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bpw Ign-p C\n Imn-cn-ns \mfp-I

The war is over. Now waiting for the days to come.
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 17, 2021
Views: 2925

The war is over. Now waiting for the days to come..
Xncp-h-\--]pcw: \nba k`m XncsSpns A--nse t]mcv Ah-km-\n-p. C\n Imn-cn-ns Hcp- am-kw. Ccp-ap--Wn-Ifpw hnPbw Ah-Im-i-s-Sp-tm _n-sP]n.bpw Bthiw \S-p-sav Ah-Im-i-s-Sp--Xv. {]o t]m kt-Isfmw CS-Xp-]-s A\p-Iq-en--tm cmlpKm-n-bp-sSbpw {]nb Kmn-bp-sSbpw hchv he-Xp-]--n\v henb aptw \In. ]pXp-ap-J-sf AWn-\n-c-n-bXpw bp.-Un.-F-^n\v B-hn-izmkw GIn. t]mfnMv iX-am\w Ipd-Xv GXv ap-Wnsb _m[n-p-sav ]d-bm ]n-. Hw _nsP]n-bpsS i-amb kmn[yw ]e aWvU-e--fnepw hnP-bs An-a-dn-p--Xn\v Imc-W-am-bn. CXv KpW-I-c-am-Ip-Xv GXv ap-Wnv BsWv ]d-bm-\m-In-.
\nb-a-k`m Xncp-s-Sp-ns CXp-hsc e`y-amb hnhcw A\p-k-cnv kwm-\v tcJ-s-Sp-n-bXv 74.02% t]mfn-Mv BWv. ae-pdw D]-Xn-csSpn 74.53% t]mfnpw tcJ-s-Sp-n. 2016se Xnc-s-Sp-n 77.35 iX-am-\-am-bn-cpp t]mfn-Mv. t]mfnMv iX-am-\-n hnizm-k-anpw Bi ]penbpw C\n IW-p-Iq--ens Znh-k-. tabv 2\v ^e-a-dn-bmw. C-hW an-S--tf-m hS- tIc-f-n t]mfnMv iX-am\w Dbp. tIcfm C-en-Pkv dntmv F t]cn hnhn[ am[y-a-- F.-Un.-F-^n\v 82 kop-I e`n-p-sapw dntmv sNp-tm- 90e-[nIw kop-I e`n-p-sav bpUn-F^pw Ah-Im-i-s-Sp-p. Fm Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-fpw sabv 2\v Xncn--dn-bmw.


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