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Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tn ]nKm-an-bmcv?

Who is the next leader for Church of God Kerala State
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 12, 2013
Views: 89363

Who is the next leader for Church of God Kerala State.
Nv Hm^v tKmUv C CUym tIcfm tnse Nne hnj-b-fmWv Ign Nne e--fn N sN-s--Xv. CXv hyn-]-c-amb IS-p-I-b--amWv F hmZw Nne tI{- Dbp-I-bp-m-bn. Fm Bi-b-]-c-amb hnai-\-amWv tPW Dbn-b-Xv. `c-W-nse sXmb \S-]-Sn-I-sf-bmWv tPW hnain--Xv. CXv kw_--ambn ]{X-{]-h-Icmb Nne-cp-ambn tv Hmhkn-b \S-nb kw`m-j-W-n Xs \ne-]m-Sp-I hy-am-p-I-bp-m-bn. `c-W-]-c-amb Imcy--fn X\n-p k-fpw hy-am-n. `c-W-n-te-dn-bnv Hcp hjw XnI-bp-hm t]mIp Cu k`-n IqSp-X Imcy--a-amb `cWw DmIpw Fv ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkv ]d-p.

Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tn ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm cm-a-\m-sW \ne-bn Hcp hm Nne am[y-a--fn hn-cp-p. CXv sXm-sWpw cm-a F Ah-Im-i-hmZw kzb-ambn Dm-n-b-XmsWpamWv Hmhkn-b Iukn-en hy-amnb-Xv. \ne-hn ]m ]n. Pn. amXyqkv Akn-v Hmhkn-b ]Z-hn-bn-ep-v. Hmhkn-b-dpsS A`m-h-n `c-W-]-c-amb Imcy- \n-ln-p-Xv Akn-v Hmhkn-b-dm-Wv. Atm cm-a-\m-sc hmZ-n\v {]k-n-bn-m-Xm-Ip-p. ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkv Xs `c-W-Im-em-h[n ]qn-bm-p-tm B Itk-c-bn Fp-hm kzbw- B-{K-ln-p--hcpw P\w B{K-ln-p--h-cp-amb At\-I-cp-v. AXn-\mbn AWn-b-d-bn \ow \S-nbpw X{- sa\-pw Nne Bfp-I Ifw icn-bm-p Xnc-n-ep-am-Wv.

2011 ]m Fw. Ipn Hmhkn-b Bbn-cp Imev Itk-c-bvmbn Nne-cpsS \o- A-dnv _neo-thgvkv tPW P\-]w Adn-bp-hm Hcp A`n-{]mb kt \S-p-I-bp-m-bn. 2011 G{]n amk-n {]kn-o-I-cn B ^e-{]-Jym-]\w icn shbvp \ne-bn- ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkv Hmhkn-b m\-s-n. 3311 t] A`n-{]mb kt-bn ]s-Sp-p. 23.37% thmp t\Sn dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv apn-se-n. \ne-hn-ep-m-bn-cp Hmhkn-b ]m Fw. Ipn 18.48%tmsS cmw m\-s-n. 14.13% thmp-t\Sn ap ssh. ]n. C. {]kn-Uv ]m kn. kn. tXmakv aqmw m\-s-n-bXv Ap-X-am-bn. ImcWw Atlw ]T-\-tmSpw ip{iq-j-tbm-Sp-ap _-n Ata-cn--bn Bbn-cp-npw ip{iq-j-I-cpsS CS-bn X\n-p AwKo-Im-c-n\v tImw Xn-bn F-Xn\v AXv sXfn-hm-bn. {]kw-K-I-\mb ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm, ]m s_k ambn, ]m tPm Ipcy, ]m ]n. Pn. amXyqkv Fn-h sXm-Sp m\--fn-se-n.

]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkv Xs Imem-h[n ]qn-bm-p-tm ASp km[yX Bsv tPW At\z-jn-p-p. Hmhkn-b m\-s-p-hm km[y-X-bp--h-cpsS Hcp env R Chn-sS Ah-X-cn-n-p-p.

1) ]m ]n. Pn. amXyqkv
2) ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm
3) ]m kn. kn. tXmakv
4) ]m tPm Ipcy
5) ]m s_k ambn

IqSp-X t]cp-I hmb-\-mv \nt-in-mw.
Ch-cn Bcv?

1) ]m ]n. Pn. amXyqkv
2) ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm
3) ]m kn. kn. tXmakv
4) ]m tPm Ipcy
5) ]m s_k ambn

