 1st.
apfpg: Nv Hm^v tKmUv tI cfm tv Hmhknbdmbn dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv sk]vw_ 1 \\v NpaXetb¡pw. P\\phcn bn ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkns\\ Hmhkn b dm bn sXcs Spn cpp. ]m Fw. Ipn bp sS ]nKman bm bn Hmhknb m\\tbvv F p dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv tI cfm tv FUyqtj U bdIvSdmWv.
aqhmp]pg ]pfnm\\w kztZ in bmb ]m sPbnwkv ]pn d pgnbn ]tcX\\mb ]n. kn. sPmbmnansbpw A bp sS bpw aqaI\\mWv. 1953 P\\n Ctlw Fkv. Fkv. F. F kn. ]T\\tijw 1969 apf pg auv kntbm ss__n kvIqfn ]T\\w \\Sn. ap f pgbnse ]T\\ tijw a{Zmkv Fv. _n. sFbn \\nv _n. n Fpw bp._n. Fkn \\nv _n.Unbpw Icamn. _ \\m dkv bqWnthgvknnbn \\nv Fw. F. _ncpZhpw t\\Sn. 1980 aWme s^bvv Xntbm fPn skan\\mcnbn Aym ]I \\mbn. 1981 ]m Fw. hn. Nmtm apfpg ss__n kvIqfn cPnkv{Smdmbn \\nb anp.
Inpgn, tImbw Su, Xn cph tUnbw, Ipsshv k` IfpsS ]mdmbncpp. ASq Un kv{SnIvSv ]mdmbpw {]h nnpv.
]m sI. kn. tPm Hmh knbdmbXns\\XpSv 2002 F Uyqtj UbdIvS dmbn. C tlw UbdIvSdmb tijw au v kntbm ss__n tImtfPv ]ptcmKXnbntev IpXnp. ss_ _n tImtfPn\\pthn aq c G ew hmn. C tm {]hnp ss_ _n tIm tfPv sInSns cpw aqpw \\neIfpsS ]Wn ]q o I cn Xpw Ggp\\nebp asmcp hn imeamb sInSw ]Wn ]q o I cnXpw Ctlns {i a^ e ambmWv. IqSmsX ssh. U yq. C. F. s{]mPIvns `mK am bn ]WnX _lp\\ne an c n s ^v thUv anj\\n \\n pw t\\ SnsbSpphm C t l n\\v Ignp. IqSmsX t^mv Un{Kn tImtfPmbn auv kntbm ss__n tImtfPns\\ Dbphm\\pw Cu Imebfhn km[np.
tImbw thfp{] ]p ]dn hn. Fw. Nmn adnbm ZXnIfpsS aIfmb A sP bnw km Wv `mcy. apwss_bn m^v t\\gvkmbncp A hnhml tijw ]q kab ip{iqjbn ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\\v ]nXpW \\In hcpp. F.Fw. t_mUv sadmbn {]hnpp. aI: {In bpw `mhv tPmamXyphpw AtacnbnemWv. aI: {Inw Fw. sSIv _ncpZ[mcn. Cfb aI {Ino _n. Fkv. kn. t\\gvkmbn tPmen sNpp.
Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tv Hmhknbdmbn NpaXe tb p dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\\v _neothgvkv tPWens B iwkI.
during the last couple of years i have been in close touch with pr. p j james. many times i spoke to him on different important occasions even from abroad. however, recently just before he assumed his office when i phoned him (after a gap of a month), he was totally indifferent which was never expected of such a person. since he pretended not even knowing me, i have tried to refresh him memories but to no avail. i have seen many people degrade in various fields including spiritual circle, but have never seen this kind of behaviour anywhere.
it is my humble suggestion to pr. james to be more careful. incidentally, someone has aptly posted in fb group church of god in india, kerala state under number 209068215801412. unfortunately it is in malayalam and i believe pr. james has not forgotten malayalam too.
with best wishes for a bright tomorrow for him and all church of god believers as well as pastors under him.