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This is a Godly appointment : Pastor Jacob John
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Mar 22, 2013
Views: 26433

This is a Godly appointment : Pastor Jacob John.
sF. ]n. kn. P\-d {]kn-Uv m\-tv Rm Fn-bXv bmZr-n-I-am-b. ssZh-ns ]Xn {]Imcw Fs-ta-ep \ntbm-K-m-emWv Rm Cu m\-s-n-b-Xv. [mcmfw ssZh-Zm-k-m-cn-eqsS ZqXp-I F\nv e`n-n-cp-p. Zi-\-n-eqsS F\npw Cu Btem-N\ e`n-n-cp-p. bmZr-n-I-sav tXm- Nne kw`-h- Dm-bXv Fs t\man-t\-j\p Imc-W-am-bn. ]t Fmw ssZhoI ]-Xn-bm-bn-cp-p. AXn-\m CXv \ntbm-K-ambn Rm G-s-Spp. k`sb BoIm`nhr-n-bn-tep \bn-pI F-Xn-\mWv Rm {]Ya ]cn-K-W\ \Ip--Xv. ImcWw ]cn-ip-m-m-hn\p hnt[-b-s-Sp-tm Inbpw ]hpw ]S-e-n-W--fpw ]-I-S-pw. k`-bpsS BK-am-\-amb ]ptcm-K-Xn-mbn H-s-mbn {]hn-pw. _neo-thgvkv tPW No^v FUn- kmwIpn amXyp-hp-am-bp A`n-ap-J-n ]m tP_v tPm hy-amn. k`sbp-dn-p Xs Zi-\hpw ]-Xn-Ifpw ]p shp-p.

tNmZyw: Xm D]-Pm] kwL-ns ]nSn-bn-em-sW B tcm-]-W-s-p-dnv FmWv adp-]Sn?

Dcw: CXv adp-]Sn Aln-m Btcm-]-W-am-Wv. Ign 42 hj-ambn ip{iq-j-bn-em-bn-cn-p hyn-bm-Wv. Imcy-sfp-dnv kmam\y hnh-c-hp-ap-v. Fs thj-hn-[m-\-ntem CS-]m-Sp-I-fntem PmV ImWn-m-Xp sImmImw Nne [cn-p-Xv `cWw \S-pXv Rm\m F-Xv. t\ XrXzw \Im F\nv Ir] \Ip-Xv ssZh-amWv. Cu So ans\ ssZh-Ir-]-bn-em-{i-bnv \ bn-pw. ChnsS D]-Pm] kwL-fn-. GXp ka-bpw B pw Fs ImWp--Xn\v XS--hp-an-. ip{iq-j-I-cpsS CS-bn Xs-bm-bn-cnpw Rm.

tNmZyw: ASp P\-d Ihj-\n \npw Nnesc Hgn-hmpw Fv tItm?

Dcw: Bcp ]d-p. Chn sS {]Xn-Im-c-_p-n-tbm-S Imcy- sNp--Xv. ssZh-P-\-n \p {]tbm-P\w Dm-Iptam F-XmWv am\-Z-WvUw. Bscbpw Hgn-hm-n-. ]Icw Ignhpw {]m]vXn-bp-aphp IqSn Ah-kcw DmIpw Fp am{Xw.

tNmZyw: cmjv{So-b-mcpw kap-Zm-b-t\-Xm-fpw Ip-\mSv Ihj thZn-bn \ncncn-p {]h-WX IqSp-I-bm-W tm?

Dcw: CXn-s\ms {Iao-I-cWw Dm-Ipw. CXv Bob ip{iq-j-bm-Wv. AXn-Yn-I-fmbn hcp--hv AXn-\-\p-kr-X-ambn Ccn-nSw \I-Ww. \psS tbmK- ths]--h-cpsS Iq-am-W-tm. FIyp-an-\-k-sampw \ap-p-th FmWv Fs \ne]mSv. Fmw N-ambpw DNn-X-ambpw \S-pw.

tNmZyw: \yqP-\-td-j k`-I-tfm-Sp kao-]\w hy-am-mtam?

Dcw: Zpcp-]-tZiw {]N-cn-n-p-Xpw hN-\m-Sn-m-\-n AwKo-Imc tbmKy-a-m--Xp-amb Hcp Iq-tcmSpw \app kJy-ap-m-hn-.

tNmZyw: 40 Zn\ D]-hmkw sImv FmWv ey-an-Sp-Xv?

Dcw: Ip-\m-v \S-p-hm t]mIp D]-hmk {]m\ k`v hen-b-am-- sImp-h-cpw. \psS t\Xm--mcpw ip{iq-j-Icpw hnizm-kn-Ifpw B o-b-ambn DW-s-S-Ww. F nte {]iv\ġp ]cn-lm-c-apq Fn am{Xta k` hf-cpI-bp-q. Fn am{Xta kp hn-ti-jo-I-c-W-n-\mbn P\w ap tmp hcn-I-bpq. \psS A Sn-m\ {]iv\w aSn hchp Xs-bm-Wv. BZna A-\p-`-h-n-te-p aS-n-h-c-hv. D]-hm-k-{]m-\-bn-eqsS AXv km[y-am-Ipw.

tNmZyw: k`-bvmbn henb ]-Xn-I-fm-Wtm hn`m-h\w sNp-Xv?