Fkv. Fw. Fkv. Abvt \: 9447368795


Displaying 113 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
john (October 22, 2015)
john philippinte diva swopnam poovaniyilla

johnson (muscat) (October 20, 2015)
i suggest rev. john philip (ex. opa pastor) as the next leader of cg. his two years ministry in opa was very blessed to us. he have quality leadership and pastoral ministry.
church of god is the greatest!! (August 5, 2015)
Bhutan Kunjumon pastor (a.m varghese). now in USA. i want him as the oversear
peter new (July 7, 2015)
who said john philip is a good leader.everybody knows his perfomance in opa muscat last year. it was very poor and he failedin pastoral ministry there.then how can he lead whole churches in kerala.i think peter is john philip

peter (July 6, 2015)
why you people forgetting rev john Philip ezhamkulam .He is a well educated matured spiritual,and able to lead cg but he is not a politician I think he is the best candidate for next leadership
roy,pennukara (September 12, 2013)
it seems you are not normal. you say sorry one time then later say i am not sorry. i know you long time. i know pr. john thomas also. compare to you he is nothing in fraud business. if you are genuine in you statement can you reveal you real name. then i can say you are a real man, now you are fraud. can you prove pr. john thomas took church money, but i can prove you took money from your church during church building time and commission from the builder.
sunny.t (September 12, 2013)
i have a requst for ipc people you guys need to stay out of the business of church of god (please). there is many capable leaders in church of god kerala state to be the next overseer. let them take care of their business. why you guys worried about church of god. we will worry about church of god. like we read in the book of judges (holy bible) in his time god will raise good and faithful servants to oversee his people, i am a strong believer of that. so please stay out of their business and that time we can use wisely to bring some sauls to christ, that will be an asset for us in here as well as in the kingdom of god too.
varghese thomas (September 12, 2013)
houston, You said "just because i don't like them i wrote like that". If I really recognize you, you are sharon ordained minister. What kind of christianity you follow? You took part in Lord's supper with those pastors in Detroit. Even after Lord's supper, you still keep grudge. That means you are not right with God. Get right with God. It is not good to fight with servants of God. Take my advice and get rectify with those ministers. Please don't write something just because you don't like them.
roy,pennukkara (September 12, 2013)
st, you mentioned some names and said they are fraud and immoral. Later you said sorry. did any of these pastors try to take overseer position. I know them all none of them are interested to go to India to get that post. you have to call these GOD's servants and say sorry before curse coming on you and your children. you are not s. t, you are s. k. for you now everything seem good but in no time it can turn up side down. cry now, not later.
sunny.t,houston (September 12, 2013)
br. varghese, i am really sorry for the comments i made about pastors john thomas, johnson zechariah, cc thomas. just because i don't like them i wrote like that. i am extremely sorry. frankly they are real servants of god. they are capable to be the overseer. sorry one more time. i know you recognize me.
varghese thomas (September 11, 2013)
I know all those guys and they are great. Can you prove their issues? Please be very careful before put any cheap comments. God will handle you. I believe, you are really a fraud. Otherwise you could use your real name. Who are you to judge God's servants?
elias (September 11, 2013)
We may include XXXX into the list. He
has political, immoral, and business experience. Biggest fraud in the world.
another cog (September 10, 2013)
Yes, I agree we need to incorporate Pastor John Thomas and Eapen Cherian into the list. We need energetic, clean imaged people at Overseer position. Thank you cog.
matthews (September 10, 2013)
pr. p j james is doing more time he can do the same
cgi ,pastor (September 10, 2013)
next overseers

