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Thank you for making PCNAK 2013 a success
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 9, 2013
Views: 25254

Thank you for making PCNAK 2013 a success.
XpSnç¶ lrZbt¯msS BWv Cu ædn¸v FgpXp¶Xv.

BZyw \µn ssZh¯n\v. ]nkn\m¡nsâ NpaXe Gä \mfpapX ssZhw R§sf ]e coXnbn CXn\mbn Hê¡n. Hê hnjb§fpw D­mæ¶Xnë ap³]v Hê ssZh Zmks\ R§fpsS ho«n Ab¨p Cu hnja L«§fneqsSsbÃmw R§Ä t]mæsaìw At¸mÄ au\ambn {]mÀ°n¨m aXnsbìw HSphn tIm¬^d³kv hnPbIcambn \Sçw Fìw Xm³ R§tfmSv 2011 Pqsse c­mw BgvNbn {]hNn¨p ]dªnêìw {]i\§Ä aqÀ¨n¨t¸mfpw, an{X§Ä i{Xp¡Ä Bbt¸mgpw, IqsS \nevçw F¶v IêXnbhÀ Imepamdnbt¸mgpw, Hê ImcWhpw IqSmsX¡msb t]msebpÅhÀ ]ckyambn A]am\n¨t¸mgpw, At\IÀ Hän sImSp¯t¸mgpw FÃmw R§sf \ne\nÀ¯nbXv B {]hN\ iÐw BWv. Rmëw Fsâ `mcybpw IqsS {]mÀ°nçt¼mÄ ]et¸mgpw ssZhs¯ B Imcyw HmÀan¸nçambnêì. B ZqXnsâ ap³]n BWv Rm³ ap¸¯n H¶maXv tImW^d³knsâ NpaXe FSpçhm³ ss[cyw Im«nbXv.
AXpt]mse hn§n s]m«p¶ lrZbhpambn ]e Znhk§fn {]mÀ°n¡m³ Cê¶m Hê ]cmXn t]mepw \mhn \nìw hcm³ AëhZn¡msX ]cnip²m ahp {]mÀ°\ GsäSp¯p hmKvZ¯§sf sIm­p hmbv \nd¨ Zn\§sf \µntbmsS HmÀçì.

HSphn ssZh iÐw t]mse kw`hn¨p. FÃm shÃp hnfnIsfbpw AXnPohn¨p tIm¬^d³kp hnPbn¨p. IWçIÄ ]cntim[n¨n«p Hê IShpw CÃmsX Cu tIm¬^d³kp ]cyhkm\nçhm³ R§sf klmbn¨ R§fpsS Ic§sf _es¸Sp¯nb ssZh a¡Äç \µn.
FIvknI}«ohv I½änbnepw \mjW I½nänbnepw tem¡ I½nänbnepw DÅhÀ A`n{]mb hXymkw CÃmsX Hmäs¡«bn {]hÀ¯n¨XpsIm­mWv Cu tIm¬^d³kp hnPbn¨Xv. Ncn{X¯n \nìw ss__nfn \nìw shÃp hnfnIsf AXnPohn¨hêsS IYIÄ H¶n¨p ]¦n«p R§Ä ]ck]cw _es¸Sp¯n. Xpdn¨p t\mç¶ Akm[yXIsf t\m¡n ]p©ncn¨p sIm­v R§Ä hnizmk bm{X \S¯n ssZh \ma alXz¯n\mbn R§sf G ¸n¨ ZuXyw \¶mbn ]cyhkm\n¸n¨p. sk{I«dn cmP³ Bcy¸Ån , {SjdmÀ tPmbnkv ]n. amX}kv, bq¯v eoUÀ Binj tP¡_v, \mjW , tem¡ I½nänbnse AwK§Ä \n§Äs¡Ãw Fsâ lrZbw \ndª \µn.

Cu hÀjs¯ tem¡ I½nän¡msc ædn¨v Hê hm¡v. FÃm hÀjhpw ChÀ¡v ]m«p ]pkvXI¯n AwKoImcw In«pambnêì. F¶m Cu hÀjw h¶hêsS Xmåcy{]Imcw R§Ä AhÀ BcmsWì shfns¸Sp¯nbn«nÃ. F¶m tIm¬^d³kn h¶hÀ AhêsS I0n\ {]bXv\§Ä I­p. \n§Ä Atacn¡bpsS t\hn koepIsf t]mse kzbw shfns¸Sp¯msX al¯mb XymK§Ä sNbvXp. \n§Ä¡v \tamhmIw!

