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This is Godly Appointment
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Apr 24, 2012
Views: 16249

This is Godly Appointment.
]n. ssh. ]n. F. sk{I«dnbmbn sXcsªSp¡s¸« ]mÌÀ km_p Nm{]¯v _neothgvkv tPW No^v FUnäÀ kmwIp«n amXyphpambn kwkmcn¡p¶p

C{Xbpw henb hnPbw {]Xo£n¨ncpt¶m?
\qdp iXam\hpw {]Xo£n¨ncp¶p

hnPb¯nte¡p \bn¨ LSI§Ä Fs´ms¡bmWv?
]n. ssh. ]n. F. {]hÀ¯Icpw ]mtÌgvkpambpapÅ Bgtadnb _Ôw, ]m\enep­mbncp¶hcpsS sFIyXtbmsSbpÅ {]hÀ¯\w. Hmtcm Øm\t¯¡pw tbmKycmb Øm\mÀ°nIsf AhXcn¸n¡m³ IgnªXv, R§fpsS {]hÀ¯\ ]cnNbs¯ ]n. ssh. ]n. F. {]hÀ¯IÀ AwKoIcn¨Xv, ]n. ssh. ]n. F. FIvknIyq«ohvknsâ t{]mÕml\hpw, \nÀt±i§fpw H¸w kp[n IÃp¦ensâ ktlmZc Xpeyamb ]n´pW C§s\ [mcmfw LSI§Ä hnPb¯n\p ]n¼n {]hÀ¯n¨p. t]cv ]cmaÀint¡­ ]ecp­v.

sXcsªSp¸v Ime A\p`h§sf F§s\ ImWp¶p?
BtcmKy]camb aÕcambn am{Xta R§Ä CXns\ I­pÅp. FXnÀ Øm\mÀ°nIÄ IgnhnÃm¯hcmbn R§Ä I­nÃ. hyànlXy \S¯mXncn¡phm\pw {i²n¨p.

km_p Nm{]¯ns\Xncmbn hyàn]cambn \o¡§Ä \S¶p F¶Xns\ F§s\ ImWp¶p?
NnecpsS sXämb \S]SnIsfbpw {]hWXIsfbpw ap³Ime§fn FXnÀ¯Xnsâ t]cn F\ns¡Xnsc hne Ipdª Btcm]W§fpambn NneÀ cwK¯ph¶p. sF. ]n. knbnse Nne cmjv{Sob {Kq¸pIfnbpsS `mKambn AhÀ Fs¶bpw hen¨ng¡m³ {ian¨p. F¶m F\n¡v AhtcmSv bmsXmcphn[ _p²nap«pIfpw CÃ. ImcWw Fs¶ Adnbp¶ ]n. ssh.]n. F. {]hÀ¯Icpw ip{iqjIcpw \ÂInb ]n´pW AhÀ¡pw a\knembn ImWpatÃm. Xcw XmW Btcm]W§fpw hfÀ¶phcp¶hsc XIÀ¡phm\papÅ {]hWX Cu Ime¯v hÀ²n¡pIbmWv. F¶m ssZh¯m sXcsªSp¡s¸Sp¶hsc XIÀ¡m³ BÀ¡pw IgnbnÃ. FÃmw ssZh¯nsâ IcpWbpw Ir]bpw am{XamWtÃm.

]n. ssh ]n. Fbn C\nbpÅ 3 hÀjw?
Ignª FIvknIyq«ohnsâ XpSÀ¨bmWv Cu I½nänbpw. Ignª aq¶phÀjw \à \nebn Iym¼pIfpw PohImcpWy {]hÀ¯\hpw \S¶p. Cu `cWIme¯v bphP\§Ä¡p IqSpX {]tbmP\whcp¶ \nebn Iym¼pIfpw inev]imeIfpw \S¯pw, PohImcpWy {]hÀ¯\w IqSpX iàam¡Ww. kaql hnhmlw,hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡v kvtImfÀjn¸v C§s\ hnhn[ ]²XnIÄ BhnjvIcn¨v \S¸nem¡pw. Hm^okv kwhn[m\w iàam¡pw sa¼Àjn¸v Iyms¼bn³ \S¯pw. hnhmltamN\w hÀ²n¨phcp¶ Cu Ime¯nsâ BhiyIX Adnªv {]oamcnä Iu¬kenwKv skâÀ Bcw`n¡pw. Fsâ Gähpw henb kz]v\w ]n. ssh ]n. F¡v kz´amb Hcp Iym¼v skâÀ XpS§Ww F¶XmWv. CXn\pÅ {]mcw` NÀ¨IÄ Bcw`n¨pIgnªp. bphP\§sf Bßob ImgvN¸mSpÅhcmbn k`bpsS apJy[mcbnse¯n¡pI F¶XmWv R§fpsS e£yw. AXn\mbpÅ {]hÀ¯\§fmbncn¡pw \S¯pI