1. p g mathews

2. eapen cherian

3. p c cherian

4. c.c thomas
cog (September 1, 2013)
Please include Pr. Eappen Cherian's & Pr. John Thomas (Houston) names on the list.
a. s. mathew (August 28, 2013)
brother james mathew: i do agree with you 101%. we all, though differ in our theological standpoint and in the spirit of fundamentalism and holiness outlook, we all have the same lord jesus, and he is the only hope of the world. let us all pray and work together to draw the attention of the darkened world to the light "jesus christ".
james mathew (August 28, 2013)
However let us use this source to proclaim the good news. The eternity with Jesus in the new world can be ensured only individually by individual; only if they open an account(ENTRY) in Jesus Christ through Acts, 2:38; deny the works of the flesh by continuous & conscious training relying in Holy Spirit and ensure the fruit of the spirit is in them as described in Gal.5:22. Then there will be Fr. Damien, Mother Theresa,Mahatma Gandhi etc., among the children of God. When claiming " yes I, he/she are with fruit of the spirit" don't forget the importance of the 'ENTRY' and 'EXISTENCE'. Let us see and serve others in Christian Love to be witnesses of Christ. we are not yielding souls for Christ but yielding Christ for souls. When we seek leaders to lead the folk, stick on the spiritual quality not on the visible personality, Speakership,Official efficiency, outward expressions of fear of God etc.
a. s. mathew (August 27, 2013)
BROTHER JOY CHEMBAKASERI: Thank you so much for that exposing comment. Everybody is distinctively unique in their outlook of life, even while faced with scriptural issues. If we can have an open talk through the Christian love on different topics, that can teach us all a lot; also we can make the necessary alterations from our blindfolded and orthodox thinking. Please write touching different subjects, either scriptural or other subjects.
joy chembakaseri (August 27, 2013)
Bro:A.S.Mathew/J.Mathew/Thepraize n everybody else- don't be disturbed by someone's emotional inappropriate outburst.I had been through worst scenarios than you all,that never ever bothered me!People are of different temperaments,intellectual levels,variation levels in knowledge and on top of that some are just characters who never want to improve or be better! For some its a kind of psychological disorder or frustration.A paranoia that has affected these hum-drums,that they burst out at anything and everything,'cause they can't do anything better in life!These rodents creep into websites under false names and bash out at things and feel gratified!An award of gallantry should be given to them! Have you all noticed the one word,one line,two line responses,like little children talking-- Its not because they are busy doing something else in the middle of it,but that that's all they can do, and that too for a gratification! So,don't be disturbed--- God Bless you all___ !!!
a. s. mathew (August 27, 2013)
contd:2 shampoo or soap in their life time, and never seen a doctor. our hands got very greasy and we had to sanitize the hands more often. we had only water for 8 hours, no solid food. if we can make a visit to a slum in any city of india, we will have a total change of attitude and will thank god, how greatly we are blessed. by our laying of hands, none was healed. but after the medical camp, when the gospel was presented by the pastor in the narrow open and dirty place, the rush of people to accept christ was like a tornado, and i had to hold on to a poll because i was afraid they they will push me down. many churches were established in the slums through such ministries by various religious groups. touching the discarded person will create greater relationship with that person and we can share the love of christ in a more effective way. thank you for your kind response. god bless you.
a. s. mathew (August 27, 2013)
brother james mathew: i don't have any misunderstanding with you, indeed greatly appreciate your open-friendly talk about a spiritual subject. jesus felt compassion to the hungry people who were listening to them for three days. the disciples gave a cold shoulder to their hunger with a big question mark " how we can feed them". jesus did the miracle of multiplying the five loaves of bread and three fishes. we, the believers are not going to do what jesus did, but we can open the billfold and buy food to the many according to the availability of funds. jesus healed the leper, but we can tell about the healer by touching them. while i was participated in a medical camp in a slum in delhi, my job was pouring cough medicine and antibiotic to small bottles for 8 hours; besides, along with a pastor of kerala origin, we both had to lay our hands on every person came through the line and prayed for them. those people have never
james mathew (August 27, 2013)
Br. A.S., If u will not misunderstand me please let me tell- Your thoughts represent today's believers with scattered faith.They are unable to distinguish between the fruit of the Spirit and the imitation fruit. Jesus touched leper for divine healing and they healed at once. But what was the result of touching by Father Damien and Mother Theresa. were they healed? They could only comfort and make a sense of some one is caring them till their death. Lepers may have heard about Christ through Damien and Mother and comforted by comparison of the suffering of Christ compared to their sufferings.But no history says they could ensure a leper for eternity with Christ. How can they give that what they have not? If they were entered in to their ministry through Acts,2:38 they could have done the best for the lepers. However Holy Spirit can help if we request, to understand the scripture properly.
viswasi (August 26, 2013)
To independent: Very Funny!!! If you looking for a Bigger Malayali Church in Dallas it is Hebron IPC. But not certainly the best Church!! I am not a member of Metro COG. But it is considered as one of the best spiritual/vibrant Church in Dallas. There are many Churches in Dallas much better than Hebron like Sharon, Philedelphia, East Dallas, Zion, Bethany etc....
comedy (August 26, 2013)
COG is just a comedy. Lack of leaders.
independent (August 26, 2013)
metro man - when you think of a pentecostal church in dalls. the first church comes to mind is hebron ipc. i have heard great things about metro after the new pastor satish kumar. he is a great man. if you remove him from the church and you will see how metro will end. i think he is the only leader here in usa or a capabale pastor representing cog. i heard he is sharon fellowship church ordained.once again i prove my self about cog. lack of leaders.can someone tell me one more good cog church
a. s. mathew (August 26, 2013)
brother james mathew: very briefly may i thank you for your touching comment. jesus touched the lepers, mother theresa and father damian touched the lepers. they did because of christ's love in their hearts. how many so called leaders of the religious hierarchy of all denominations will touch a leper? i do remember late bishop m.a. thomas of rajastan touched the lepers with god's love. how many people of other religions are doing this? only those people who are fully charged with the love of christ can do that. do they have personal relationship with christ? are they bearing the fruit of the spirit? what are the fruits of the spirit? president john f. kennedy said that he was comfortable with only one protastant preacher, that was dr. billy graham.
james mathew (August 26, 2013)
Contd..2 -If Mother Theresa,who was under catholic faith, Viewing Jesus and Mary equally important for salvation and immersed in Rosary will be in better position in heaven than Dr. Billy Graham, why he preach a theology other than that of the Roman Catholics? Please pray for the right revelation on the New Testament programme of God to build up the Bride Church and to have anointed leaders to guide people in the right path without reluctance to proclaim the truth.
james mathew (August 26, 2013)
Br. A.S., Please don't be disappointed on seeing various comments. your problem is projected in your response itself, that you claim your views for uplifting Jesus Christ is appreciated by secular publications and non Christians ie. by the world.I,with full respect,request you to recognise God's plan for salvation of mankind.It is not a secular or sacramental way.I am also disappointed on the outward expressions of general Pentecostals.But the truth,the simple straight line to the target,is in the word of God which even the leaders are not caring. I am still sad to remember the comment of Dr.Billy Graham as quoted by you regarding his position in the heaven compared to Mother Theresa.It proves he is not a New Testament Evangelist.contd..2
a. s. mathew (August 26, 2013)
believer london: thank you from the bottom of my heart for your uplifting comment. may god richly bless you. i write comments in various secular news papers in india and uplifting the name of jesus, the non-christians show greater response to that.
joy chembakaseri (August 25, 2013)
i welcome bro roy, thiruvalla's suggestion, that its high time for all pentecostals to be under one umbrella.if there is real spiritualism in us there wouldn't be any factionalism amongst us.factionalism only help leaders who make use of it to establish their personal identity, it's not about glorifying god any way! it's okay for us to keep ourself at a safe distance with some one whom we think is causing a problem in some way and we can still love them from at a distance, at the same time there is no need for so much fragmentation of little little and tiny churches. i am wondering if we all stayed together, heavens would rejoice much more!