shÃphnfnIsf `b¡msX R§Ä¡v ]Ww \evIn klmbn¨ k`IÄçw hyànIÄçw \µn. kv{XoIfpsS tbmK§Ä Gähpw at\mlcambn \Sçhm³ I0n\ {]bXv\w sNbvX taÀkn ^nen¸nëw Sosamëw {]tXyI \µn. hntijm t\Àkpamsc AëtamZn¨ skj³ hfsc at\mlcw Bbnêìw. At\Iw ktlmZcnamÀ hnImc `cnXÀ Bæ¶Xp R§Ä {]tXyIw {i²n¨p. At\I ktlmZcnamÀ A`n\h sZt_mcamÀ Bbn amdn. AhêsS N¦qäw A`n\µ\mÀlw BWv. ]e ktlmZcnamêw At\I aWn¡qÀ A[zm\n¨mWv aoänwKnë tijw kv\m¡qIÄ \evInbXv. ssZhw ho­pw \n§sf Aë{Kln¡s«.

]n·mdmsX ss[cyt¯msS ISì hì iq{iqjn¨ ssZh Zmk·mÀç \µn. \n§sf XSbmëw Cu tIm¬^d³kns\ XIÀçhmëw \|tbmÀçImêw s]ê¼mhqÀImcëw sNbvXsXÃmw R§Ä¡v Adnbmw. HSphn c­p t]À h¶nÃ. ]mÌÀ¬ hcmXnê¶Xv sF.] Cut̬ doPnbsâ \ne]mSv Adnbn¡m³ Hê t\Xmhv \S¯nb kµÀi\¯nsâ ^ew BsW¶v Adnbn¨n«p­v. ]mÌÀ amX| _mÀs\äns\ XSªXp Xm³ DÄs¸«p \nevç¶ k`m hn`mK¯nsâ \|tbmÀ¡nse kzbw {]Jym]nX "ko\nbÀ' t\Xm¡Ä BsWì Xsâ Hm^okv Fs¶ Adnbn¨n«p­v. FÃm {]kwKIscbpw ]n´ncn¸nçhm³ \S¯nb {ia§Ä AhÀ R§sf Adnbn¨n«p­v. F¦nepw th­Xne[nIw ssZh Zmk·mÀ {]kwKIÀ Bbn D­mbnêì. aebmfnIÄ ]mc sh¨p Nnesc F¦nepw amäpw F¶v Adnbmhp¶Xv sIm­mWv C{Xbpw t]sc £Wn¨Xv Xs¶. \n§fpsS ip{iqjIsf ]än \à A`n{]mb§Ä am{Xta R§Ä tI«pÅp. AánbpsS A`ntjIt¯msS ip{iqjnç¶hsc BWv t_md³ {]kwKIÀ Fì NneÀ hnfn¨sXì s]mXpP\w a\Ênem¡n. \n§fpsS ip{iqjIÄ P\¯në Aë{Klw Bbnêì. \n§Äç R§fpsS lrZbw \ndª \µn.
\mw H¶n¨mWv CXp hnPbn¸n¨Xv. Hê hyànbpw AXnsâ s{IUnäv FSp¡m³ ]mSnÃ. alXzw ssZh¯në am{Xw.

dh. tUm. k®n ^nen¸v


Displaying 47 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
attended (July 15, 2013)
Let us give God the glory. He answered the hundreds of prayers and made this happen. So let us give Him all the glory.
pcnak supporter florida (July 11, 2013)
it was a great pcnak.congrats to the team.God bless you all.
mat (July 11, 2013)
Congrats PCNAK team
pyfa team (July 10, 2013)
believers journal is the best. in the end rajan aryappallil, sunny philip, josie and team. you guys were fabulous>>>>> go believers journal -- hats off for you... down down defender and its boys. america does not care about you. americans are smarter than you. its time defender focuses in india and middle east. we dont want ddefender and its lies. you are the mscvum of the earth.. as christians and as americans its a country of free speech and this forum in believers journal is promoting free expression we love you bj. thank you once again aryappally.
robe (July 10, 2013)
Hey truth teller, better you should know the statistics of all the church's.
pcnak fan (July 10, 2013)
"Chatha kunjente jathakam nokkittu karrum ellengil penne arkaanu ee jathakam kelkandiyathe"? Evide ellavarum conference neeril kandallo! He might make fun of few people to satisfy Kallu Thoma, Chitty Feasting leaders and Eastern Region.
pd- (July 10, 2013)
No conference will become success unless there is prayer and coordination. I think this conference had both of those ingredients working. We gather together for the Glory of God. Going forward, if you are there to show-off then, God's presence won't be there. Conference will fail. Show the attitude of serving not rule. When we take the communion, what is the Bible says, "you examine yoursleves not others" Only God knows your heart. Don't do anything to please men. Continue serving God and do His will. May God continue to keep PCNAK and all future leaders."If you look upto a man, you might fail. But, God will not fail you.
tom (July 10, 2013)
Balan is going to evaluate on the pcnak2013. Pani vallathum vendayo?

