Author: A.S Mathew
Category: Bible Discourse
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2011
Views: 34481
Perhaps Jesus had spent more time in Mount Olives than any other place because it was His most favorite place of prayer.
Jesus came to the temple straight from Mount Olives one early morning to teach, and a big crowd came to listen to His teachings. (John 8:2). When he was out of the temple at an open area, the Scribes and the Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery.
The BJP and the Communist party are totally far apart in their political ideology, but they hold hand at times to attack the Congress party. What Jesus faced was an identical situation. The Scribes were men who preserved the law and the manuscripts. They were the Doctors of the law-the teachers and the defenders of the civil and criminal laws. When Jesus presented divine laws, they didnt like it, so they were always attacking Jesus Christ in every chance possible.
Pharisees. Called Hasidim , this movement arose during the early part of the second B.C. This is a very conservative religious movement believed in the immortality of the soul, life after death, in resurrection, future judgment and of a coming Messiah. The were very rigorous and strict interpreters and appliers of the law, so it was quite common for them to attack Jesus Christ.
Jesus with his less educated and ordinary folks on one side, on the other hand the educated united front was giving him a classic challenge to trap him through the law given by Moses. In Mathew 8:4, we read about a leper who was healed and Jesus told him to go the temple to show himself to the priests and offer the gift that Moses commanded as a testimony to them. Was Jesus alaw-breaker of laws given by Moses? He never did.
After giving a long lecture at the Temple, Jesus was tired, might have eaten something. How these Pharisees and the Scribes got a lady who was in the business of prostitution? Some of them may know her personally, and had some business relationship with her. The main purpose of bringing her in front of Jesus was to get a blank certificate from Jesus and to conduct a morning stone throwing show at a defenseless poor lady, like the beheading of the criminals in the Muslim countries after the Friday prayer.
Jesus didnt heed to their trapping questions, but sat down on the ground and wrote something very serious. He mi ght have written at the hot sand For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through me. John 1:17. The second question came, and Jesus answered with authority He who is without a sin among you, let him throw a stone at her fi rst. The lawyers and the religious fanatics with bag full of sharp stones left the place in total shame. Our Lord wrote again on the sand while they were walking in a hurry; He was writing in a hurry the love letter in the sand Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more. What a great judge of compassion is our LORD JESUS!
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