on a different note bro a.s.mathew, you were talking about the 1971 dodge having no seat belts, how about the 2013 buses having no seat belts, especially for the one's sitting in the front row,if the bus driver applies a sudden brake, the front rovers are bound to fly out thru the front wind shield, have you thought about it?
believer london (August 25, 2013)
A S Mathew need not feel guilty about highlighting the name of Jesus Christ and his love and healing to many....Jesus even rebuked the pharisees of his time who were more legalistic and less humanist...i really doubt if any account opened with Christ through the strict legalist pentecostal doctrines will lead that person to the eternal life if he/she fails to show humane behaviour and love to his fellow brethren...jesus loves the humble hearted tax collector rather than the sels praising self righteous pharisee who followed all the strict rules and wonder God has started using less legalist christians these days through his Holy Spirit to proclaim his love and Good News to the lost world ...much more than the so called self righteous doctrine following Pentecostals
a. s. mathew (August 24, 2013)
brother roy thiruvalla: i do sincerely apologize to you and everybody else for my comments and i will not write comments for a few days. i do indeed feel very guilty. now, i have a humble question to you, is this "beliver's journal" or "election journal"?
roy,thiruvalla (August 24, 2013)
why a. s. Mathew is writing long comments all over . This column is about next cog overseer, not for other subjects . We are not interested in long comments.
a. s. mathew (August 24, 2013)
contd:3 when i was landed in the u.s. in 1971, i was greatly surprised to see the bumper stickers with christian messages like " jesus is coming soon'-honk if you love jesus' - if rapture takes place, the car will be empty- etc, now we can see a small fish at the back and a tiny writing at the number plate " we trust in god". when i pass through the busy stores, hardly anybody even reading the writing on my cap say any exciting comment, because they don't have that much love to jesus. they are all going to church and enjoy the comfort zone worship and may be singing " how i love jesus", but outside they have a different god called "materialism" from monday to saturday. i am not afraid to say that the once bible based country, has turned away from god, and the reaping time has started through severe natural calamities-prolonged economic melt-down and crime etc. i have simply cleared your doubt about my personal relationship with jesus.
a. s. mathew (August 24, 2013)
contd:2 my whole body was infested with a skin disorder. itching all the time and infection. went to three specialists, gave me medicines but no cure. finally, called upon the same healing jesus and he touched me. then another problem " my face began to turn dark in colour and black scales began to form. i saw a cap in a store " i love jesus my great god" but kept at home. one day, while praying to god, i heard a voice " are you ashamed of me, why you are keeping the cap at home, wear it, i will heal your skin problem and show you that america doesn't love me any more". i began to wear, within a day or two, my skin problem was completely healed. i wear this cap everywhere i go, even worn that while traveling through the city trains in new york city, three days before the hitting of hurricane sandy. brother, as st. paul said " i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ, so jesus is the most important thing in my life-he is real and living today". contd:3
a. s. mathew (August 24, 2013)
brother james mathew: dear brother, how you came to the conclusion that i am not a follower of christ? i don't have the right to tell, what kind of personal relationship mother teresa had with jesus. i had a brother who died when he was 21 days old, and one beggar who came to my mother's home said " your second child also will die on the 21st day, if not god has a plan for his life". i was almost dead when i was 21 days old, came back to life, miracle no 1. when i was 10 years, i had yellow jaundice and was very critical, my father even thought of making a coffin for me. i do remember like yesterday, my crying mother, dad and the rest of the family stood around my bed, they lifted me the yellow body and asked me to pray to jesus to heal me. i barely did and laid down in the bed for a few more hours, but jesus did the healing. many other healing miracles have happened in my life. even four years back, while taking medicine for spring allergy attack, contd:2
james mathew (August 24, 2013)
.....contd 2- I hope you were baptised to open an account with Jesus Christ. Now if you don't think it is important u are spreading wrong message. Those who are living a Christian life with the fruit of the spirit alone will attain eternity with Jesus. God seek those surrendered to Him to be His Tongue to proclaim the message of salvation. we all are designated for God's purpose and we cannot comment on matters as religious leaders do in the label of Christianity. God bless.
james mathew (August 24, 2013)
Br.A.S, Why I interfere here is to state without reluctance that,Bible says every one born in the earth has to be/can be redeemed by Jesus Christ in the New Testament period.Then only he/she can have an account with Jesus Christ.All their good deeds can be added for heaven only through this account.That is the basic of the God's plan.There are so many personalities,among all religions and even those denying God,working sincerely for the society,for the poor and for the left out by the society.They are appreciated,rewarded and remembered in the world,even in statues . What we are discussing in this forum is about the true Christianity to correct the system.As such we have to insist in propagating the truth even though it may not be supported by the majority.It is well and good to appreciate Mother Thresa,Fr.Damien,Nelson Mondale , Mahatma Gandhi etc. etc.for their sacrifices for the target. But attaining the eternity with Jesus Christ is entirely different matter. .. Contd.2
a. s. mathew (August 24, 2013)
cond:2 i had no reading habit while i was young but later on caught the habit of reading and the main line of books were the autobiographies of great christian saints. in that group father damian-francis of assisi- mother teresa etc were included, and their practical life of self-denial and suffering for the humanity inspired my life greatly. my father was the first doctor in our village and i started washing the wounds of people from the very early part of life, which gave me greater joy in life. we have a spiritual obligation to look after the needy in our own denominations, also people of other denominations and religious faith. at the day of judgement, the statement " whatever you have done to the least of my brethren have all done unto me", is that going to be only preaching and baptism?
a. s. mathew (August 24, 2013)
brother james mathew: perhaps, your constructive criticism was led by god for me to open new chapters in writing comments. while reading the new vision magazine, dr. babu paul wrote his own experience as the collector of palghat dist and later on at idduki district. he was 29 when he became the collector of palghat. there was a seventh day hospital and many people came to know jesus christ through that hospital, and while in idduki, the german missionary operated catholic hospital brought many non-christians to the love of christ. after participating a slum church worship in delhi in 2006, (i thought i was flying to heaven while heard their singing in hindi which i don't know) these people working in the street with poor clothing tried to keep a distance from me, but i did hug some of them, which made them very happy. we need to show a loving christ, not only through preaching but through our compassionate actions. contd:2
a. s. mathew (August 24, 2013)
brother james mathew: i love you brother for your great concern.