note to 2013 pcnak leaders part 2 (July 10, 2013)
Much work would be needed, making the people more humble and enhancing their connection to the land. So many good things come out of hard work and prayer. When everything is easy, and a person neglects both, his life is severely lacking. He is less happy and leads a less successful life. So next time you feel down because of the challenges God has given you, remember that He gives challenges to those He loves. Every challenge is a chance to grow closer to God and to make something special of yourself and your life. Easier isnt always better, and sometimes our difficulties are our greatest gifts!
a note for pcnak 2013 leaders part 1 (July 10, 2013)
You grumbled in your tents and said, The LORD hates us; so he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us. Deuteronomy 1:27 However, the truth is that when God gave the children of Israel a land which was more difficult to cultivate, He was giving them the better land. Because sometimes, easier is bad and difficult is good. As the spies who went to check out the land acknowledged: It is a good land that the LORD our God is giving us (Deuteronomy 1:25). What is so good about a difficult land? In order to cultivate the land of Israel, much prayer would be necessary, drawing the people closer to God.
jakes (July 10, 2013)
All Glory and honor goes to Almighty God! His presence was felt at the Conference. Overall the best in every aspects. Congrats to the team!
truth teller (July 10, 2013)
mallu singh, it is not ag/cg/sharon/ipc important. so many times ipc controlled pcnak and other churches got very limited opportunity. mostly all preachers are from ipc. then where were you? now you are saying tjs will be the main speaker. what is wrong with that? in between: i am not an ag guy. but i believe in fairness. if this is a conference incorporating all churches, we should respect others also. but i am against these leadership just came to get the positions.
believer (July 10, 2013)
Why all 2014 executive officials left before Sunday worship. They should have stayed and introduced the TEAM and invited others to the conference. Looks the Convener has hidden agenda. That is not good. Let him come back to the basics.
mallu singh,tx (July 10, 2013)
AG people hijacked the 2014 conference. T.J. Samuel will be the main speaker next year. I guess you people don't need the help from other denominations? Vaalan and the eastern region and Chitty feasting pastors will help you. Good Luck!

pcnak fan (July 10, 2013)
Detroit officials, Don't try to be a smart a*s. you came only for the position not to associate with the pcnak. vaalan, you can start focusing on Detroit now.
well wished (July 10, 2013)
Indeed it was a great PCNAK. Congrats to the team. Your hard work will be rewarded. Glory goes to our savior.

God likes the unity of His children. God bless you all.

cp @ pcnak 2014 detroit (July 10, 2013)
Where did you guys go? Nobody saw the convener, secretary or treasurer of pcnak 2014 on Sunday . You came. You got the positions and you left. At least one of you could stay and start in I ting people to Detroit . You three are the only upcoming officials were not present in the Sunday service of the current conference. This showed that you were also on the other side but came to get the positions. How can we rrust your leadership? How we know you are sincere in words & actions? Stop the personal agendas here & start work with the people if you want to see a successful conference in 2014.
pcnak supporter (July 10, 2013)
Wat a great pcnak.. In two days people who attended and support pcnak is basically theriying balan. Is this what you got from pcnak. Wow great spiritual growth. some of you are in same grade or even worse than balan.
usmalu (July 10, 2013)
valan's case is psychological. his attack on all other pastors is based on the unaddressed guilt in his own life concerning his moral failure in nagaland. i know for a fact that he came back to kerala after falling in sin with a manipuri girl. to cover up his own shame and guilt he has been attacking other pastors. it shows that he never really repented about his sin. but is keen on proving that others are just like him. dear valan, all of your attacks on others will not prepare you to stand before christ. only repentance will. so repent dude before your days are over. let others do the same. let us all practice real christianity.
nypente (July 10, 2013)
why do you care about what valan says? he dedicated one year to attack the convener and secretary. how many issues of his yellow paper were dedicated to destroy pcnak? how many times he gave the last page to this? what happened? did he make any difference to true children of god? not at all. but he did us all a favor. now we know that so many holy people in usa have skeletons in their closet. that is why they stayed away from pcnak. but the answer to that is not fearing valan. it is to humble before god and acknowledge things and get right with him. read john 4 lately? stop reading valan. read your bible. we proved again and again that this crappy dog does not control anything or anybody here. leave this fake alone. learn from the people in india. they dont care about him. only american malus think he is somebody. how did we get so low?
newyork kallanmar (July 10, 2013)
vala vala nethave... njngal newyorkku kallanmar(dr.jpu,moni,kalluthoma,pinne kure viswasikalum)pinnale...

