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The accusations againt M. Kunjappy are wrong - World Mision
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 22, 2012
Views: 22543

The accusations againt M. Kunjappy are wrong - World Mision.
--* 2 e£t¯mfw cq] HmUnänwKn\mbn sNehgn¨p

* \nehnse A¡u­nKv coXn t]mcmbvabpÅXv

* ]pXnb A¡u­nwKv coXn Bhiysa¶v HmUnäv dnt¸mÀ«v

apf¡pg: Iu¬kn Ce£³ kab¯pw HmhÀknbÀ sXcsªSp¸nepw dh. Fw.
Ipª¸ns¡Xnsc DbÀ¶ km¼¯nI Btcm]W§Ä icnbsöpw tIcfm tÌänse IW¡pIfn sXänsöpw Gjy³ kq{]­v \nban¨ HmUntägvkv dnt¸mÀ«v. 2009 apX 2011 Unkw_À hscbpÅ ImeL«¯nse IW¡pIfmWv HmUnänwKv Sow hniZamb ]cntim[\bv¡v hnt[bam¡nbXv. ]cntim[\bn bmsXmcphn[ {Iat¡SpItfm km¼¯nI XncnadnItfm kwibIcamb bmsXmcp Imcy§tfm Csöpw dnt¸mÀ«n ]dbp¶p. NÀ¨v Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tÌän ZoÀLhÀj§fmbn XpSÀ¶phcp¶ A¡u­nwKv coXnIÄ¡v Imem\pkrXamb amäw hcp¯Wsa¶ ip]mÀi HmUnänwKv Snw \ÂInbn«ps­¶dnbp¶p. NÀ¨v Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tÌäv Hm^okv tImws¹Ivknsâ DZvLmS\w HmKÌn \S¡pw. \mep \neIfnembn 28000 kvIzbÀ ^oäv hen¸apÅ Cu sI«nSw s]s´t¡mkvXv k`m BØm\§fn Gähpw hepXmbncn¡pw.

P\phcnbn I¬h³jt\mS\p_Ôn¨v \S¶ HmhÀknbÀ Ce£³ henb hnhmZ§Ä¡v hgnsh¨ncp¶p. HmhÀknbdmbn sXcsªSp¡s¸« ]n. sP. sPbnwkv B Øm\t¯¡v XnI¨pw tbmKy³ Xs¶bmWv. F¶m hcpw \mfpIfn F¦nepw C¯cw kw`h§Ä D­mImXncn¡phm³ HmhÀknbÀ¡v `cWImemh[n \nÝbn¡pIbpw ]pXnb HmhÀknbsd sXcsªSp¡phm³ hyàamb amÀ¤\nÀt±i§fpw tbmKyXIfpw ap³Iq«n X¿mdm¡n AXn\\pkcn¨v Imcy§Ä {IaoIcn¡pIbpw sN¿p¶Xv \¶mbncn¡pw.


Displaying 23 Comments
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renu (June 26, 2012)
MAN OF GOD,its funny that you have called yourself as a man of god.if somebody else give you this title for you,its fine.
man of god (June 20, 2012)
Mr. Writer of Demons, Who you are to Judge the Man of God ? If He did the mistake he should answer one day and it none of your business. And if he done the mistake dont you belive that God cant able to forgive him ? If not do you think that much is the Value of Blood of Jesus christ for the sinner's ???

Come on Church this is the time to rethink.
a. s. mathew (June 19, 2012)
based on these tests given by jesus, even today, everybody, especially who are called to the full-time ministries will have to take money issues very seriously. if a pastor is living in prosperity while a member in his church is undergoing financial struggles, the pastor has a moral and spiritual responsibility to take care of the financially poor believer. if that pastor is hoarding money for their children's future, then that minister has violated the divine calling. we are serving the almighty god, and when we fully obey and trust him, he is ready and able to bless us more abundantly than we can imagine. if we love money, we will hold on to it, if we love god and his ministry, we will be very generous with money and god will pour out the heavenly blessings upon us. while in a missionary trip with a wealthy minister, i was greatly surprised and confused by his extreme thriftiness with money, but his sermons were fiery.
a. s. mathew (June 19, 2012)
wants to be good man: you have clearly indicated some cardinal but critical issues pertaining to the topic of money. when we follow the living god, whether we are the ministers of the gospel as pastors-evangelists etc, or ordinary believers; we have the solid assurance and guaranteed provision of divine supply of food-clothings-shelter-transportation and everything extra. when the rich man wanted to follow jesus, jesus told him to sell everything and give to the poor, and to follow him, and the rich man could't take that challenge. when another pharisee was greatly excited to follow jesus after watching the miracles of feeding 5 thousand men and their families, he wanted to follow jesus. jesus gave him another challenging test ' foxes have holes, and the birds in the air have nests; but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head" mathew 8:20.
wants to be good man (June 19, 2012)
i am sorry to hear the story of pr. abraham varughese. i respect you pastor. but there is no retirement for pastors. if you have heavenly calling you should continue in ministry. going to english church is not the solution. if you take the role that you have with english church, you will be fine with malyalee church too. i know a pastor who

used to come to our church. he visited us on saturdays, and whenever he comes, he wants preach. sundays he goes to english church and he stays there quiet. we stopped giving him time and he never showed up after that.

being rich. if you have paid your tithe and helping the poor, it is fine. otherwise money will be a curse for you. pastors can not be very rich, when money is much needed in the mission field and many don't have enough money for their neccesities. this not about pastors only, but for everybody else. this is my view about wealth.

a pastor (June 19, 2012)
What is wrong with spending 200,000 roopa, for auditing. That is a part of the deal. Initially they cried for auditing. Now it is taken place and now complaining about the expense. Please don't worry about it.

