Thursday, July 18, 2024 |

kuv ^vtfmdnUm shtj ss__n kvIq

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 15, 2012
Views: 10746

South Florida Vacation Bible School.
^vtfmdnU: kuv ^vtfmdnUm Cyms]stmkvXv ssZh k`bpsS B`napJyn Pq 25 apX 30 hsc k`m Bm\amb 6180 t\mv shv 11 kv{Sov, k ssdkv, ^vtfmdnU 33313 shv Cu hjs shtj ss__n kvIq \SsSpw, k`m hn`mK hyXymkat\y kuv ^vtfmdnUm tI{amn \S h {]kvXpX hn_nFns Cu hjs Xow ""AsUztgvkv Hm t{]mankv emv''. Fmbncnw.
FmZnhkhpw sshInv 7:00 apX 9:00 hsc nIfvw apXnhw shtsd mpI \SsSpw. dh. tUm. km_p hokv apXnh mpI FSpw.

i\nbmgvN sshInv 7:00 aWnv \S kam]\ ktf\n {]Xn`m[\cmb bphXobphmfpw nIfpw, sshhn[yfmb ss{IkvXh Iem]cn]mSnI AhXcnnw. kwKoX ]cnioe\w, hn_n Fv dmen Fnhbpw CXnt\mS_nv Dmbncnw.

kn hnae G{_lmw apJy kwLmSIbmbn Ahkm\h Hmq ]ptcmKanp h. hn_nFv kw_amb IqSpX hnhcġv ]m tPm tXmakv 9547556862, ]m sI. kn. tPm 9543405472 Fo t^m \Ifn _sSmhpXmWv.

hm AbpXXv: tPbnwkv apfap\.


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