iniyum ethra kallam venamenkhilum report cheyyam .vala njangale chathikkalle.....

a pastor (July 10, 2013)
why people are trying to evaluate the meeting that even not been attended by them? i wonder our community had become so unspiritual, that they always judge meetings/others. pcnak has selected sp to be the leader and we should have let him run the show. special congratulations for rajan ariyappallil. i attended this conference, and was a blessed one. what is our ultimate goal? we need to prepare ourselves for the rapture. i pray for all of you including mr. balan to turn back to god. god is going to judge everyone based on our deeds. we don't need to give account for others. but need to give account for oneself. god bless you.
from ny (July 10, 2013)
Hi j. Mathai, anybody can say what T. S balan is going to evaluate on the PCNAK. no matter pcnak is successful or not. He will say unsuccessful. Because he is jealous of others that live good. He is feels uneasiness about others live in unity. He is not a potential journalist because any body can say what he is going to say and write. let him go. He is a vella thecha shavakkallarayaanu.
pcnak 2014 detroit (July 9, 2013)
Let's forget and forgive one another in Christ love. It's time to come together and make detroit conference productive. Blessings! pcnak 2014
j.mathai (July 9, 2013)
LATEST NEWS..... Valan 16th nu 31st PCNAK vilayiruthuvan pokunnu....k.tto

ayyo..njangal angu pedichu poyallo...Humbeda mone dinesha....mone... ethra nall ingane kalla vedi pottichukondirikkum....ippole pazhaya morfing onnumille ..... ente kutta.....

robertson (July 9, 2013)
Hey kottayam dude can you live without food. Can you eat any thing which other eat in china and Africa. Are you eating snake,dog,roch, worm. Don't be ignorant dude food is the most important for mankind. Hey dude Pentecostals are human. Think what is reality.did you know what people are eating around the world. Open your eyes kottayam dude.hey kottayam dude did you travel at least ten country. Sorry if I offend you.
a valan fan (July 9, 2013)
Vala Vala nethave dheerathayodu nayicholu laksham laksham pinnacle.......shame on you!
dude from kottayam (July 9, 2013)
s*x and food are the most important thing among penticostals
robertson (July 9, 2013)
This was the greatest conference I ever attent. In the last thirty coferance we never had great meal like this one had. No complaints about accommodation. Preachers were fire and anointed ones.People who attended were greatly blessed. Thanks god for providing the needs. Overall A++++.
sajith (July 9, 2013)
attention please......all penthacosthal malayalees. july 16 nu balan pcnak vilayiruthunnu(entammo!!!).ellavarum athu vaayikkanam please. athil ullathu njanja pinja.... njanja pinja......njanja pinja...pcnak officialsinte munpil paraajayappettavan aaythu kondu aal violent aanu. so pachha therry pratheekshikkaam( balante kula samskaaram aane) question#1 where is unnaakkan balan????? #2 where is unnaakkan k c chackochan ??????
balan fans assocciatin. (July 9, 2013)
pcnakinte karyathil nammude balan annaikku romba thappu patti ennullathu unmayi thaane. ennu karuthi balan annaiye unkal immaathiri kroossikka koodaathe pullaikale. unkalkku theriyumaa......nammude balan annai romba romba thappil koodi aanu ithra periya manusian aayathu.jailil kidannathinu periya record irrakku. morphig veeramani thaanai njammude balan.pacha therri pesunnathilum eluthunnathilum phd irrukku.ippam prinjaa... nammadu balan annaikku mahathwam all tamil nadu balan fans association. velpatti jn. ussalaam patti.tamil nadu
new york youths (July 9, 2013)
Hahahaha.....chirichu mannu kappunnu. Ketto maalore Balan ezhuthuva"pinnaakkine kurrich 16 nu vilayiruthunnu polum""hahahaha maalore.... ivanu haloperidol enna vattinte med icine vangichu kodukkanam.vila illaatha ivante vilayiruthal chat cheythathinu jailil kidanna ivante penkonthanaaya makanu kodukkaan parra.viddi kushmaandam
salim ny (July 9, 2013)
"Vyathyasthanaam oru vatttanaam balane sathyathil aarum tjiricharinjilla. Kocharra naadinte apamaanamaakum kocharra naadinte apamaanamaakum Barberaam baala ninakku chaanaka vaadhyangal.balan oru balan mudi murri sheelan Mukham vadi velan oru balan njammade baalan baalan baalan"
joy houston (July 9, 2013)
K.C. Chacko is big time fraud. He has lots of story behind him. He is also a agent of Valan. everyone know his Canada story and try to split the Houston IPC Church. Watch out him. He thinks he knows everything. his speaks are Google search info. Do not let him allow any malayalee churches.Once he came to your church his aim is to make split in that church. Also big time Valan Supporter.
attendee (July 9, 2013)
Those who opposed were not innocent like someone mentioned in their comment (may be few ). This the time for them to repent on their actions and ask the forgiveness to their respective congregations for misleading them. God will definetly forgive them and use them otherwise He will reveal all their secret agendas and bring shame upon them. May God forgive them!! Be unite in Christ & with His saints not with some vested interest people!! Work for the betterment of the church not for the destruction if the church!! Work for the unity among believers not for disunity or cause dissension !!
attendee (July 9, 2013)
Blessings not depend on number of people who attend or how much money the officials raise or mega preachers . It is depend on how satisfied those who attend? Some conferences- preaching was good, for some music, for some hotels or venues were good, for very few food was good. In that sense everyone of the participants were completely satisfied in every area of the conference . That make this conference a 100% success!! Despite of all the challenges, all coordinated effort from all corners - inside & outside the country, the officials did their best & the peoe who attended responded to them well & generously. Congratulations to both sides!! By the way latest report saying that vaaalanum thanikku kanjivakkunnavarum, kattayum padavum madakki sanyasikkuvan kaasikku poyi.
ctman (July 9, 2013)
Conference was okay. Good planning with the money. You cannot compare 5000 against under 2000 people. Nobody care about people oppose the conference. Let them continue with their work. It is over. Move on!
a believer from new york (July 9, 2013)
One good thing about this conference was, only those loved this gathering came on board. The food was excellent. It was not buffet, but sit down dinner. The speakers were excellent. The budget was so carefully crafted. Those who tried to create confusion among the Easter Region should feel shame. They are not doing any good to the people here. They must resign from their posts. They are just feeding a serpant from Kerala in the name of Jesus. His job is to create destruction and chaos among believers... To call themselves as pastors are shame...Take this is as your first warning sign from the Lord and turn yourself and repent....Hope you all got the message from this conference....If you still dont anything, then ask the people who attended the conference... May Lord bless all who worked in the front line and behind the curtain to make this conference a great SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!
sunny george, mi (July 9, 2013)
Dear brothers and Sisters, I attended many conferences for the last 26 years and this 2013 conference as well. It was a wonderful conference and people were blessed. Congratulations to all the organizers. May God bless you.