Whatever we do about accounting, there is room to improve. At least Church of God has a good visibility into financial matters. What about other churches? Don't have any kind of visibility. Those people are crying about COG accounts. Why you all are concerned about it? Please focus on evangelizing.
roshan,bahrain (June 17, 2012)
Pr Abraham Mathew, I stand on your side and I understood what you meant.Prosperity is not just for believers ,but also for pastors.You look at other main line churches, every bishops,priests are wealthy.People work in America and in gulf countries just for their financial need.So it is not good to under estimate pastors...they are also human beings.
sebastian joseph (June 15, 2012)
@pr abrham varughese

"virodikku kalavayi polum parayan avasaram kodukaruthu yennu bible parayunnu". nalla pastors/leader should be accepted by peoples, even non belivers also. i have an experience, when i went to a small shop in my home town people were talking abt pentecostal pastors, they crticised all but when they talk abt pr. k e abraham they all said "ayal oru daiva manushyan thanney". this real story is not happend in kumbanadu, its happend in a small village at kottayam. so aware that if you do things in a good way you would get respect otherwise people always pointing their finger against you.
cog believer (June 13, 2012)
‘After detailed audit of the transactions happened over 3 years, we don’t have a feel of any major fraud or mis-appropriation of money. We haven’t come across with any concrete evidence to establish a suspicion of malafide transactions’.

Trying to understand the "any major fraud""any concrete evidence" Is there a fraud called major and minor
tharakan,dubai (June 11, 2012)
Pr Kunjappy is a unique personality and there is no substitute for him.I really thank god for the audit result.May god bless him abundantly.
joy t sam (June 10, 2012)
may god bless Pr M Kunjappy ,truth wins.
siju uk (June 8, 2012)
Well,nice to know that all the aligations were wrong about Pr Kunjappy,and also happy that audit report was clear.God bless you pastor, may the lord give you an inner healing.
philip (June 5, 2012)
shaju jose (June 5, 2012)
congrats respected sir M kunjappy.God is with you.
binoy n y (June 1, 2012)
Nice to hear that.All the best to M Kunjappy.
believer (May 31, 2012)
Pr Abraham, what happened to you?
pr. abraham varghese (May 29, 2012)
I cannot beleive we pastors cannot live peacefully in any place. People make stories about us and try to defame us. So what is wrong with pastors being rich? God is providing all those and believers should not be envious of that.I have been pastor of a church for about 3 years and had to leave because people won't give me freedom. I am presently going to English church and just cant stand malayalee churches.
believer (May 25, 2012)
@george n india. i grew up in cog. our church really needs a wake up call. listen its true millions of dollars are send to india for various ministries. however, cog not only in kerala but also in north was never able to tap any of these resources. many leaders up north are happy with the salary and pension they receive, their policy is, its not in doing much but in being faithful in small things. i totally agree to that, but the fact, even when doing nothing these leaders and children are safe with their salary and others they make. when pastors and believers who really work hard behind the scene lives in a pityful condition. if each cog family in gulf or western countries is willing to support a pastor back in india consistently for 2 to 5 years, while they grow their church. i am sure there will be exponential growth in our church. no pastor need to go around the world for making money as well. our average tithe of every family in america is $500-$1000 per month.
george n. india (May 25, 2012)
@beliver well said. as i am a son of the senior pastor in church of god , i did see these *** politics in our church from pr. a v abrahams day. pastor m v c did not contribute anything materially for the organization while he was in power. but its a naked truth pr. p a v contribute a lot of things materially to the organization , unfortunately *** politicians in the church spoiled all the goodness he created. (my father was an upadesi, not a luxurious pastor, he earnestly served god earn nothing by using gospel , so we struggled a lot) i was witness for an incident while pav ruling, two poor ladies came to mulakuzha office from coastal area , and asked some help from the office sec. as they were intending to rebuild their house roof (oola pura). someone took this matter to pav, and he was just reached office from us trip, he put his hand in his pocket and take all the money he got in his pocket and gave to those poor ladies and gave instruction to office sec. to give 10000 .
believer (May 24, 2012)
its high time that world mission decentralize and relieve cog kerala state churches from their direct rule. i do not think, there is much gain financially except for the leaders who gets salary and pension. i guess most of the money can be raised among the believers in gulf and america and kerala itself. its true that was not the situation before. however, sadly and truly not many pastors have benefitted from the foriegn financial support. it was mostly the leaders and those pastors who were send on scholarship to america and never returned to kerala who were benefited by the american rule. poor and innocent believers and pastors are still suffering in india and there is no one to help them.
believer (May 24, 2012)
@cog members. i wonder, who are those believers, council members and pastors who wrote to cog world mission and send anonymous letters. disciplinary action should be taken against those who accused as its not the first time, cog is being divided as a result of false, unproven accusations. i agree, i was among who oppossed kunjappy because of the rumors, if the current overseer elect knew the truth, i wonder why did not he withdraw from standing in election. i know one things for sure, there is a lobby in cog who talk about purity, holiness, etc etc but do not want to see any missional, organization growth in cog. my plead to you is, if you do not want to give money please do not give. but would kindly stop talking againt projects, and developments. if you think that is unbiblical, why dont you still go in kalavandi and live in hut. why u drive expensive cars and live in mansions and expect cog office to be like 1st century.
believer (May 24, 2012)
@jinu dubai. Why do u live in Dubai? Is is not for material blessings. You could have just lived in Kerala and ate kanzhi and achaar. Every one who talks about not possessing material blessings do not really show in their life. Hats off to those believers and pastors living a sacrificial life in Kerala.

jinu dubai (May 24, 2012)
Even after God comes these people will continue this politics here, they running busy and spending life time for materiel blessings and positions! none of the will see the new Jerusalem!
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