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hn.Un. amX|km Irkn[nbn

VD Mathew promoted to glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 26, 2013
Views: 14085

VD Mathew promoted to glory.
]\m]pcw F_t\ `h\n hn.Un. amX| (84) G{]n 26mw XnbXn Irkn[nbn tNsp. ]p\eq t] ann DtZymK\mbn Ctlw sF.]n.kn. kotbm k`bn AwKambncnbpw ZoL hj kt kvq Aym]I\mbpw k`m JPmPnbmbpw, BoI`uXoI sIp ]Wnmbn kvXpXylamb tkh\w k`bv \evIbpw sNbvXnpv. tPmenbn \nw hncan tijw ssa\ma, ]nShq Fo efn Xmakamnbn. `mcy 檽 amX|, tImbw ]p\eq sksdpIfn ip{iqjnn ]m Fw. ]ms ktlmZcnbmWv. a: tembnkv cmP -----`mhv ]m cmP tPmv (Umfkv), Pn tXmakv `mhv ]m Pbnwkv (]\m]pcw), Ch. kmw amX| `mcy _np kmw (_ldn), tjfn amX| (]\m]pcw). kwkvImcw ]noSv.


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pastor (April 26, 2013)
A great man of God. Big loss. God may comfort all.
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