Thursday, September 26, 2024 |

o^ ^nenv {Kmv s{]bdn sslkvIq hmenUntdnb

Stephen Philip Grand Prairie Valedictorian
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 11, 2015
Views: 9344

Stephen Philip Grand Prairie Valedictorian.
sSIvkmv: Up_nkvIn Icnb sslkvIqfns 2015 hmenUntmdnb\mbn aebmfnbpw s]tmkvXv hnizmknbpamb o^ ^nenv XncsSpsp. Umfkv {Kmv {]bdnbn Ign 25 hjambn Xmakn amthenc AdpqnawKew hon ^nenv t__n (jmP), sNq ]dq hnn Xnt tjfn ^nenv (an\n) sbpw aI\mWv o^ ^nenv.
kvIq hjn At\I HmKss\tkjs hnhn[ NpaXeI hlnnp o^ At\I AhmUpI e`nnpXp IqSmsX 2015 kvIq hjnse pUv Hm^v Imc AhmUpw e`nnpv. sF.] sP\d sshkv {]knUv tUm. t__n hKokv ip{iqjn sF.] F_t\k ^p Kokv] Akwn AwKamWv. sSIvkmkv sv bqWnthknnbn tNv sIankv{Sn taP FSpv ^maknv t]mhm\mWv B{Klw.


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