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hnPbw I ]nkn-\mpw PmfyX ad-bvm a--{X-m-c\pw

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 16, 2013
Views: 33294

Successful PCNAK and a Yellow Paper guy who is trying to cover his shame.
31mw ]n. kn. \mns\ apn-sm-m InWp ]cn-{i-anp ]cm-P-b-s a--{X-m-c PmfyX ad-bvm ]mSp-s]-Sp-p. Cu am\y\pw Xs hmem-n-I-fmb GPp-amcpw hyn hntZz-j-ns t]cn \S-nb Ifn-I At ]cm-P-b-am-bn. CXp-hsc \S tIm^-dkp-I-fn {Iao-I-c-W-fpw Bo-bm-\p-`hsImpw sa-sav ]s-Sp--h-cpsS kmyw am{Xw aXn tIm^-dkns\ hne-bn-cp-m.

Nne tNmZy--tfmsS Cu hne-bn-cp- Bcw-`n-p-p.

Hcn- t]mepw Ata-cn--bn hn-n-m Cu am\y Xs GPp-amcpw amk-Sn \Ip--hcpw \Ip hnh-c-a-\p-k-cnv hymP-hm-I ]S-p-m-p-p. Ipcp-S B\sb-Xp-t]mse. DZm-l-c-W-n\v AK-m-bnse GPn-s\-p-dnv Fgp-Xn-b-tm Cu Ipcp-S Fgp-Xn-bXv Hm-bns? X\n--hnsS ]n-e-[nIw kvt\ln-X-cp--s{X. AhnsS BsI ae-bm-fn-I A{X-bp-an F hkvXpX Cu am\y-\mb Ipcp-S Adn-n-.

Xs GPp-am-cn Hcp--s\-nepw am\y-m-cp-tm. Ip-tXm-am, ImSn Xm, Avemm ]pWy-hm-f Ch-s-sbms X\n-\ndw P\-n-\-dn-bmw. Xn-p-Imcpw, k{Xo ]oU-Icpw hymP-tUm-IvSam-cp-sam-s-bmb Chsc ]np-W-p Ch-\mtWm Ata-cn- ae-bm-fnsb \m-m \S-p--Xv. ]nmv Fp ]cn-l-kn-p Cu arKs Fn-\w-Ko-I-cn-Ww. 31m-aXv ]nkn-\m-n-s\-n Nne bmYmy- P\w Adn-tb--Xn-\m Cu Ipdnv Fgp-Xp-p.

Im\Um tIm^-dkn\p app apXte Hcp hyn \yqtbmp tIm^-dkns Iho-\-dm-Im {iaw XpS-n-bn-cp-p. CXn-\mbn \yqtbmn \npw kt-f\w Avemm-bn-tep amm-\p \ohpw Ctlw \S-n-sb-nepw ka-b-Zue`yap-Xn-\m tIm^-dkv Gs-Sp-m-\m-hn F Xocp-am-\-n Avemm-bnse {]Xn-\n[n kt-f\w Fn-tp. Im\Um tIm^-dkn {]Xn-\n-[n-I tUm. kn ^nenns\ ]np-W-p. P\m-[n-]Xy coXn-bn thmn-S-W-sa \ntiw sh Fs Ctlw i{Xp-hm-bn-v s]cp-m-hq am\ys\ ]nSnv Fgp-Xn-m XpS-n. tIm^-dkn-s\-Xn-sc-bp hnai-\-sf kvt]mvkv-am kv]ncn-tmsS Ah-K-Wn-p. hnai-\- Bcpw Ku\n-p-n-s-m-b-tm acym-Z-bpsS Fm AXn-cp-Ifpw ewLnv Fsbpw Fs IpSpw-_mw-K--sfbpw A[n-t-]n-m XpS-n. A]-hm-Z-fpw temI-a-\p-jy ]d-bm Ad-bvp Xc-n-ep `mj-bp-ambn Cu am\y cwKp hne-kn. Cu a--{X-m-c A]-hmZw Fgp-Xp-tm ]mam {]Xn-I-cn-m-dn-. ImcWw Ah t]Snv au\-ambn-cn-p-p. _e-lo-\sc B{I-an-p Nne Ih-e---n-I-sf-tmse Cbm hne-kn. ]nWn InS--h\v `oj-Wn-bn-eqsS e`n tUmf-dp-I NmI-c-bm-bn. [mn-IX Cm Nne GPp-am Cu N-n-mbn ]W-n-cn-hn-\n-d-n. Fs Zimwiw Rm Ct-l-n-\mWv sImSp-p--sXv Hcp GPv]-e-tcmSpw ]d-Xv Ata-cn--m-dn-bmw. Cu a--{X-m-c\p hoSp-]-Wn-bm ImSn Xm\pw Iqcpw ]ncnhp \S-n. Ata-cn- ae-bmfn hnizm-kn-Isf Id-h--ip-hmn sImgpp XSn am\y s]cp-m-hq-cn \npw Bm-]n-pXp \S-W-sav B{K-lnv Iev]n-m XpS-n. \s-ns m\v hmg-nnbp Nne inckp \an-p. Fm Nq--ap--h {]Xn-I-cn-m Dd-p. ]m jn_p Ipf-q-p-g-sb-t]m-ep--h \Inb adp-]-Snbvp Cu am\y adp-]Sn \ImsX amf-n-sem-fn-Xv {]tNm-Z-\-am-bn. 31m-aXv ]nkn-\mv \S-n-s-m-bn-cpp BZyw. ]no-SXv 500 t]cpam{Xw ]s-Sp-p-sa-mbn (C-tm am\y Icp-W -tXmn 1000 t] ]s-Spp Fm-nbn-cn-pp). ISw BIpw Fp XpSn. AXv Hcp-ew tUmf hsc-bmIpw Fm-bn. IS-an-s-m-b-tm Ag-sIm-g- \ymb-. AXn-\n-S-bn JPmPn hoSp-hm-n-sb t]cn Hcp {]I-S-\w. (\n-b-a-\-S-]Sn hcp-pv tams\). tIm^-dkn\p 1 ew IS-am-Ip-sav ]d am\y-s-sXm-enn A]mcw Xs.