to name a few people who trusted in god without sending appeals are

george muller of bristol, mother teresa and william booth of salvation army. rev. jimmy swaggert showed the pictures of food distribution in the calcutta slums and raised millions of dollars, but mother teresa never sent an appeal for money, but god provided for her great ministry.

rev. jimmy swaggert made a statement attacking mother teresa that she should do this and that, else going to hell. within a few months, his ministry went upside down due to some other reasons. brother james, we have created our own code of external holiness while discarding internal holiness taught my jesus christ. jesus said "love one another", what was the name of the first century church? now there are over 275 denominations, and the tendency is to love each other, the believers of our own denominations only, contrary to what jesus taught us.
james mathew (August 24, 2013)
I am very sad to see the fall of a god's child baptised by Pr. K.E. Abraham and had friendship with Pr. T.M Varghese. We are to be with Christian love to the people, irrespective of cast, creed or religion. But we are responsible to proclaim the true path of salvation to every one without reluctance. If the statement of Dr. Billy Graham, quoted by you about mother Theresa is true I can say Dr.Billy Graham is also ignorant about the need of salvation through Christ to enable a man/woman to enter in heaven. Sorry.
j thomas (August 24, 2013)
let pjj continue for 2-4 yrs, then eapen cherian, then p c cherian,
a. s. mathew (August 23, 2013)
brother wilson-doha: thank you for your kind response and prayers. god bless you. brother saji-london: thank you for your response. i was baptized by pastor k.e.abraham and it was taken place in church of god baptistry in mulakuzha. my father and myself were baptized on the same day and both pastors k.e.abraham and t.m.varghese were our personal friends. our family was perhaps the pioneers in our village to open doors for the pentecostal and brethren believers to have prayer meetings. i have genetically inherited, also spiritually a nature of looking above the denominational walls and to love god's children of all denominations; because we all have the same place in heaven, the sitting place may be different based on our spiritual performance on earth. dr. billy graham after meeting mother teresa said in a crusade that " i don't deserve a place like mother teresa in heaven". i was not talking about the politics of a particular denomination, sad to say, politics is everywhere.
saji london (August 23, 2013)
a s mathew ,i did't know that you are not from pentacostal background. sorry brother for all pentacost politics. all of us are accountble. we are learning lot of things from you.thanks ra
wilson doha (August 23, 2013)
Yes ,Brother A S Mathew we will pray
beliver (August 23, 2013)
hi,Independent,Please learn something from AS Mathew.

a. s. mathew (August 23, 2013)
BELIEVER: Dear brother, your comment was highly touching and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please me keep me in your prayers, that I may be used in a humble way to be a blessings to the readers in any way possible.
a. s. mathew (August 23, 2013)
as an outside observer loving god's children of all denominations from the catholic all the way to the other side the pentecostals, i am simply bringing a suggestion. there are several names popping up to be the overseer of the church of god in india; and all of them are capable in different gifts like preaching, organization and missionary work etc. now, all the way from the grass root level of each local church, the election politics has started. last year i read that the coptic church of egypt, while electing their presiding bishop, there were 7 bishops for the post. they put the names and a young boy picked the name out of the rolled list of names and that bishop was elected as the presiding bishop.