Fsâ ]nXmhv ]mÌÀ kn. hn. tXmakv imkvXmwtIm« skâÀ ]mÌdmWv. amXmhv A¶½. ]nXmhnsâ tPjvT\mWv ]mÌÀ kn. hn. tPm¬ N§\mticn skâÀ ]mÌÀ. `mcym]nXmhv ]mÌÀ tPmk^v tPmÀÖ v
XriqÀ shÌv skâÀ ]mÌdmWv. \mep ]Xnäm­ne[nIambn ChÀ sF. ]n. knbn ip{iqjbnembncp¶p. Fsâ ]nXmhv kphntijthetbmSpÅ _Ô¯n F{Xtbm {]XnIqe§fpw ]«nWnbpw A\p`hn¨p. F¶m AXnsem¶pw XfcmsX At\Isc {InkvXphnte¡v \bn¡phm³ ]nXmhn\v Ignªp. ]mÌÀ kn hn. tPm¬ Bbnc¡W¡n\v kphntijIsc hN\w ]Tn¸n¨p. CsXÃmw I­pw tI«pw A\p`hn¨pamWv R§Ä hfÀ¶Xv. Fsâ ktlmZc§fn 4 t]À ip{iqjbnemWv. Rm³ P\n¨Xv ]mgvkt\PnemWv. _mey Iuamc§Ä kphntij hbense FÃm thZ\Ifpw A\p`hn¨p hfÀ¶p. ]«nWnbpw ]cnlmkhpw PohnXm\p`h§fmWv. Bcm[\bv¡mbn ]mbv hncn¨pw kt­kvIqÄ ]Tn¨pw ]Tn¸n¨pw tem¡Â ]n. ssh. ]n. F. t{]m{Kman ]s¦Sp¯pw dnt¸mÀs«gpXnbpw hfÀ¶ph¶ A\p`hamWv F\n¡pÅXv. ]dªptI« Imcy§fà Fsâ PohnXt¯mSp tNÀ¯ph¨ A\p`h§fmWv F\n¡v kphntijhbenteXv. B A\p`h§fmWv Fsâ Icp¯mbn Rm³ ImWp¶Xv.
IcpXp¶ IÀ¯mhv F\n¡ptI«p tIÄhnbà Fsâ PohnX¯nsâ `mKamb A\p`hamWv. Ct¸mÄ NmcpwaqSv C½m\pth sF. ]n. kn. ip{iqjI\mWv. `mcy sjdn³.


Displaying 7 Comments
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wpa (May 9, 2012)
if i would be a candidate, i will also win coz of money need to know what you are, who you are..all things happened on behalf of money that's why the person who won last time under beliver position and this time as an evangelist is also elected...this is the way for someone to make thier black into white. i have seen that.. this is not the way a society we must conduct election but don't go behind money... so...sorry we won't like to accept one person (only one person)from this to our centre...remaining we will discuss whether to enter or not...
chacko (May 9, 2012)
bother, is it Godly Appointment? You don't be fool. You compete with your brothers to win, panal, voting and finally Godly Appointment.! Amen!
jacob george (April 28, 2012)
Congratulations Sabu, Wilson, Laiju and all the team members. You have come in to a responsible position. Please pay attention, step ahead, look to the cross, and guide the youth in this era. God bless you
thomas vemmelil (April 27, 2012)
Congrats :- I truly agree with you. How wretched are these people! Wonder what kind of revelation do they have on God's plan and purpose about the Church! Was the Lord Jesus a politician? Did He pay attention to the politics of His country? Did He ever represent the voice of the people? Did He ever rally any political power around Him? The church was not founded on politics nor by politicians. It is built on a rejected corner stone. In a normal case the corner stone is being chosen from among the other stones to be the best suitable one. But Jesus was not elected but a rejected corner stone and on Whom we are being built together to be the dwelling place of God in spirit. What we see today in Pentecostalism is purely Babylonian. The elected stones are not suitable for this Building, you need to be rejected to be the living stones. "Mystery the great Babylon" written by the founder of IPC has become a sarcasm to his own organization!!
congrats (April 27, 2012)
congratulations. but please dont drag God into this. God does not care about ipc politics or pypa elections. God's only niyogum is to throw all of these IPC politicians to hell, not to influence elections. the better candidate or the better campaigner wins the elections. If people cared about what God's will is before the election, it would be to love one another and to consider the other candidate better than oneself.
geor varughese uae (April 27, 2012)
May God Bless U dear Br Sabu
mary joseph (April 24, 2012)
May God Bless you....
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