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Ip-ISn: Aq-dm ]{X-m-c-\m-bm’

When Anjooran becomes the news guy
Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2011
Views: 13335

When Anjooran becomes the news guy.
Aq-dm FXv kn\n-a-bnse IYm-]m-{X-a. ]c-am-h[n 500 cq] Inn-bm Bp-th-nbpw Iqen-s-gp-Xp--bm Fw. 250 cq]-In-n-bmepw HmsI. ]W-n-\p-thn GXp ]mf-b-n-ep-sa-pw. Bi-b--tf--m Bam-i-bn\p {]m[m\yw \Ip Aq-dm CubnsS henb Hcp Ip-]n-Spw \S-n. s]s-tmkvXp t\Xr-Xzs A]-Ion-s-Sp-m ZpjvS-em-tm-sS-bp Nne am[y-a--fpsS {ia--fn hnizm-kn-Iġv AXr]vXn. BcmWm Cu hnizm-kn- kaqlw. ]mphpw IpSpw-_-hpw, tImhm-e\pw IpSpw-_hpw Aq-dm\pw IpSpw-_hpw tN hnizmk kaq-l-n-\m-sW-Xnv, `nn- Xm-n-n-Sn-p ]n-bpsS at\m-`m-h-ap Aq-dm\pw kz-ambn Hcp FUn-tm-dn-b-se-gp-XmsX Iqen-sIm-Spv FUn-tm-dn-b-se-gp-Xnp ]{Xm-[n-]cpw `b-t Imcy-amWv Aqdm teJ-\-n Imn-bn-cn-p--Xv. Hfn-Iym-ad am[ya {]h-Ip t\scbpw hcp-a-s{X. Hfn Iymad k-cn hgn-bn IXv Hfn-tm-Sn-b-tm Dt]-nv t]mb {^nUvPpw hop-]-I-c-W-fpw BsW-s{X ]nm-pd kwkmcw. ]W-n-\p-thn hm {]kn-o-I-cn-p-Xpw mvsabn- sN-p--Xp-sams ioen-n-p Aq-dm\pw tImhm-em\pw kn\nam hnhmZw adtm Bthm. ]Ww Inn-b-tm kn\n-a-bpsS ]ckyw Dfp-n-msX CSm aSn-Im-m tImhm-e-\mWv Aq-dms\ Iqp]nSnv thiy-bpsS Nmcn-{X-{]-kwKw \S-p--Xv. Xs ]m-ew \nanw Hncn A]-IjXm t_m[ap Aq-dm\v ]n-b-Iq-mWv tImhm-em. hoSns aph-i-p-IqSn {]th-in-msX ASp-f-hgn hfv tIdepw Iqn ]nSn-n-epw ioe-ap tImhm-e\v Aq-dm \Inb ap-dn-bn-mWv A]Y kmcw P\w Adn-bp-sa-Xv FmWv P\w ]d-bp--Xv. Bfn Ipdn-b-hs\ \-cpXv F ]g-a-m ]d- ]mTw ad-m-Xn-cp-m \v.

ASn-p-dnv: Cu\mw t]np ac-nIqv. IqsS Hcp \p-am-bm IY-]-d-btWm?


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appi hippi, chengannoor (August 29, 2011)
ivane Pandanatte kandam vazhi odickanam
thomas banglore (August 27, 2011)
believers journalinte platformiloode pongi vanna aalalle pandanadan. kalam mari chavittan nanamille. anjooru roopakku ottikkodukkunnavan shame on you dear brother.
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