instead of starting political fight, let these church of god candidates proposed by the believers may get together, pray very earnestly through fasting and select an overseer out of them in christian love through a secret ballet. less politics and wasting money but pleasing god.
believer (August 23, 2013)
talk something good like a s mathew or joy chempakasseril. i think a s mathew is very godly but not pentacostal. avoid politics and think whatever is true, whatever is honorable,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is so good repute.
metro man (August 23, 2013)
Sir Independence, have you heard of Metro Church of God in Dallas? very good leadership, very large congregation, no protected pastor
independent. (August 23, 2013)
biggest joke of all times is the usa malayalee pentecostal churches affiliated with the church of god in usa. no leadership skills or a good cog church in usa. it is simply an organization where pastors are protected.
church of god (August 23, 2013)
Chummathay oru thamasha
ipc believer (August 23, 2013)
If all of you are indians stop affiliating with the vellumbans and become a one denomination. Indian Pentecostal Church. Let's try to see what we can do with that
a. s. mathew (August 23, 2013)
please forgive me. i am not taking the space deliberately but trying to draw attention to some import spiritual issues we are faced with today. a few days back i got an e-mail from a strange facebook friend about the franklin graham crusade in hyderabad. when i read that, i came across with a familiar name (only once i came across with his name) " benny prasad " who gave his testimony at the crusade. so i went to the "youtube" and really thanked god for his miracle of healing-testimony-faith-simple lifestyle and record breaking trips all over the world, than any other person in history in 6 years 6 months and a few days. jesus is the total focus of his talk; no money-prosperity-anything else. please go to "google" search engine and enter "benny prasad" and listen to his testimony which will inspire the young and old. god has raised him for this generation to reach-out millions of people around the world, especially in india. please pray for him daily in our prayers.
believer (August 23, 2013)
I agree with Roy Thiruvalla. Let's all unite and become one pentecostal denomnation.
pastor cj (August 23, 2013)
it is well known evg.sushil mathew is seeking good position in cog-kerala in future. he has already done good job to organize rfccc and international conference in mulakuhza in october. i believe this will be bigger than cog state convention. he is well respected in us and india, he is best qualified in organization and leadership.
a. s. mathew (August 23, 2013)
BROTHER ROY, THIRUVALLA: It is terribly sad to to watch the splitting

spirit among the believers of the same denomination with the same doctrines and administration. When we ponder the cardinal and mysterious root cause behind this spirit is simply for vested interests, and the main focus is for leadership roles for us- somebody of our blood relationship or friendship. I do remember reading the news, 45 years back that one Pentecostal denominational believers marching in front of another mainline Pentecostal denomination boasting about their holiness in love, while the other denomination was faced with an internal conflict and high level friction towards the leadership. Is that march pleasing unto the Lord? The world communism was split on two basic difference. Mao believed through the barrel of a gun leftish) but the other group differ in that ideology, however only two. What about the Churches of three and four families by the dozen in each city of the same denomination?
roy,thiruvalla (August 22, 2013)
Don't get upset about my previous comment. I think it is high time to merge all pentacostal churches and form one body. why we need different denominations.most of these churches have not enough qualified leaders. they are considering pastors from America.Why???

think about my suggestion.IPC is a well known name,easy to remember.let us take that name and go foreward.
mathews (August 22, 2013)
P C Cherian is a Good speaker ? Chumma bahalam undakkum
lucifer (August 22, 2013)
Njan Akam , Yentha yellarkum sammatham Ano ?
babu. pathanapuram (August 22, 2013)
halo. I p c allathavar enthine church of godinte karyathil thala punnakkanam ?? ningalude karyam nokkin. church of godukar nokki kollum avarude karyam. poochakke ponne urukkunnidathe enthe karyam ???????
us church of god member (August 22, 2013)
Believer- People in kerala should be the overseer. Not anyone from abroad. Out of all the people you chose Baby Daniel. Were you joking or serious.
konni (August 22, 2013)
Rev. T Thomas (Dallas) is a great choice.
pastor (August 22, 2013)
Roy thiruvalla, Are you kidding? Who is the very capable leader in ipc? What ipc has more than others? I know most their leaders personally. Most of them got into their current position because of money and political influence. Some of them are not even a local pastor before got into their current position. We have enough leaders and we will manage CG. Please don't worry about it.
kochumon (August 22, 2013)
call pastor p a v sam for another 5 years
roy,thiruvalla (August 22, 2013)
it is better to approach IPC leaders to give somebody who is very capable to fill this overseer position on deputation base or let cog merge with IPC.
jose (August 22, 2013)
i recommend pg mathews or pc cherian as next overseer and eappen cherian as asst overseer.
believer (August 21, 2013)
I think it should be from abroad. Baby Daniel should be the next Overseer.
joseph (August 21, 2013)
Now we facing the problem of lack of efficient leader. so plz find out some pastors and give the proprer leadership trainning with help of world mission other wise the future of Cog keralastate will be,,,,,
sam (August 21, 2013)
I understand some spiritual and educated young sevents of God among the faculty in Mount Zion Bible College who has the potential to lead the church with courage. if they get some practical training, they will be a perfect leaders.
joy,neduvelli (cog) (August 21, 2013)
why can't we give Pr.M. Kunjappy one more chance. He lost last ballot only because of false accusation. he is best for Kerala. let one from the BJ list go to Karnataka. none from the list are capable enough to govern Kerala church of god. they are good for pastoring but not for administration.
a. s. mathew (August 20, 2013)
BELIEVER: Good suggestion. Adopting many things from somewhere is a very dangerous idea. There are a lot of things which we can adopt from the U.S.A., but the U.S. made religious marketing trend and the great influence of business mentality in everything is not exactly scriptural. The blind holding onto traditions and the western religious evolutionary ideas must be put into strict testing before the word of GOD; if acceptable, then we adopt and follow them as divinely delegated.
believer (August 20, 2013)
COG can consider pg mathews or eappen cherian this time and pc cherian, j jospeh, tm mamachen m johnson next time, since they have more years to retire.

