Thursday, July 18, 2024 |

th]mSns Zp:Jw

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Apr 23, 2012
Views: 13991

The grief of separation by death.
Ign Znhkfn kw`hn cv BIkvanI acW Atacnbnse aebmfn s]stmkvXv hnizmknIġv thZ\mP\Iambn. ^nemU^nbmbnse bph ip{iqjI ]m. {_bm hokns acWhpw lqWnse Ccp]ncpImcnbmb B\n Ds acWhpambncpp AXv. bphP\fpsS CSbn hfsc {]tbmP\spsImncp ]m {_bm anjWdn Zi\apff Hcp ssZhZmk\mbncpp. Ign 5 hjambn ^nemU^nbm ^p tKmkv] Akwnbnse bqv ]m F \nebn k`bvpw bphP\fpsS CSbn {]hnpsImncp bphP\ {]hI F \nebn kao] {]tZifnep ssZhP\n\pw A\p{Klambncpp. Ihpn{]bm kztZinbmb ]m D ambnbpsS aI B\n Ds acWhmbpw Ahnizk\obambncpp. acWw WnsSm AXnYnbmbn hncpns\ptm Hgnhmphm Ignbp Bcpv? Fm acWn\pdv \nXy Poh hmKvZm\w X {InkvXphn Dhv acWs `bstSXn. {]XymibpsS XpdapJv hopw ImWmw F {]XymitbmsS {]nb {_bm\pw B\n D\pw hnS. Ccp IpSpw_sfbpw ki Bizknns.


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