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_me FXp k`c\mWv?

rajan Ariyappallil
Author: rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 30, 2013
Views: 24114

Which church does Balan go to?.
]m n.Fkv. _me (tkmdn ap ]m) GXp k`bnse AwKamWv? ]v GtXm k`bnse AwKambn. BhnsS \nw apSnbnpw GtXm H k`bn AwKamWv X AhImisSpXv icnbmtWm? GXmbmepw Bcyn s]mhq n.Fkv. _me Fhs k`bnse AwKaam Fv X¡mew Adnm aXn. Ctlns hnizس AKmbnse k`bn F{X AwKapsdnbmtam? hsSt CybpsS {]knUmXnap]v H tNmZnv t\mv icnbmb hnhcw e`nw. doPnbs `mchmlnbmIm XmfpsS kn^nv thWsadnbnmbn. ASpv Ce ap]v k`bpsS sa env s]mhqv Abp \Im {ianmw. AXp hsc H janv tm. GPp am ]mdpam hhw Dvn AdnbnI ]mdns Hgnhp \nIn Xmcm\mbncnw AXpw th tm.. GXmbmepw km[mcWmc\mb hnizmknsbmfpw H t{KUv Iqn XXn\v \n ]dbWsav ]t Rm AXv Fs\ ]dbpw ]mtd.


Displaying 5 Comments
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jr (May 27, 2013)
balane pole tharayakaruth nammude languagum.
wellwisher (May 4, 2013)
RA should not worry too much about valan. He does not control your future. He was a pastor. But today he is controlled by the spirit of Jezebel that will try to wipe out men of God from our community. Pastors who pay money today to this guy to destroy another pastor is yielding to that Jezebel spirit. They will reap what they are sowing today.
tharakan mt (May 3, 2013)
ha ha ha
well wished (May 2, 2013)
My comment is in the wrong column. I am really sorry, will pay more attention next time.
well wished (May 2, 2013)
Ellavarkkum Ella subjects ishtamakanamennilla. Ishta pettathu Varumbol comments ezhuthunnu. Ellarudeyum chintakalum different anallo. Hearty condolence for the grieving family. God bless.
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