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]nkn\mv sFIyktf\ntev kzmKXw

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 1, 2013
Views: 22984

Welcome to PCNAK.
\|tbmv: Pqsse 4 apX 7 hsc \S 31maXv Atacn s]tmkvX aebmfnIfpsS sFIykwKan\v IWnv Ihj sk Hngnp. \mjWtem `mchmlnI tNv hn]peamb {IaoIcWfpsS Ahkm\L hnebnepw \Sn.

Pqsse \men\v 6:30 \v \mjW Iho\ dh. tUm. kn ^nenv DZvLmS\w sNpw. AYnXn {]kwKIcmb ssZhZmkmw KmbIw CUybn \nw hnhn[ efn \nw Fn tNnpv. kp{]kn KmbIw Bnpamb _nPp \mSv Cu tIm^kn Km\ Be]nXmWv. am{Xa kiIcmb At\I ssZhZmkm Cy, knwKq, K^v cmPy FnhSfn \nw Fn tN. \|tbmv Gt]mv, tKpth Nv, IWnv Gt]mv Fo efn \nw _kv kuIcyfpw e`yamWv. nIġv thnbp t{]m{KmapI tIcfn \nap FIv ho_n Fkv Sow \SpXmbncnw.

Ign 30 ]cw hjfmbn apSw IqSmsX \Sh sFIyXbpsS Cu almktf\n\v Cu hjw kmcYzw hlnXv dh. tUm. kn ^nenv, cmP Bcyn, tPmbnkv ]n. amX}kv, Binjv tP_v FnhcmWv. Pqsse 7\v \S Bcm[\tbmSpIqSn Cu hjs NXnZn\ ktf\w kam]nw.

hm AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm


Displaying 5 Comments
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usa (July 4, 2013)
The Devil (valan) already started to work. Jealous and anger. He is treating every body. He was a fan of Bhootan now valan turn around. OH GOD what else we going to see.
pcnak fan from kerala (July 4, 2013)
we are waiting for pcnak updates.I hope all goes well.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." math:18:20

pcnak fan (July 3, 2013)
Please ask the next secretary to send you a sponsor so that you can attend the conference in Michigan. Good Luck.
nypente (July 3, 2013)
We never had live stream because it is a paid event. You must register.

australian indian pent (July 2, 2013)
Any livestream broadcast from CT?
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