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Dcp-fmsX ]d-bp Imcyw

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 20, 2013
Views: 20487

Things I say with out rolling on the ground.
Dcpp Ifn-msX Imcyw ]d-bpXn\v {]mKyw D-Xn-\m Nne Imcy- ChnsS hy-am-t-n-bn-cn-p-p.

Rm Pbnhmk-a-\p-`-hnp F hm-bp-ambn Fn-bn-cn-p hynv B[n-Im-cn-I-ambn AXv sXfn-bnmtam? tIp-tIhn-bp-ambn Btcm-]Ww D-bn-p--Xns kXym-h hmb-\-m a\-kn-em-pw. _neo-th-gvkv tPW F ]{X-ns \S-n-p-Im-c Rm\m-sWv {]N-cWw \S-n-bnv Ctm ]d-bpp As\ ]dnnm Fv. Ctm BcmWv Dcp-p-I-fn-p--sXv hmb-\-m Nnn-p-I. _lp-am\y hmb-\-m-cpsS Adn-hn-te-mbn hopw ]d-b-s. _neo-thgvkv tPW F ]{X-ns DS-a--X-bntem \S-n-ntem Rm Dsnn-. ssZ\w-Zn\ \S-npw DS-aXbpw \mn-ep--hm-Wv. ]{X-hp-ambn kl-I-cn-p--h-cpsS Iq-n Hcp hyn-am{Xw BWv Rm. Fm s_tP.tImw F sskns DS-a-\pw \S-n-p-Im-c\pw Rm\m-Wv. AXn\v _neo-thgvkv tPW ]{X-hp-ambn \nb-a-]-c-ambn _-an-. AXn-\m Xs CXns\ kzX-{-ambn aptm-p-sImp t]mIm F\np am{X-amWv Ah-Im-iw. e--W-n\v hmb-\-m D Cu sskv \S-p--bm F \ne-bnepw Btcm-]-W-ġv adp-]Sn ]d-bp-hm Xt-S-hp-ap--tm Hcp ]{X-ns Uyqntn-d-t KXn-tISv tPW-en-\n-. AXn-\m Xsbpw ]e kvt\ln-XcpsS \n_--mepw adp-]Sn ]d-tb F Xocp-am-\-n Bbn-cp-p. Fm Hgn-p-am-dnbpw Hcp hnhm-Z-n-tep hgn amdmsXbpw kam-[m-\-tmsS \nXv _e-lo-\-X-b Fv a\-kn-em-p-I. Hdn-Pn-\ Un^U F t]cn Cd-nb ]{X-ns Imcy-n bmsXmcp CS-]mSpw _neo-thgvkv tPW-en-\n-. Iyq--dns t]cv Bpw Ftmgpw amn-sm-n-cn-m-hp--Xm-sW kXyw Iyq- ]cn-m\w D-hsmw Adn-bmw. Fnpw Btcm-]Ww XpS-cp--Xn-\m-emWv CXv Fgp-Xp--Xv. tPW-en\v Dua--p-Itfm Dua-]-{X-tfm Cd-t Imcy-an-. ImcWw Imcyw ]d-bp-hm Xt-Shpw thZn-bp-ap--tm CXns Bh-iy-an--tm.

tPW sskn IasgpXp--h-cpsS t]cv shfn-s-Sp-p-n F-XmWv Xs sskn-eqsS Hcp hyn-bpsS ]cm-Xn. cp-Im-en ap--h H-m-en apS-p--hs\ Ipw ]d-bp--Xn\v kam-\-am-Wn-Xv. ImcWw Ign ZoL-hj--fmbn Ata-cn--bnse ssZh-Zm-k-mpw ssZh-a-ġp-sa-Xn-cmbn Cu sskn hcp [mcmfw hm-Iġp ]nn-ep Bfp-Isf shfn-s-Sp-msX Ah-cpsS kzIm-cyX kqn-p Bġv Fs\ AtX-t]mse Xs t]cp ]d-bm tPW hmm sskns\ Ip-s-Sp-m-\m-Ipw.