At the same time I have a request in Jesus name that please don't say or do anything against the people who opposed it. Please pray for them. It is the work of the enemy who worked behind the scene to destroy the blessing and unity of our malayalee believers community. Those who opposed the conference, they are innocent, with out knowing what they were doing. It is the enemy who worked through them to destroy our unity but they are our dear brothers in Christ, saved by grace and washed by the blood of our Lord Jesus. May God bless you all.
pcnak fan (July 9, 2013)
i attended almost all previous pcnak conferences. this was the wrost ever conference i seen. if you got enough money in your pocket, you may say the conference was successful. but try to understand the openion of the rest of the pentecostal people in north america. may god bless you.
j.mathai (July 9, 2013)
Abhinandhanangal.... Ninnitha pathrarai mevan namme nayakan kai vidumo.. ezhunnettu nam panitheeduka....

Balan chammi noolayi poyallo....kooooooo...
not a vaalan fan (July 9, 2013)
Majority and Chitty Feasting leaders think and believed that trusting Vaalan and his net media can create success. Minority believed that trusting in God can create great success. Hope all Chitty leaders learn their lession. Chitty leaders, congratulations! you will not be rememberd as Leaders anymore. You will be remember as defender of Satan.
local fan (July 9, 2013)
Thank you for your leadership. I knew you can do it and may God bless you!
aby nj (July 9, 2013)
I have attended many conferences but never a blessed one like this. Congats to all officials for your commitment and guts. May God bless you all.

pcnak fans (July 9, 2013)
2013 pcnakinte chuna kuttanmaarkku abhinandanam . Moni kuttan, itty varkkichayan kallu thoma kannadi thsmpuran marumonthudangi mattu agentumaarude futer ini enthakum?
bj (July 9, 2013)
ithaanu conference . ithaavanam conference
pcnak ny (July 9, 2013)
congratulation....pcnak officials. question no:1 where is balan?????????
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