Dcw: Ip-\m-Sns \ho-I-cWw Ihj tPv, {Ku v HmUn-tm-dn-bw, C \mj-W Hm^o-kns ]qo-I-c-Ww, Ihj sk-dn-\mbn ew hm C-s\-bp ]-Xn-I-fmWv Ctm D-Xv. AXns {]mcw` {]h-\- XpS-n--gn-p.

tNmZyw: Io-j CS-]m-Sp-I \S-pp F Btcm-] Ww icn-bmtWm?

Dcw: Hcn--ep-an-. Fm CS-]m-Sp-Ifpw kpXm-cy-am-hpw. CXn-\mbn \ntbm-Kn--s kan-Xn-Ifpw Iuknepw FIvkn-Iyq-o-hvkp-sams Cu Imcy-ġpw tat\mw hln-pw. bmsXmcp hn[ Io-j CS-]mSpw A\p-h-Zn-n-.

tNmZyw: k`m hf-bn FmWv ey-an-Sp-Xv?

Dcw: 10000 k`-I BWv eyw. t\mnUy-bn k` hfsc thKw hf-cp-I-bm-Wv. AXn-\m- Cu eyw km[y-am-Wv.

tNmZyw: ]e tp-I-sfbpw Hgn-hmn \nn-bn-cn-p-I-bm-Wtm? Xm-fpsS \ne-]mSv FmWv?

Dcw: apdn-th--h [mcm-f-ap-v. Ah-cpsS apdn-hp-W--Ww. t\XrXzw {iaw XpS-n--gn-p. {]iv\- ]Tn-p-I-bm Wv. tp-I-fp-am-bp {]iv\- N-I-fn-eqsS ]cn-l-cn-pw. lcn-bm-\, Hdo tp-I-fpsS Imcy-ġv {Iao-I-c-W-am-Ip-p. t\mt doPn-b-\p-ambn Imcy- kwkm-cnp hcp-p.

t\mn-y-bnse {][m\ kwL-S-\-I-fpsS t\Xr-\n-c-bn-ep--h an-hcpw sF. ]n. kn. ]m--e-n-ep--h-cm-Wv. tbmPn-m-hp taJ-e-I-fn tbmPnv {]hn-m Ah-k-c-ap-m-I-Ww. `mc-X-nse \ psS ZuXyw hep-XmWv.

tNmZyw: Ign-hp--hsc HXpn ampp F Btcm-]Ww ChnsS i-am-Wv. Xm Fp kao-]\w kzoI-cnpw?

Dcw: Ignhpw {]m]vXnbpw ssZh-Ir-]-bp-ap Bscbpw amn \nn-. ChnsS A\-h[n Ah-k-c--fp-v. Fm-h-scbpw t{]mm-ln-n-p kao-]-\-amWv Ftmgpw Rm ]np-S-cm-dp--Xv. hyn hntZz-j-n-s tbm as-s-nepw Imc-W-m temIgn-hp--hsc Hgn-hm--cp-Xv.

tNmZyw: henb ]-Xn-I hn`m-h\w sNp--tm. Fm k`-bn km-n-I-ambn ]ntmw \n¡p--hsc Ah-K-Wn-pp Fp ]cmXnsbp-dnv?

Dcw: ssZh-Zm-k-m A \p-`-hn-p IjvS-m-Sp-I F \nv \mbn Adn-bmw. Ah A\p-`-hn-p IjvS-Xbpw {] m-\-n\p thn XymKw k ln-p-Xpw ]e-tmgpw t\Xr Xzw ImWm-dn-. Rm\pw \mep-]-Xn-m-n-e-[n-I-ambn anj ^o Un-ep Bfm-Wv. Cpw kz -a-m `h-\-n Xma-knv Ir-the sNp-p. IjvS-s-Sp--hmbn ]-Xn-I X m-dmpw Ah-cpsS D-a-\-n-\mbn Xo-bmbpw k`v _m [y-X-bp-v.

tNmZyw: Xms-Xnsc Btcm-]-W- Nne tI{-n \npw {]N-cn--tm. Xm-fp sS {]Xn-I-cWw FmWv?
Dcw: Acw {]N-c-W-sf Bcpw apJ-hn-e-s-Sp-n F-XmWv kXyw. Fs bpw Fs ip{iq-j-sbbpw ASp--dn-bp--h-cmWv sF. ]n. kn.-m. Xpd ]pkvX-I-amWv F s Pohn-Xw. F\nv kzImcy AP--I-fn-. {]m-\-ns \ B{K-ln-p-p. F{Xtbm {]Xn-Iq-e-sf AXn-Po-hn-p-hm Imhv Ir] \In. A XmWv Fs inbpw, hnfn--hs the-Xn-I-bvpI F-Xm-sWs eyw. bpw btlm-h-bvp--Xv.


Displaying 2 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
wilson varghese (April 20, 2013)
We have to support to Pastor Jacob John and team and I am believing that God will do the miracles and exspecially the 40 days fasting prayers the IPC face will change.
a. s. mathew (March 24, 2013)
the last question touching the subject of helping the economically suffering ministers has to be taken very seriously. the new pope francis has emphasized repeatedly that the 1.2 billion member catholic church has to give greater attention to the hungry world, and he is planning to talk with the islamic religious leaders, how through a united effort, the world hunger problem can be solved. when we read the four gospels, how many times jesus has spoken about giving to the poor? even though we can witness mansions where it used to be the locations of huts, there are a vast percentage of ministers suffering outside the state of kerala, and taking care of those suffering ministers is our primary duty because jesus has repeatedly reminded the same subject while he was on earth. our one-sided and blind attitude " god blessed me with money and big homes" and the suffering ministers are not blessed by god is a wrong conception; that is due the brainwashed "prosperity gospel".
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