tPW-ens hcp-am\w F{X? F{X-]n-cn-s-Spp Fpw tNmZn-p hyn-tbmSv Hcp tNmZyw tNmZn-tm-s. Ata-cn--bnse tem t^m \ sImSp-nv \nġpw kl-I-cnmw F t]cn ]ncnhv \S-n-b-Xnse hc-hns IWv {]kn-o-I-cn-mtam? ChnsS \npw hj--fmbn ]ncn-s-Sp-p ]W-ns IWv {]kn--s-Sp-ptam? ]ckyw kzoI-cn-msX ]{Xw \S-p amPnIv Fm-hp-a-dn-bm-a-tm. _neo-thgvkv tPW-ens t]cn ChnsS \nv Btcm-sS-nepw ]Ww ]ncn-p-Itbm hcn-kwJy taSn-p-Itbm sNbvXn-n FXv Xt-S-tmsS ]d-bp-hm F\np Ign-bpw. Rm \mbn A[zm-\np Pohn-p hyn-bm-Wv. tPmen sNmsX ]{X-ns ad-hn km-Zn-p hyn-b-. s]mXp-P-\-aty Fs Xmgvn-s-p-hm-\p Cu {iaw Fs kvt\ln-p hmb-\-m Xncn--dn-bp-I.

tIknse {]Xn-sb t]cn hymP-ambn {]N-cWw \S-p sskns Dtiw Fm-Wv. Iun-bnse ]nIv sdmUn D Imcy- shv sXn--cn-n-p-hm {ian-p-tm Fm-Wv CXv Fv Ata-cn- ae-bm-fn-Iġ-dnbmw. Fm Cy-bn-ep--hsc sXn--cn-n-pI F hrYm {ia-am-Wn-Xn\v ]nn. AXn-\m Xs C\nbpw Hcp hni-Zo-I-c-W-ns Bh-iy-an-. km-nI Xn-p-ambn _-sv \nc-h[n amk- Pbn-en InS-p-shv sXmb hm {]kn--s-Sp-nb Ctlw AXn-\mbn sXfn-hp-I \I-t. Xob-Xn, amkw, hjw, tcJ-I Fmambn AXv sXfn-bn-p-hm Nev sNp-p. Ccw `oj-Wn-I ]mh-s ssZh-Zm-k-m-cpsS ASp- am{Xta sNe-hm-Ip-I-bp-q Fpw Hmn--s.

t^m hnfn-bpsS Imcy-n adp-]Sn Fgp-Xn--gn-p. Dcw app-tm sIm\w Imp ]cn-]mSn Bhn-p-tm Ip-dp t]sc-sb-nepw sXn--cn-n-p-hm Ign-t-pw. _neo-thgvkv tPW ]{X-ns t]cntem _neo-thgvkv tPW an\n-kv{So-kns t]cntem ]Ww ]ncnp Fp sXfn-bn-m Rm Ctm hln-p Fm ]Z-hn-Ifpw Hgnbmw Fv Nev sNp-p. ImcWw Fs a\-km-np hncp--ambn {]hn-n-n Fp Xt-S-tmsS ]d-bm {]mKy-apv.

Cu {]kvXm-h\ Ah-km-\n-n-p--Xn\p apmbn ]d-bs. Fsbpw IpSpw-_-sbpw hyn-]-c-ambn Ah-tl-fn-p hm-Is-Xnsc {]Xn-I-cn-p-hm \nb-a-]-c-ambpw [mn-I-ambpw F\nv Ah-Im-i-ap-v. Cu Ipdn-s-gp-Xp-Xv Ccw hnhm-Z- Bhn-p-hm-\ ]n. kn. F. F. sI.-bvs-Xnsc Bpw hnain-m Ah-Imiw Dv. Fm AXn-cp-I-Sv hyn-]-chpw Xcw-Xm-W-Xp-am-Ip-tm A-X-ehpw amdp-p. _mly-k-- Dm-Ip-tm _neo-thgvkv tPW ]{X-hp-ambn _w hntSn hmepw s_tP. tImw. F Cu sskv IqSp-X in-tbmsS aptmp t]mIp-I-Xs sNpw.

Fs {]ob-s--hsc C{Xbpw hni-Z-ambn Fgp-Xn-bXv hnhmZw XpS-cm-\. P\w kXyw Adn-bp-hm am{Xw. Hcp Imcyw Hp-IqSn hy-am-s. _neo-thgvkv tPW ]{X-ns DS-a--X-bntem \S-n-ntem F\nv ]n-. ]c-kv]c kl-I-cWw am{Xw. Fm s_tP.tImw F sskv GXp kml-N-cy-nepw i-ambpw IqSp-X kwhn-[m-\-tm-sSbpw aptmv t]mIpw. ImcWw ]{X-n-s\-Xnsc KqVm-tem-N\ \S-nbpw X{- {]tbm-Knpw Cmbva sNp-hm {iaw hopw DmImw Fv Rm Nnn-p-p. AXn-\m Xs Cu Hmsse ]{Xw {]Xn-I-cWw i-amn cwK-p-mIpw. a-chpw hnai-\hpw Fmw kvt]mvkvam kv]ncn-tmsS IXv Ign-hp-tI-S-. Fm apnsmp-hm {ian-p-tm {]Xn-tcm-[n-p-hm F\npw \ymb-amb Ah-Im-i-ap--tm. ]e-cpsS ^bepw F\npw Xpd-m Atm Ah-Im-i-ap-mIpw.