believer (August 20, 2013)
Can we all unite and have 1 organization and get away from american
truth sayer (August 19, 2013)
first livel- p g mathews, eappen cherian, p c cherian, second level - t m mamachen, m johnson, j joseph, babu cherian, t a seorge , cc thomas etc third level - y reji, a t joseph, benz, shibu k mathew etc these people can lead church of god keralastate in future, they all are capable. but the problem is they all r fighting each other nobody cares about cog
believer (August 19, 2013)
roy thiruvalla, i don't think money is the most important factor. Their salary is not that great. I have a clear picture about their salary. In other churches there is no salary. But they have more politically oriented election than CofG.

When we look from outside it is great position. In reality it is a big head ache to solve all the issues among the churches and pastors. especially transfer. If you ask PJJ, he would say that he is not enjoying the position. But position is position and nobody wants to give up.

believer (August 19, 2013)
COG is the worst organization. They never develop new leaders. How many young peachers have been groomed in COG?
a believer (August 19, 2013)
First of all we are all Indians. Why are we under a white man's organization. There should be only one organization pentecostals amd it should be Indian Pentecostal churches. Let's all unite and have an administaration like the Marthomite church.
a. s. mathew (August 19, 2013)
truthteller: there is no question that all the christian denominations are greatly influenced by the dirty spirit of politics. the buttering-kickbacks-handgreasing-hero worship etc have taken the so called holy chairs of the religious world which is applicable in all the christian denominations in india, especially in the god's country called kerala. sunday worship of reading the bible, but monday through saturday, the worldly system is operating in the church world. can we feel the highly canvassing spirit-lavish spending of money and the fast driving and killing the bystanders to put our relatives or personal friends to the elevated religious seat during the election season? is this really scriptural? brother roy thiruvella: very challenging and solid question! the love for money and positions have replaced the old christian lifestyle of humility and trust in god's provisions and simple lifestyle. god will force us to peddle back to the old kg of spiritual life one day.
roy thiruvalla (August 19, 2013)
if they stop salary from us for overseers, then let me see who is willing to take this position. all are for this money. huge salary + money from ministry like wedding, visiting churches, posting pastors in giving good churches. let the whole system change and i am sure nobody is willing to take this post. i don't think any other church top leaders will get this much salary. it is not for ministry but for that money.
truthteller (August 19, 2013)
remymepral, How can you say PJJ will continue for 10 years? Let more people get into that position. He and all had good harvest in the ministry. They never suffered. But many who started from scratch and suffer for the gospel. Let them also get a chance. There are many ready and waiting eagerly to get into that position from Kerala itself.
remymepral (August 17, 2013)
pastor pj james will continue atleast 10 years more
a. s. mathew (August 16, 2013)
bro. samuel: i do agree with your honest suggestion. i am not a cog member, but i know personally the vast majority of the prospective names mentioned to be elected as the overseer. i do strongly believe that the overseer must be from kerala. if the overseer is living in the u.s. or england and try to undertake the overseer job in kerala, that is practically very hard which will create greater disorder in that post. else the person must shift his residence from overseas to kerala. those people toiled for the kingdom of god in the indian soil the greater part of life must be given that job.
samuel (August 16, 2013)
americayilek sukham anweshich poyavar avidethanne jeevikkatte. cheruppakalam muthal pattini kidannum, keralatthile kunnum malayum kayari irangi kashtappetta daiva dasanmaar ividund. avar mathi njangalk overseer aayitt. American panakkarante ahamkaramalle george dallas num dani newyorkinum..... If u give money give it as gives to God. daivatthinu koduthitt kanakk parayaruth.
george ny (August 16, 2013)
RA , God has given you an extraordianary wisdom . Good that you came back and joining with Sam mathews.Keep it up, Thousands are behind you.

B j is good.Waiting to read on 25th.
cog believer (August 16, 2013)
pr p j james should be continue. he is capable to lead cog kerala with the support of leading pastors and one is there to replace him with the given list.
roy,nirappel (August 16, 2013)

I suggest Rev. Dr. C. V. Andrew's name. He will be a best choice.
or Rev. Moni Mathew N/Y
sunny (August 15, 2013)
we will select our overseer here in kerala. you choose your overseer , do not worry about kerala.let p j james continue. bj is doing a great job.
dani ny (August 15, 2013)
As george dallas said, kerala people want our money only. Anyhow I too look forward the opinion of the people through this survey.
another cog member (August 15, 2013)
What do you mean by decent number? There are few with more than 200 members. If needed, I can reveal names.
george, dallas (August 15, 2013)
i think pr johns thomas from houston is the best candidate from us. but people in kerala they never allow any one from us. they need money that is all from us people. but i like to know peoples opinion om this survey.
cog member (August 15, 2013)
Reply to Another COG Member.

