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CXv Fs Km\w:]n. hn. Npm

This is my song - P.V Chummar
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 22, 2012
Views: 31279

This is my song - P.V Chummar.
bmtm_mb kapZmbn \nv hnizmkntev h Hcp ktlmZc _pfpsS D]{Zhw \nanw hfsc ]conWnX\mbnamdn. B kmlNcyn hnizmk PohnXw Dt]ntnhcptam Fv `bs B ktlmZcs\ AYhm klPs\ ss[cysSpphm thnbmWv Rm Cu ]mv FgpXnbXv. 1957 ]pdndnb tZm BwsJw _mcm lmv F lnnkn\nabnse taJmhp Xp Npv tlmPm F Km\ns SyqWnemWv CXv cNnXv. AtmkvtXmenIv s^bvv anjs ]mp ]pkvXIn B Imep Xs Cu Km\w DsSpnbncpp Fv ]m Npm ]dbpp. 1932 BKv amkn P\n ]m ]n. hn. Npm sI. hn. tPmk^v F Cymc D]tZinbpsS iny\mW. Xm hnizmknbmbncnp Imev 1957 FgpXpIbpw 1958 ]mp ]pkvXIn {]knoIcnpIbpw sNbvX Km\amWv Agtedpw PohnXacphn F Km\w. 1957 apX apfgbn ssZhhN\w ]Sn ]n. hn. Npm 1960 emWv ]mdmIpXv. Xs hoSn\p apnepmbncp G. Pn. Smokv F kn\nam sImIbn \np ]mv tIv B SyqWnemWv Km\ ]eXpw cNnncpXv. B Imev {]knoIcn ]mp ]pkvXIfn GXv kn\nam Km\ns SyqWmWv Fv tcJsSpp ]Xnhpapmbncpp. kp{]kn ss{IkvXh KmbI\mb `hes ]nXmhv ]gnbn cmssk\ynse D]tZinbmbncpp. ]m `he AtmkvtXmenIv s^bvv anj Nn ktUkvIq ]TnpIbpw ]TnnpIbpw sNbvXnpv. Cu Km\ns bmYmy Atln\pw AdnhpXmWv Fv Npmdnt\mSSp BfpI hyamn. 1956 59 hscbp ImeLn apw KohKokv ]gnbn CSbvnsS ip{iqjbvmbn hcp Bfmbncpp. Av AhnsS \nv tI ]pXnb Km\sfmw t]mIp CSfn ]mSpIbpw {]knampIbpw sNbvXXv AtlamWv. As\ sNbvXXn Npmdns ]mpI am{Xa Cymc D]tZinbpsS {]knamb Km\fpw Dv. 53 hjtmfambn P eamb ]gn tI{oIcnpam{Xw {]hnp ]n. hn. Npm F ssZh`rXy hnhmZfn \nv Fpw AIp \n¡p kuay\mWv. P ev {InkvXphns kmyw hlnpI F Zi\tmsSbmWv Cu htbm[nI\mb ssZh`rXy {]hnphcpXv. [mcmfw {InkvXob Km\ cNnnp Ctlspdnv Cv \nXyXbn hn{ianp ]m ]n. Un. tPmks {Kٯn FgpXnbnpv. Xm FgpXnb Km\fpsS AhImiw apw Kohokv Dbnptmgpw hnhmZġv CjvSsSmsX HXpn \n¡pIbmWv Cu F]XpImc.


Displaying 6 Comments
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jubin jacob (April 7, 2012)
No doubt, he is lying....
believer (March 19, 2012)
"sahajane' sahaje aayathu ee paavam appachan arinjillaayirunno? Sahajane ennu paadunnathu ithuvare kettittilla. yakkobaaya samudhayaththile sahodharane samadhaanappeduththaan ee ppattile vaakkukal paranjnju kelppichchittu pinne vannu joseph appachanteyil ninnu tune medikkukayaayirunno. allaa.. tune ittittu poyi samadhaanappeduththukayaayirunno.
satheesh padmanabhan pillai (February 27, 2012)
I firmly believe this song was written by Muttom Varghese Appachan . Pastor Chummar says he written this for a " Sahajan" . But the song clearly says as Muttom Appachan says , " sahaje (His wife ) . Chummar is saying it Chumma . No doubt .

Satheesh Padmanabhan . USA .
lijo (February 24, 2012)
I don't belieive in this....
blessen (February 23, 2012)
This is a great song.but why argue about it? Muttom has shared this story(true or false) for many years. Chummar hasn't heard it.when they turned 80+ they argue.this is not of the holy spirit.give glory to the lord.
anonymous (February 22, 2012)
Question : How does "sahajan became sahajae" in the song?
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