Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2011
Views: 15584
Sharon convention ends.
imtcm s^tm-jnv Nv 2011 P\-d Ihj k`m{]kn-Uv tUm. Sn.-Pn. tImin DZvLm-S\w sNp-p. ]mam-cmb tPm tXma-kv, ]n.-Pn. tP-_v, n.-]n. G{_-lmw, _n. hKokv XpS-n-b-h kao-]w. Xncp-h: 21mw \qm-nse k` BZna \qm-nse A\p-`-h-n-tev aS-n-h-c-W-sav imtcm s^tm-jnv Nv {]kn-Uv tUm. Sn.-Pn. tImin {]kvXm-hn-p. Xncp-h imtcm tUn-b-n \S P\-d Ihj DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p At-lw. Asm. 1 : 8 Bkv]-Z-amn ]nXm-hns hmKvZ--n-\mbn \mapw Imn-cn--W-sapw A\p-k-c-Whpw sFIy-Xbpw {]m-\bpw D k`-bmbn \mw amd-W-sapw Atlw DZvt_m-[n-n-p. hN\ ]T-\-n\v apJy-m\w \In P\s BoI Bcm-[-\-bn-tev \bn--W-sa-pw-A-tlw ]d-p. ]m ]n.-Pn. tP-_v Ay--\m-bn-cp-p. ]mtgvkv ss\\m tPmv, G{_lmw Ipcy Fn-h {]mn-p. ]m sI.Sn. tXmakv ko\w hmbn-p. k`m {]kn-Uv tUm. Sn.-Pn. tImin DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. tUm. _n. hKokv apJy- k-tiw \In. ]m bivhv Ipam, ]m ]n. tPmbvk \mKtIm-hn Fn-h apJy {]`m-j-I-cm-bn-cp-p. imtcm thmbvkv Km\--fm-e-]n-p. Unkw-_ 1\v ]mtgvkv tIm^-dkn ]m ]n. tPmbvk {]kw-Kn-p. 3\v kn.-C.-Fw. kt-kvIq kwbp kt-f\w ]m Fw.-sF. Cu _mwq {]kw-Kn-p. tkmZcn kt-f-\-n kn Hma\ tXmakpw {]kw-Kn-p. 4 \v kwbp Bcm-[-\bpw Ir-ta-ibpw \S-p.
This is nothing but "the Great Babylon". It is absolutely a matter of Babylon. To call a pastor “reverend”—that is Babylonian. To set up a Christmas tree and to honor Santa Claus— that is Babylonian. To call yourself by a denominational name that is Babylonian. All denominational names are Babylonian factors of division and confusion. Any group that still practices Babylonian things or holds them is not the pure church. We must beware of divisions because divisions are another form of Babylonianism. It was at Babel, which means confusion, that the language of mankind was confused and confounded. Babel is the Hebrew term for Babylon. Anything divisive causes confusion, and confusion denotes Babylonianism. Today there are hundreds of free groups; they are everywhere. But what they are practiising is divisive and confusing; hence, it is Babylonian.