Please tell me one malayalee cog that is a decent size in USA. Please do
thampy (August 15, 2013)
You can add our dear Major. Susheel Mathew's name. He is always in India,especially in kerala. We kerala cg like him.
a believer (August 15, 2013)
REV.Thmampy mathew would be better
beliver (August 15, 2013)
pr. c c thomas, may be pr. roy v sam is better (pr. p a v son)

a. s. mathew (August 15, 2013)
Pastor: Your comment is shedding light to an urgency which we are faced with now. What we see now in the once firebrand evangelical spirited denominations of the olden days, a radical change towards grabbing authority and material prosperity. Indeed the Catholic Church through their charismatic movement is doing far greater evangelization than many of the protestant Churches. King David loved GOD greatly and he was very glad to be a door keeper at the Temple of GOD. Do we have that humility in serving our GOD? If we ask the students of the Bible schools-Colleges and Seminary, the very high percentage of them are looking at the 'Pastoral" post. When they get involved with the Pastoral duties, they need to get a diploma in politics(in India), and the spirit of evangelism would be gone. JESUS's last commission was to "preach the gospel" or be evangelists; how many are interested to do that is the biggest challenge now!
roy (August 14, 2013)
God will raise some people. He may not be famous as you think. Nobody, suggested by journal are good for the spiritual leadership. The names mentioned here also not good. But there are some able and spiritual people. Only God knows them. Pray to God. Let God raise someone, not journal and readers.
mani,ny (August 14, 2013)
I have a very good candidate for Kerala overseer position Rev. P.P. Kurian. consider him in the possible list.

he settled in Kerala and an efficient leader. Proved his leadership

ability in us as naco leadership.
anson ktm (August 14, 2013)
REV.C C Thomas proved he is a good leader.he is young,educated&energetic.
another cog member (August 14, 2013)
cog member, brother, what you are saying is absolutely untrue. there are few big church of god churches too. you said ipc has few. that's true. they have more unity than cg people. they almost always stay together. people like you are the real problem. what you mean by mega churches. in real sense, there is no mega church for malayalees. church of god has a well organized system globally. i am happy to be a cg member. nothing more than that. but remember none of these organizations will take you to heaven. focus on leading holy life in christ.
pastor (August 14, 2013)
We need more Evangelists than ever before. Now lots of Pastors are there. Nobody wants to do servant job, evangelizing etc. All eyes are on big posts. Lets go back to the basics. Preach the gospel to the unreached. Please don't worry too much about the next overseer. It will come as god's plan. Everybody needs to be prepared for Jesus Christ's return. Lets exhort people for that.
tj dallas (August 14, 2013)
Pr. Johnson Zachariah is a good choice for Kerala overseer post. he is an able leader. his father pr .y. Zachariah was a faithful servant of god. this is also a + point to Pr. J.Z
moncy aranmula (August 14, 2013)
a believer (August 13, 2013)
I think Benison Mathai should be the next overseer.He's a humble praying man. He should be a pastor in the usa. Atleast this way there would be 1 good COG pastor in USA.
cog member (August 13, 2013)
i have been a member at a cog ever since i came to usa over 25 years. i think cog is the worst organization for a malayalee to attend in usa. it is govern by the white man. there are no leadership skills in cog. is there any malayalee cog in usa that is a mega church. i see alot of independent churches and ipc churches that are growing. is there any good cog pastors in usa. vellumbantay munbil kuvartha kaanikunnathu nirthu.
pastor tony. hpuston (August 13, 2013)
Pr. John Thomas(Houston) is the best for overseer post, Come and see his ministry here in Houston area. He is a good administrator,highly qualified , very good speaker, no thirst for money. his father Pr. A. T. Thomas served cog more than 50 yrs. and saved nothing for his children. I suggest such leadership is needed now to prepare cog LORD'S return.
cg believer (August 13, 2013)
pr. p j james is doing a reasonably good job. listen, it is not easy to take the leadership role. pcc thinks, he is the apt candidate. but realistically speaking he is not. he is a good speaker,not a good administrator. for that we need some education, background etc. even pgm is not a good administrator. he cares for himself only. i heard he won't even talk anything in the council meetings other for matters affecting him. i like all these leaders. we need somebody who is reasonably educated, capable, caring to be in this role.
pastor sm (August 13, 2013)
How can you limit the number of candidates to 5? There are many more capable candidates. The list includes Pr. John Thomas, Pr. M O Elias, Pr. Thomas George, Pr. Shibu, Pr. Reji, etc. You should have asked for the list from the readers.
a believer (August 13, 2013)
i would like to see pastor p j james more time to do his duties... i believe he is the best candidate at this time... p c cherian thinks he is second... that is pride... will not shine in this position... pr p j james has been serving the church way more than p c cherian can dream of... i hope he will quit playing cheap politics and continue the gift of speaking.... and exhorting the church.... use the gift the lord has given and try to excell in it... god will bless him and use him more....
cgi believer (August 13, 2013)
Pastor John Thomas from Houston can be added to this list.
praise (August 13, 2013)
where did you all come from this list? cct is removed from nacog leadership. how his name is there again? don't you have any other business. even cg people are not that much worried about it.
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