cmP Bcy--n


Displaying 21 Comments
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njaan thanne (March 23, 2013)
"Gopi saudiyil vilasunnu" adikkurippu: allelum oru doginu veroru dogine ishtamalla.
saji -nj (March 22, 2013)
Hi Rajan, why don't you give Vaalan a chance to come to PCNAK since, he is the only perfect one?
philip,tx (March 22, 2013)
Hi Detroit believer, he is like a home lizard that thinks its because he supports that the terrace does not fall down.
philip, tx (March 22, 2013)
By calling "Pinnaakk" he is moking the entire American pentecostal community and those who named it.
from fl (March 22, 2013)
Hi Boban, tsb has never said "pcnak", I think. He seems to have ego to call pcnak. why does he say "pinnak" ? I think he should be jelous of others that live good and peacefully. He oppose brotherhood love. As the Bible says a tree is recognized by its fruit.
from new jersey (March 22, 2013)
I think, Like Amazon, Ebay, McDonalds, it is just a business model of the offender guy to make money. If it was not he would haven't receieved a single money from people. He would have done a business or something else to support for himself. He says he is selling CDs and books. I haven't heard anybody that have bought his books or cds. may be here and there.
boban alucas (March 22, 2013)
i came to us six years ago, i attended four pcnak conferences, it was a new experience for me . this meeting i met so many friends and family members different part of us. i never seen all pentecostal denominations of malayalies under one umbrella. most of the youngsters seems to be happy and few of them find their life partners also. i am not supporting rajan or anybody and i don’t know what is the truth and who is gossiping. but i am concern about this united spiritual endeavor . last four years tsb started to attack pcnak and he gave a new name. pinnack, what shameful it is, the officials of 2010 pcnak, houston, bow down in front of ts tsb, i think that they were cowards, gave an entry to tsb to attack pcnak. this is the largest malayalie gathering out side kerala. even though the secular organizations like fokana and foma, they had large publicity but the gathering less than half of pcnak gathering. since houston conference tsb attacking all conferences. few of t
a thomas, houston (March 22, 2013)
Dear Rajan Arriapally, You are hearing all these are only because you are giving leadership to PCNAK. So be strong .A lot of malaylee beleivers are supporting you.When TSB threatened some of the committe members quit. My thinking is that they are scared some of their secrects will come out, that is why they left from their elected position. At least I am appreciating you that you have the boldness to stand for the truth. When our Lord was on earth a lot accused him,betrayed him,crucufied him, but he is resurrected and still living. Be courageous.We don't need you further explanation.You know and we knnow what satan want.
detroit believer (March 21, 2013)
Now this "ettukali mammuju" claims that he helps the US govt to collect taxes. He thinks like an Arabic proverb says, "he who loves to think that others are blind; others knows that he is crazy".
v shaji, pennsylvania (March 21, 2013)
vaalan ezhuthi... vaalanu pathravumaayi bandhappetta casukal (case) maathrame ullu ennu. njaan chodhikkatte.. 2 varshathinu munpu visa thattippinte peril ivane police pokkiyirunnu,oru daivadaasante makalude photo morphing cheythu apamaanichathinu high court shiksha vidhichathaanu ( ee vidhikkethire vaalan suprem courtil case koduthenkilum supreme courtinte vidhi varaathadatholam,high courtinte vidhi ippozhum angane thanne kidakkukayaanu)thomas kuttiyude bhaaryaye 10 laksham roopaayku bheeshanipeduthiyathinu aanallo ee naariye kazhinja varsham arrest cheythathu. mel paranja randu kutta krithyavum ivante pathravumaayi bandhappettathaano?????? vivaraavakaasha niyama prakaaram india yude oru attathu ninnum matte attam vareyulla courtil ninnum police stationil ninnum ivante casukal pokkanam. ennittu prasidheekarikkanam. appol ariyaam aaryappallikku undennu parayunna civil casum ivante criminal casum thammilulla vyathyaasam
binu, orlando (March 21, 2013)
Dear Rajan, Do not respond to Bileam. Malayalee pentecostals know you. Let Bileam bark, do not listen and respond.
dallas man (March 21, 2013)
Offeder is just saying a reason not to disclose his income, from his collection, that his is a not non profit organization.
a believer (March 21, 2013)
Mr. Johnson, what u said is exactly right. 100 percent of the offender viewers are husbands are older sons of a family. Because of this many wives and parents are in tears. the owner of offender is cultivating a culture of rebellion in the church. rebellion against the pastor, rebellion against the elders, rebellion aginst wives and so on. He has coused hundreds of churches split. Many church pastors and believers have lost their peace. Vishudhiyudeyum Sathyopadeshathinteyum peru paranju knodu sabhakalil chidram undaakkunnu. iddeham velichadoodante vesham dharichirikkukayaanennu nam thiricharinjillenkil keralathile penthacosthinte bhaavi iruladanjathaayirikkum.
sp (March 21, 2013)
Dear Johnson,