Fm-h-scbpw ]cn-l-kn-p Cu am\y Ghpw Xd-bm-Wv. hymPw {]hn-m aSn-bn-m hymP. Fn\v kzw sh_vssk-nse ki-I-cpsS Fw Xs hymP-a-t. GXp-k-a-bhpw ki-I 20\p apI-fn-em-Wv. ImcWw Hcp t{]m{Kmw Dmn sskv kin-p--h-cpsS F-tm-sSmw Ftmgpw 20 \ Iqn-sh-t-p-p. CXp Ip-]n-Sn-m KqKn-fn Ah-k-c-ap-v. env CtXm-sSmw Dv. icn-p-ap- -hm-b-\-m Ctm ImWn-p--Xns ]Ip-Xn-t]m-ep-an Fp a\-kn-em-bn-t. hymP tUmIvSam s]cp-In-b-Xp-sImv aqp-amkw IqSn-am{Xw sImp Inm-ambn-cp tUmIvt{Sv ]T\w \nn-sbv Fgp-Xnb hymP.
Xs ]{X-n ]ckyw CS-n-söv ]d am\y AUvan-j ]ckyw hsc CSp-am-bn-cp-p. ]g-b-e-- t\mp-I.

hyn-]-c-ambn Xsbpw IpSpw-_-nsbpw [mnI \ne-hmcw F{X Xmgv-Xm-sWv Fm-hpw Adn-bmw. Un{Kn-sb-Sp a-f ssZh-hn-izm-kn-Ifpw amXr-I-bp a-fp-amWv th-Xv. I_-fn-n-p-m-p ]Ww sImv Imdpw hoSpw aġv _nkn-\pw Un{Knbpw t\Smw. ]t Ip-\o-tcmsS lrZbw s\mp i]n-ph ]pd-In-epv Fv am\y\pw GPp-amcpw ad-m-Xn-cn-p-I. sF. ]n. kn. {]kn-Un-s\-Xnsc hymP `ojWn apgp-n-sb-nepw Xncn--Sn Dmbtm AShp amn-p-S-n. Ata-cn--bnse ssZh-a-sf \n Nnn-q. \n-fpsS cw Dun-p-Snv ] hon-nv \nsf \nb-{n-m {ian-p Cu hymP-s\bpw GPp-am-scbpw C\nbpw t{]mm-ln-n--tWm. Bh-iy-sa-n IqSp-X IY-I C\nbpw {]Xo-n-mw.

hymP-s\bpw GPp-am-scbpw Xn--fv 31mw ]nkn-\mv hnP-bn-n Fm-hpw \n.