How many kids in NA can read malayalam. Don't accuse others for troubled kids and marital problems.
pcnak fan (March 21, 2013)
dear believers, valan is on a mission to stop pcnak just like last ipc confernce. some pastors from ny teaming up with him to do just that. he think that by hitting rajan and rev. sp hard, will divert their attention from pcnak. those reading these comments, please make this na confernce a success. once, the conference is finish, i am sure he won't have anything to say about these people. you do not need valan's approval to conduct any business in america. who is he? a begger with no credability. a low life, family wrecker, there are some people in usa just like him. don't make me mention their names.
wellwisher (March 21, 2013)
don't let baalu bring division between you and samkutty. that's his strategy to divide and conqure.
johnson (March 21, 2013)

Let me write this for all the pentecostal believers around the world, esp in NA.These are truths. Many of our families are having marital troubles and also troubled kids. Part of the reason is many of them spend much more time reading and promoting gossip websites like that valans. They enjoy laughing and reading about others, while ignoring their own troubles and speck in the eye. BJOINE rise up and fight this non sense. The people who read valan dont realize; tomorrow if they dont agree to valans black mail tactics, it will be their wife and children that will be targetted. So pentecostal community has to rise up and stop this cancerous venom. I have seen in many houses, they are waiting to read valan on 15th&31st midnight, nt even sleeping, while the kids are longing to spend sme more time wit their dad. Most of these hubbys are jobless one who send their wives to wrk nd do nothing. Remember God hates Gossip. This has to stop to save our community. Lets focus o
titus (March 21, 2013)
Thanks for Ballu for acknowledging about The Believers Journal.It is so nice journal.Mr.Rajan ,you continue with the good need to give account only to God.
timothy robinson, fl (March 20, 2013)
ariyappally perumapavoorukaranalla marupadi kotikkendathe americayile avante agnet maare kandupidiche avarkum ithupoloru pani kotuthal nallathaanu.andrewvinte bankrupcy thudangiyal njanum kurchu vivarangal tharam. also i want to ask you why don't you start a website and answer all his attack and threatens for the incontinent people. who is he he is the one make decision and make people pay tax in the us give me a break. he has no idea what he talking about court cases especially us info some one making him fool.
no name-contd (March 20, 2013)
nalla varthakal journal purathu vittirunu therchayayum iniyum athu paratheshikunnu.nallathu cheyuka,nallathu pravarthikuka.ningale elpichathu cheyuka.nallathu ethenu daivam thheyil koodi parishothkatte.orale nanakuvananu palarum ithelam ezhuthunnathu enkil manushyarude vashiyum vairagyavum koodukaye ollu.

.avare engane daiveka snehathil ethikuvan kazhiyumenu holy bible parayunnu.manushika nilayil thetu cheyunnavare shihikuvan oru govt undu.athil njan viswasikunnu.pne ente daivavum.ethu ezhuthunathu admin publish chythilenkilum prasnamilla.arum nannakum ennu pratheshayum illa.PCNAK nethire nadkunna ee vishayangal theerchayayum anugrahathinanu.oru valiya unarvinayi.prathikuka.pravarthikuka.maranam vareyum viswasthatyode koodi jeevikuka.
no name (March 20, 2013)
prathikaranam vayichu.thakathaya ezhuthuvan pedi ullathu kondanu ezhuthathu.karanam ithinte peril ente kudumbathe koodi bhaviyil ithileku valichizhakuvan thalapryamilla.cmnt ezhuthiyathinal athum sambavikam.apanum,amayum avar veetil irunotte.thaniku enthum ezhutham enthum avaam,athinethire arenkilum vaa thuranal avante karyam pokanu.. chilar kandilennu nadikunnu...chilar ethine upeshichu..ennal chilar prathikarkinnu.ala mutiyal cherayum kadikum.chilathu vayikumbol satyamnu ennu thonni pokum.karanam avre patti namuku ariyilla...enal ariyavunna chila daiva dsanmarepatti ezhuthumbol manasilavum ethu ethu athamavwnu ennu.satyam sthyamyi ezhuthuka evide mathsaramalla vendathu.entahnu dautyam ennu ellarvarkum ariyam athu sunday mathram paranjal pora..
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