Displaying 22 Comments
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a. s. mathew (July 31, 2013)
Brother Joy Chembakaseril and thePraize: Thank you for your kind response. We need to pray much now to have the proper wisdom to discern the reality of the evangelism business. "The mission of the Church is missions" Oswald J. Smith. "Tell the students to give up their small ambitions and come eastward to preach the gospel of Christ" Francis Xaviour. Now, his great disciple Pope Francis is challenging the Catholic religious hierarchy to get out of the palace comfort zone and preach the gospel and take care of the poor. He is riding in a Ford Focus car (the smallest) and openly challenged the Nuns-Priests and Bishops with a big question " If JESUS was riding in a car, what kind of car HE will use"? Can the non-Catholic religious hierarchy and believers learn something from the Pope about humility-compassion and self-denial? There is no question that the whole world is going to witness a great spiritual awakening, the economic meltdown is the prelude!
joy chembakaseri (July 31, 2013)
to: a.s.mathew-- "poochheakeu aaroo manikettum", i support your line of thought, quote- 'we need to make a full stop to paying "evangelism business,but rather pay real evangelism" and quote- churches,hospital, bible schools,crusades' are good, but be done from absolute need!

not everybody in christian-world are equipped[inclined] with a wisdom as to make clear-cut judgement's on the facts you mentioned above and by saying that i am not trying to undermine any persons ability as to what he/she can do or not to do.most of them are inclined in the faith thinking,let god judge them,i just give for my blessings to be poured on me from above and not realizing that,if they support a robber,you are par-taking in an action with him/she,which makes them identical as a robber should only be given to an 'ideal n real evangelist' and not to a 'business evangelist'.

the christian churches should form a council to set up an authorization process to the real needy ones.
thepraize (July 31, 2013)
a. s. mathew; thank you sir for bringing in some fresh dimension to the ongoing slugfest on various tabloids. i have been personally witnessing this war of words among various people groups here and i am aghast,the emotions thats expressed thru words,make me wonder if i am following the true Christ.

Love is an alien term,accusations and lies,dominate people's minds, i have personally witnessed actions of leaders who maintain double standards,makes me feel absolutely out of place, i am writing these experiences having witnessed them for over thirty plus years and i laugh at the very thought that people who engage in these activities lack wisdom to discern that we have a high calling and such activities bring us now where close to the standards of Christ.
a. s. mathew (July 31, 2013)
Brother Vargis; It is truly heartbreaking to see the street fight penetrated to the Christian world of all denominations. Can we find any denomination, whether they are Episcopal or the other side without constant fight? JESUS is the Prince of peace, but the followers are in constant fight! Undermining and slander are the full time evangelism now. It is the urgent time that we promote evangelism and the evangelists who are truly called to do that ministry. We need to make a full stop in giving to the "evangelism business", but very specifically give to the "real evangelism". Thousands of people are coming to CHRIST, not due to long and fascinating sermons but by simply telling them about JESUS in a loving and caring manner, which will draw souls to CHRIST. Now the evangelism business is in serious competition of building more Bible schools-hospitals-conducting seminars-crusades-mega Churches etc. They are good and must be done with absolute need.
vargis (July 29, 2013)
We need to promote good evangelists in India who are not greedy for money and fame. Otherwise people in India will never accept Christ! Few Evangelists had lost their real targets now.
original achayan (July 21, 2013)
Mone... it is not repend, repent.
sp (July 20, 2013)
You guys are really cheating.............. what a fake white washed tombs
ny (July 18, 2013)
two of the photos Balan put in his news paper was taken at the very beginning of the meetings. people just started entering the hall. good idea!
reply to jc (July 18, 2013)
sir, in most cases Balan is not telling a true story about the leaders. most of them are made up stories.
ss (July 18, 2013)
saathante santhathi thane. pcnak anounce cheythathu muthal athine thakarkuka ennatharunnu thanthram.athinu pala heenamaya kuthathrangalum prayogichu.ennal athu onnum pcnak nu ettila.epol cog confrence nu nere aayi adutha aakramanam.athinu oru karanam undakkukayanu first step.ennitu athinte karanam paranju dhaivamakkalude kootaymaye enganeyum thakarkuka aanu lakshyam.pishachinte thanthragale naam ariyathavarallo.ethra sabhakal ee saathan thakarthu...onnukil ivide,alenkil avide labhikan pokunna shishavidhiyude kadinyam ethra bhayankaram...saathane chila samyathekku dhaiva makkal edukapettathinu shesham azhichu vidumennu bible parayunnu ithu nerathe changala pottichu veliyil chadiyo...
reply to pcnak (July 17, 2013)
"let balan do his job and you do yours. you donthave to cconvince any one. every one know and no one can change others opinion" I am assuming you are Valan's agent by your comments. Anyway Valan is not doing his business instead he is medaling with other people's business. This is the real problem. why is Valan so concerned about a meeting happening in a different country? What is the interest behind the so called 'low level stories' of the officials of the pcnak? The officials are elected by the people who attended the previous pcnak. If these people were so bad why they were elected in the first place? After elected they were trying to conduct the meeting successfully. they did won in that part. People start realizing the low level parasites in the penticostal community helping the big parasite in India. Big one getting money and small ones getting the 'itching satisfaction' of accusing false story of own brother!!!
jc (July 17, 2013)
I am not a supporter of balan but pastors and beleivers do sexual immorality that is a shameful thing. Pentecostal should live like a pentecostal. when Jesus talked about the seven churches, he pointed out good and bad things about them. One brother told me pentecostals are not afraid of GOD but they are afraid of Balan, So let us live a godly life so balan won't comment about anybody.
sp (July 17, 2013)
The New Convenor and his brother (Pcnak 2014) won't have the guts to take attacks from Balan.They will try to please Balan so they can bring more people rather than the spirituality of the Conference.But they are

Spiritual people but won't take a stand.
sp (July 17, 2013)
hello supporters of balan and neutral folks ,the news paper of balan is being read by the enemies of pentsacostal and charismatic movements.the bretheren folks, rss the nominal christians etc who hate the pentacostals.i lost a dear friend who was touched by bro suresh babu's ministry after he was told by people who read about the things balan said about suresh. apart from the defamation he does about ministers.he is writing from a bretheren perspective that is why he is criticizing the anointed men of god of this age.all of the supporters of balan as per i know are not spirit filled believers most of them are backsliders has beens.spirit filled believers don't pay attention. in india he has no all the great crowds in all those meetings conducted by ministers in his list. in america the malayalee pentacostal community needs a revival.they are dead bones (not everybody).the malayalee pentacostals are 15 years behind in spiritual knowledge.but we are praying for revival.
this is the truth (July 17, 2013)
The photo on balan's paper page 12 was a true photo. it was taken during the saturday morning session when they recognized the nurses. all the nurses were asked to sit on the other side of the hall by mercy philip and they all had moved there. that is why there are so many empty chairs in the photo. or, the photo was taken from the wrong side. balan did not know this. so let us give him the benefit of doubt.
sp (July 17, 2013)
any one confessed of pennupidi, vellamadi, or thattippu then the meetings made a response. any one got the holy spirit and a renewal in their spiritual life, then the meeting was a success. we dont need to count the success of any meeting by the number of attendees, but think about the spiritual impact on people.

reply to pcnak (July 17, 2013)
If you didn't attend pcnak you cannot make any comment based on others opinion about pcnak. We all were blessed by many messages. Pr Noble Thomas' message was great. Zack Punnen's message was great, R Abraham's message was great. All of them were speaking from the word of God. None of them preached from Quran, or Bhagavatgeetha... Any message spoken from the Word of God is absolutely great. May be you need to understand not every message is for everyone... The spirit of God controls the whole situation.... If you came there with an attitude of prayer I am sure The Lord Almighty will fill you with His word. So kindly stop grading messages and humbly listen to what the Lord says... Conference was absolutely great success. 2000 people attended all enjoyed the whole weekend. Some politically motivated regular did not attend the conference due to some political reasons... Many who attended were newcomers and they all enjoyed the Lord's presence.

pcnak (July 17, 2013)
I was not at the pcnak meeting. I am not going to attened pcnak. its really don't matter what any one say bout pcnak. . one person attended told me total of about 2000 people including children. money was given by every one attended to cover expenses. only zac poonon message was some what devent and it was appropriate for this Pentecostal generation. why are you soo defensive about if you think t he conference was sucesses. why are you soo eager to replay to balan. let balan do his job and you do yours. you donthave to cconvince any one . every one know and no one can change others opinion.
mars (July 16, 2013)
Valo..... enthava.. ee.. vilayiruthalokke......adyam nee.. ninte veedinte window vazhiyulla moothramozhi yokke angu nirthooo.... pinne poray americayile karrya mokke..
believer (July 16, 2013)

Why you want answer the question for this devil. "Kurakkunna patti kadikkilla". Just ignore this mad dog.
sp (July 16, 2013)
thattippu, sthreepeedanam, vellamadi, pennupidi,etc.. these are the hobbies of our leaders. even our local leaders are masters in these activities. ningalil papam illathavan kalleriyatte.
a believer (July 16, 2013)
Well done Mr. Aryappally......This brief note is enough for this animal and his agents...He is a curse to the Christianity and especially to the pentecostal people. Either he should go back to his original cast or repend and do the Lord's work. You still have enough time to repend before you perish from this earth....
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